Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 949


Mu Xianxu's shoulders collapsed.

"You take him and watch him until he goes abroad." Lin Yi spoke out her decision coldly.

Two bodyguards immediately stepped forward and pressed mu Xianxu, escorting him to turn around.


Mu Xianxu roared hysterically, "Lin Yi, I don't ask for anything. I just want to stay beside her and be a clown to make her laugh. That's not good either?"

With this sound, the rain outside seems to be getting bigger.

Lin Yi stood in front of him and looked at him indifferently. "A long life is easy to say, but hard to do."


"You stay with her for a short time now. She can still forget and like the next animated character. If you wait for a long time, how can you let her forget?" Lin Yi said that she couldn't help thinking about Jiang Rao.

"You're not me. How do you know I can't?"

Mu Xianxu asked bitterly, struggling desperately. His short hair was wet through, and his sweat was dripping down.

"OK, just think you can do it." Lin Yi's voice sounded coldly in the rain, "can you not be greedy until you die?"


Mu Xianxu stares at her with red eyes“ She likes you, just like a child. " Lin Yi looked at him word by word and asked, "you don't care now, because you are swallowed up by guilt and repentance. After a long time, maybe five years, maybe ten years or even more, this kind of repentance will fade with your efforts, and then you will find that she is not the one you used to be. Your endless feelings are just exchanged for a child's love, You don't greedily ask for more, you don't want her to remember


At that time, how painful Jiang Rao was.

She couldn't imagine.


Mu Xianxu was about to say no when she said, "I won't believe what you say, because I don't want to gamble. I've seen Rao Rao torn to pieces by you. I can't let her break again."

Her friend, she's dead. She can't be run over again.

Mu Xianxu understood her meaning and couldn't help laughing bitterly. His eyes were almost red. "Lin Yi, am I guilty of a capital crime?"


"Since it's not a capital crime, the law urges people to reform. Why should I be judged by you that I can't make up for it all my life?" Mu Xianxu asked bitterly.

"If you say I'm cruel or strong, I'll admit it." Lin Yi stood straight under the eaves and said, "please leave, leave jiangrao's world, and never appear again."

With that, Lin Yi turned to leave, pulled the umbrella from the bodyguard and walked into the rain step by step.

Mu Xianxu stood in the same place, his whole body collapsed, and his clown cap fell to the ground, smashed into the rain water and wet the bright colors.


On this day, it rained harder and harder, and it didn't stop at night.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she could see the golden mask and mu Xianxu's face behind it.

She gazed into the darkness with her eyes open and listened quietly to the rain outside the window.

"Pa --"

Suddenly, the light in the room came on.

Lin Yi was stabbed to cover her eyes. A few seconds later, she turned her eyes and looked at the man sitting up beside her. To her dark eyes, "why haven't you slept yet?"

"You didn't sleep. How could I sleep?" Ying Hannian looked down at her eyes, got out of bed and poured a cup of warm water for her.

Lin Yi sat up from the bed, took the cup and held it in his hand.

"What happened?"

Ying Hannian sat down by the bed and asked with dark eyes staring at her.

"Today, I touch..." Lin Yizheng wants to say. The mobile phone on the bedside table vibrates. She looks over and it's Jiang Rao's agent.

The agent won't call her.

Lin Yi didn't think much, so she picked it up. As soon as she got through, the manager's voice fell into her ears. "Mrs. Ying, are you free now? Can you come out? "

"What's the matter?"

As soon as Lin Yi's face changed, he put the water cup aside and didn't care to drink a mouthful.

"Jiang Rao can't get in touch with clown Wang. We've been looking for her all day. We finally brought her back to the hotel." The agent said at the end of the phone, "but I just found out that she ran out to find someone again.""What about her now?"

Lin Yi asked anxiously.

"We found her, but she won't go back with us, and still won't take an umbrella. I just call you when I can't help it. I'm sorry, Mrs. Ying. I can't do anything to disturb you so late." The agent blamed himself.

"Send me the address right away!"

Lin Yi said as she got out of bed, her shoulder suddenly sank, and there was an extra coat on her body.

She turned her eyes and said, "I'll take you there."


Lin Yi nodded, raised his hand to hold him and followed him out.

When the car was parked in the old city, the wiper fanned so much that it still failed to stop the heavy rain.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Lin Yi recognized through the misty rain that this was the first time she saw mu Xianxu playing the clown king. It should be the first time Jiang Rao saw it. She looked directly at him selling balloons.

The rain beat hard on the glass of the car. She pushed down the window a little to make the view clearer.

Sure enough, a group of people stood in that position, and their voices spread in the rain——

"Jiang Rao, you will get sick like this. Will you come back with us?"

"Shall I play the clown king for you?"

"Yes, we'll all play for you."

Lin Yi heard Jiang Rao's stubborn voice, "no, you're not the clown king!"

Lin Yi was distressed when she heard that. She pushed the door open and got no rain. A black umbrella was propped up above her head in time. She took a look at Ying Hannian beside her, and then walked quickly to Jiang Rao.

"Rao Rao."

Lin Yi spoke out.

Everyone immediately retreated, Jiang Rao stood there, the whole person was drenched like a drowned chicken, a face cold pale, a see Lin Yi, Jiang Rao immediately wronged to her, "sister!"

Lin Yi was pushed back by her, covered with cold rain.

Ying Hannian stands by with an umbrella and looks at Lin Yi's clothes that are instantly wet. His eyebrows are twisted and he asks people to take a dry towel.

He took the umbrella in one hand and the towel in the other hand. Just as he was about to give it to Lin Yi, Lin Yi took it to Jiang Rao to wipe it.


Ying Hannian pursed his thin lips and didn't speak.

"How did you get so drenched? Let's go. I'll take you back to the hotel first. " Lin Yi said anxiously as she wiped her face.

Her voice was very small in the heavy rain. On hearing this, Jiang Rao immediately opened her eyes and shook her head desperately. "No, I want to find the clown king. He said that if I can't find him, I'll wait for him here. He will bring many balloons."