MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 153: Murderously

"Made, come down to Lao Tzu." The soldier took out a shield to block his body and shouted at Li Yao who was still floating in the air.

Then, it was Li Yao\'s arrows that answered him.

In the rapid shooting mode, Li Yao\'s hand speed has reached the extreme.

Even though they were blocked by two arrows, they still hit two arrows. Although the shot was not the key because of being in the sky, it still made the soldier fall below half blood.

Of course, this is also the reason why this soldier is well equipped. If it is an ordinary soldier, the two arrows will be killed by Li Yao even if they are not critical.

"Liaoyuan, do you think I can\'t recognize you? There is a kind of ability to come down with me and float in the sky." The soldier is going crazy. At this moment, Li Yao is constantly hovering and floating above his head, at least there is still At a height of thirty yards, he couldn\'t even touch Li Yao.

Seeing that Li Yao still didn\'t answer, the soldier took out his bow and arrow, bent his bow and set an arrow to chase Li Yao down.

"seek death."

When the shield warrior put away the shield, Li Yao\'s arrow hit his body again, and when the warrior bent the bow and took the arrow, the next arrow had already hit.

Two arrows in a row, and two arrows without shield damage reduction, the warrior immediately emptied his life, and suffocated to the ground.

Turning on rapid shooting is equivalent to turning on the runaway mode, especially for a magical archer like Li Yao, rapid shooting is a magical skill among his magical skills.

Li Yao canceled the effect of the wings, then jumped to the ground and quickly picked up the equipment dropped by the two. After waiting for a minute in the corner and completely out of the fight, he climbed onto the huge roof from the other side again.

"My **** is so cruel."

"Dreambreaker, I don\'t know if these two masters will break up."

"Break up decisively, we hang up together as soon as the guarantee is over, ominous omen."

"As expected to be a Liaoyuan God, he is not at all soft in the face of a delicate girl."

"Doomed lonely life."

"It\'s so enjoyable to watch, especially when the last gliding is condescending, the soldiers will be mad."

"If I were this fighter, I would definitely fight with him after I was offline."

"It\'s easy. They are all contestants. When the exhibition matches are over, there may be a good show."

What the audience discussed was full of enthusiasm. Thinking in another way, this body is also very aggrieved on them, but it is really enjoyable to see the master being played to death like this.

"Sure enough, hey." KB smiled bitterly.

"Fortunately, I didn\'t use this bet." Ozawa also covered his mouth and said: "It can still be like this, alas, we really are not in the same state as him."

"His way of thinking is really weird. You can see from the pastor\'s response. The lasso can\'t hold the master at all. The question is, he uses the snake trap to control the girl. Whether it is a master or not, I believe that the first to see a snake Eyes, especially if they are still entangled on the feet, will definitely scream." KB sighed: "This is no longer a technical reason, but the use of the human heart. It is really terrifying."

"Yes, as long as the priest screams. In any case, the warrior will definitely turn his head, but the lasso has swung over, and it is inevitable. In fact, I have thought of a lot of ways to apply the lasso, but I didn’t expect it to be used like this. ." Ozawa nodded in agreement.

"The point is that it hurts too much, cough cough, I think that a master like him can kill two people with a hard shake. Why do you use this method? It is really, alas, it is estimated that these two masters will be angry to death. "KB said helplessly.

"The way, I remember he said, use the least effort to achieve the desired goal." Ozawa covered his mouth and smiled: "The program works well, and his position has been exposed. The two masters may know each other. If my friend sends out the coordinates of Liaoyuan God in the second trial field, it will be lively."

"You said that, I think the two masters are much better than the previous ones, at least I know who killed them. The one in front of them is called a miserable one, and how to die." KB game said gleefully: " When the exhibition match is over, if you know the truth, maybe you really want to look for the real pk of Liaoyuan God."

"It\'s lively now." Ozawa said with his eyes widened.

"What?" KB asked.

Ozawa adjusted the screen and said, "Look at the regional channels."

Mohaicheng Channel, the fanciful cow: "Liaoyuan is at coordinates 58458, 85478. I want to kill Liaoyuan."

"Crazy, so many people are going over there." KB saw the flashing screen, and many players ran over as soon as they saw the news.


"I have received many invitations and want to deal with you together." Xia Yao sent a communication.

"Let them come." Li Yao replied lightly, obviously not caring.

"Should we go there?" Xia Yao hesitated for a moment and asked.

"No, I come and go freely now. They want to kill me. It\'s not that easy. When you meet, hurry up and try to get the top 100." Li Yao doesn\'t want them to come. He now goes high. Yes, it is very free. If you gather together, it will be troublesome.

"Okay, be careful." Xia Yao hung up the communication after speaking.

Li Yao stood on the height of the building, constantly looking at the surroundings. The undead were actually very annoying. These things are huge and they like to stand on the height of the building.

Not to mention on the roof with a wide view, even in the street, if you walk in the middle of the street, the chance of being found is also very high, just like Li Yao had just been teleported over, he was almost shot by the undead giant.

Suddenly, Li Yao\'s eyes lit up, and he unexpectedly found a small fortress in the city.

It is also correct to say that the fortress, standing on the huge stone pillar, Li Yao clearly saw the situation there.

Li Yao guessed that it should be the residence of a certain big man, and the power is so powerful. Not far from here is a beautiful building area. Of course, it is said that the beauty is the past, and it is now dilapidated. The carvings show the identity of the owner.

The mansion is like a castle, the surrounding walls are more than ten yards higher than ordinary places, and they are thicker, like a city in a city.

Li Yao quickly wandered around the mansion and found a huge garden, which should be the back garden. Then the whole building is closed, the gate is all metal casting, sealed, only the side gate becomes a gap to allow small creatures to enter and exit.

"It\'s a great place." Li Yao touched his chin and began to think about the next plan. Now that the approximate coordinates have been exposed, players will definitely flock to him.

Of course he can move places, but in this way, he has to wander around and hunt one by one, and his points increase too slowly.

Although he is now the first in points, the second gap is not too far. He has no patience to play slowly. Since someone comes to give points, if he doesn\'t accept it, wouldn\'t he be sorry for the enthusiasm of others...

ps: Continue to ask for subscription support, and the monthly ticket is still more than a dozen tickets plus more. Recommended tickets.

(To be continued.)