MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 152: Fancy kill

The audience nodded. The lasso trap is different from the skill trap. Although there are some attribute bonuses, it has no skill effect and cannot be invisible.

Not to mention elite players, even ordinary players will not stupidly step on it when they see a circle under their feet.

As for the neck sleeve, please, even if the reaction is not strong, it is very easy to avoid a lasso that is controlled from a height of ten yards.

They really couldn\'t think of the significance of Li Yao using this lasso, but thinking that Li Yao always performed unexpectedly, even the two commentaries did not dare to deny it in a positive tone.

Especially KB\'s face was swollen after being beaten.

Li Yao squatted on the edge, placing the vine in his hand on the edge, mixing with the vine on the wall, which would not arouse any suspicion.

The monster in this street is not asleep, but a huge domestic pig.

Said to be a domestic pig, because this monster does not have the fangs and long hair of a wild boar, but this domestic pig is too huge, at least three yards tall.

But this is obviously also a mutant monster, with disgusting pustules on his body, and his body is also dripping with blood.

Said it was an undead, but apparently still alive. But it is alive, but its body is full of carrion.

Two players, a man and a woman, of course, the man is a warrior and the woman is a priest.

When I walked here to see this monster, the female priest\'s face turned pale.

"The ancient gods are too heavy to taste, and they actually made such a disgusting monster." The female priest was not afraid, but almost vomited in disgust.

"Don\'t watch if you are sick. Just follow me and I will take you away." The soldier looked around vigilantly and said, "But beware of thieves. This trial is too advantageous for thieves."

"Well, I know." The priest girl nodded in agreement, and it would be much more convenient if she could sneak.

Not only will you not be attacked by players, but also because you can avoid these disgusting monsters, and you can also choose the most suitable time for sneak attacks.

Players are now soberly aware of the difficulty and scary of these monsters. It seems that you can get points from monsters, but basically no one likes to provoke the monsters here.

The strength of the monsters here can no longer be estimated under normal circumstances, and too many players are killed by the monsters. They can also see death records.

I know how many people have been eliminated, and they were eliminated in less than a minute as soon as they were teleported in. In such a short time, after a little thought, you will know how terrible monsters are.

"I am a full-time support, and I have no offensive power, which is a drag on you." The priest sister said embarrassedly.

"What are you talking about? If it weren\'t for you, I would have been killed by monsters and players just then. Don\'t be stressed. If we cooperate well and I protect you, no one can kill us." The soldier said seriously. Said.

"Okay, then you have to protect me." The priest girl gave a happy smile. Her skills are absolutely not bad in the second round, saying that these are just...

"Don\'t worry, there is me." The warrior player looked at the top of the building and said jokingly: "I can protect you even if there is a trapeze coming down from the top."

"Ah." The priest girl was about to say something, she suddenly felt her feet tight, and she felt a cold feeling. When she looked down, she saw a snake wrapped around her feet, and subconsciously screamed.

When the priest girl screamed, she saw a vine lasso appear in front of her, and she suddenly understood that she had been attacked.

As a high player who could pass the first round, she quickly reacted, leaning back quickly, avoiding the lasso, and then reacting, quickly saying, "Don\'t look back."

Her ability to react and judge is indeed outstanding, and she has already realized something, reminding the soldiers in front.

But it was too late. Her exclamation made the soldier\'s nerves tense instantly. The soldier was already turning his head when she said the second sentence.

The priest leaned back to avoid the lasso that had swung over, and the lasso had gone back.

When the warrior turned his head, the lasso just swayed, and then the warrior was lassoed around his neck before he understood what was happening, and then he felt his neck tighten and his whole body was hung up.

And the moment Li Yao showed his figure, the monsters on the roof in the distance also looked over, and then lifted the stone.

Li Yao quickly tied the vine tightly, and suddenly jumped down.

I have to say that the pastor\'s response was too fast. She instantly judged the current situation.

She didn\'t try to find a way to rescue the soldier. She knew very well that the soldier\'s weapon could quickly cut off the vine, and she had her own. As long as the soldier was not killed in a second, she could add it back to him.

Now the real danger was herself. Seeing the figure shrouded in black mist that jumped down, she had recognized Li Yao, and her heart became more nervous.

Li Yao\'s strength is beyond doubt, she quickly cast an acceleration feather on herself, and her body ran out like an arrow from the string. At the same time she was ready to chant a spell to release the Holy Light Shield for herself.

She saw the direction in which Li Yao jumped, and chose another direction and ran away in a ninety degree direction from the direction in which he jumped.

A hint of surprise flashed in Li Yao\'s eyes. The priest was indeed powerful. His plan was to trap the warrior and then kill the priest in seconds, but the priest was too calm, and he couldn\'t kill the priest with a dagger anymore.

Just as Li Yao jumped down, there was a rumbling sound from the roof. It was the sound of huge rocks thrown by surrounding monsters.

Li Yao also reacted quickly, the weapon in his hand had been replaced with a longbow, and a wing shining with red light spread out behind him.


When the priest girl put the shield on herself, Li Yao\'s arcane shooting had already landed on her. The holy light shield she had just put on was suddenly shattered in her stunned eyes, and 125 blood was lost.

The priest sister suddenly stopped. Although she had overestimated Li Yao, she did not expect that the other party would break her shield with an arrow.

She is also an elite priest who specializes in support, and can absorb twice the damage that a normal priest shield can absorb. In her plan, she uses the shield to eat two arrows from Li Yao, and then hides behind a large stone not far away.

At that time, the soldiers had also broken the vines, and the situation would be reversed once you hit two. Even if you are a great Liaoyuan God, you can\'t sustain the siege of the two elites.

However, her plan is wonderful, and there is nothing wrong with ordinary elite players, but she is too ignorant of Li Yao\'s injury, one step wrong, wrong step.

In order to solve the battle quickly, Li Yao started rapid shooting when he took out the The priest girl’s shield was just broken, and when the priest stopped, he released an instant heal to herself, and then rolled to avoid the arrow. At the time of the arrow, the second arrow had already landed on her.



The priest girl\'s eyes were full of surprise and unwillingness, and her body slowly fell to the ground. Her crispy skin was directly killed by Li Yao without a shield.

At the same time, the warrior woke up after he started struggling. The one-handed sword from his waist was pulled out and he began to slash the lasso. He cut the lasso with the third sword.

However, what he saw when he fell down was the body of the priest\'s sister.

The soldier\'s eyes were red. He just bragged about protecting his sister, but only then was beaten in the face...

ps: The second chapter is guaranteed, and the account will continue to be paid in the afternoon. In addition, continue to ask for subscription recommendations, especially monthly passes, for help.

(To be continued.)