MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 151: Hunter

Now Li Yao\'s situation is not so optimistic. Although there are not as many monsters on the roof as there are on the ground, he has a wide view on the roof. He walks on it because the passive effect of the Dark Ranger is not a big problem.

But if he makes a move, he will provoke a few monsters after all.

The fire eagle is not suitable to appear in this situation. The aura is too strong. The monsters in this city are the most sensitive to the aura. The fire eagle appears as conspicuous as the fireflies in the night, and it is bound to be under siege.

In the case of spiders, one-on-one may be worthy of these monsters, but they can\'t hold them under siege.

Although the monsters on the ground are denser, they are scattered because of the debris of many collapsed buildings, or some boulders or streets.

This mage is also a wise man, he advances cautiously. Don\'t provoke the guards of Mohai City at all.

When the distance is close, use flash to flash a certain distance, so as not to get too close and wake up the sleeping guard.

The mage was very vigilant, constantly looking at the surrounding environment as he moved slowly, and walked along the root of the wall as much as possible.

Seeing him slowly approaching, Li Yao needed to think of a way to kill the mage quietly without awakening the monster.

A dagger appeared in every hand of Li Yao, standing at the top of a building dozens of yards away quietly waiting for the mage to approach.

Below him, far away from the surrounding monsters, is the most suitable place to kill.

The main light curtain has been kept for Li Yao, and when Li Yao appeared again, they saw Li Yao\'s two daggers sink into the back of a mage\'s neck.

What makes them wonder is why the mage would kneel on the ground, unable to even flash.

Li Yao took the equipment dropped by the mage, turned and left, and his body slowly disappeared again.

"Play it back."

Only the playback can capture the sneaking movement, and the picture quickly appeared. I saw Li Yao standing on the roof dozens of yards, looking at the approaching wizard.

"It seems that this is the first prey of the Liaoyuan God, but why did he take out the dagger?" the host asked.

"I\'m afraid of attracting blame. You have seen other people\'s situation just now. The monsters here are too abnormal, and they feel even better than the boss." Ozawa explained.

"Yes, five thousand have been eliminated directly. It\'s really a terrible place." KB explained: "The mage below is also very powerful. It is used to flash like this, no wonder it has been so stable."

Then they saw the figure of Li Yao on the roof suddenly jumped down.

When Li Yao was about to land, the mage also happened to come over.

Under the huge inertial force, the two daggers all sank into the back of the mage\'s neck, and the audience clearly saw the blankness in the mage\'s eyes.

Then he was overwhelmed by the huge falling power, Li Yao did not hesitate, drew out the dagger and again pierced the mage\'s heart.

The mage was originally a crispy profession, and suffered an attack with great inertia, coupled with a backstab that hit the key from behind, the mage was directly killed in a spike.

Although Li Yao had the buffer of the mage, he still lost nearly four-fifths of his health, which seemed extremely dangerous.

"My God, it can still be like this."

"Pitiful mage, pitiful."

"It\'s so pitiful, I don\'t know how I died until I die."

"Let us mourn for the mage for three seconds."

"Liaoyuan God is really too slippery. I will take this wave. If you don\'t hear it, it will be a blockbuster."

"How do I feel that he will be more promising in playing thieves."

"It\'s Assassin\'s Creed again. How can this make those thieves feel like it."

The audience was excited about the discussion. Li Yao looked at it and found that no monsters were disturbed. Then he repeated his old tricks. After he jumped up, he stuck the edge of the building with a magic spider web, and climbed onto the roof again, looking for the next target.

"Look at other people\'s results." With a smile, he adjusted several pictures.

The two players who met drove the fight too intensely, as a result, the monsters were mobilized, and then they were chased and killed, and then attracted more monsters\' attention, neither of them ran away.

Scenes of tragedies were happening. After fifteen minutes, most players had clearly recognized the situation, and even after they met, they became extremely careful in the battle, preferring to kill their opponents rather than provoke these monsters.

The real hunting began with the vigorous anti-hunting, and the audience also watched it with gusto.

Li Yao quickly discovered the second target, this time it was a warlock, and Li Yao patiently waited for the warlock to come over.

When Li Yao saw her below, he was about to start his hand, and suddenly saw a shadow suddenly appear behind the warlock.

The dagger shining green fiercely pierced the back of the warlock\'s head, and the warlock was suddenly attacked and dizzy.

The thief directly backstabs, backstabs, backstabs, and wipes his throat. Obviously, his elite profession is an assassin, and backstabs can be used together.

After one set came down, the crispy warlock was instantly killed by his set of skills.

The thief bent down to pick up the equipment dropped by the warlock. Suddenly he felt the pain in his back, and then he was overwhelmed by the huge force to the ground. Li Yao also had three consecutive backstabs.

Of course, his backstab has no skill damage bonus.

Rogue Yuan opened his eyes, just like the first mage, dead unclear. In a special trial field, the system will not promote who attacked him.

Li Yao picked up the equipment dropped by the two and boarded the roof again.

The hunter and the prey are really indistinguishable.

However, Li Yao has always been extremely cautious. If he can see through the invisibility, everyone will find that Li Yao is always behind an invisible metal snake.

Soon, half an hour passed, and Li Yao\'s points steadily increased. He soon stood out. The number of players in the bright camp who died in his hands has exceeded twenty.

The audience saw Li Yao constantly changing tricks, or using terrain, or some special props, and always cleverly killing his opponents, and his opponents all died aggrieved without exception.

"No, there are actually two players this time. How should Liaoyuan God respond this time. Or do you want to give up this killing?" Ozawa saw the scene The director finally thought of a way, that is Follow Li Yao\'s route, Li Yao\'s route is very fixed, and he has been walking towards the city center.

Finding the player, I can basically be sure that Liaoyuan will take action.

"A priest, a soldier, it\'s not easy." KB frowned.

Li Yao judged their route, walked a certain distance again, out of sight, grabbed a strong vine, then made a simple lasso, and then hung the vine down.

"Liaoyuan God wanted to make a trap, but why did he make such a simple lasso?" Zhao Li asked.

KB was silent for a while, and shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn\'t know.

Ozawa muttered to himself: "The distance is tens of yards. If it is placed on the ground, the two players will definitely not be fooled. If the neck is set, the distance is too high to control at all. It feels like the lasso is completely useless." ...

Ps: Seeking subscriptions, monthly passes and recommendations.

(To be continued.)