Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 950

Stay in the rain too long, Jiang Rao shivered with cold.

Lin Yi picked up a big towel to wrap her body, barely raised a smile and asked, "Rao Rao, are you already good friends with him?"

"Yes." Jiang Rao nodded vigorously, "sister, clown Wang is OK. He knows what I like to eat and drink without asking me. He also accompanies me to watch cartoons. Ji Ji Ren's sister doesn't want to accompany me."

What childish language.

Of course, he knew that as her former boyfriend, if she didn't even know this, how could she fall so deep.

"What else?"

Lin Yi asked“ And... "Jiang Rao stood there, low eyes looking at the splashing rain flowers on the ground, seriously thought about it, and then opened his eyes brightly," clown king is terrible, I'm so hungry that I can't sleep at night, he called to let me open the door, the door will be left

What I love to eat. "


"When I'm bored, he can always change a lot of small things for me. I'm playing Luban lock recently."


"People always encourage me to say that I'm a good actor, but I know I'm not a good actor." Jiang Rao recalled, "joker Wang also knows I'm not good. He always points out what's wrong with me directly, and then accompanies me to rehearse over and over again."

In the pouring rain, Jiang Rao's voice is not big, but it is vivid and disturbing.

Lin Yi just looked at her face with rich expression. She was only a week away. Mu Xianxu and Jiang Rao had come so close that Jiang Rao would come out in the rain.

"Is it?" Lin Yi laughs very hard, palm presses on her wet head, soft voice says, "I know now, you are good friends, but Rao Rao, you can't be here all the time, such heavy rain will catch a cold."

"I can't get through to him. I'm afraid he won't find me. I have to wait here."

Jiang Rao said persistently, not half willing to leave.

"Maybe clown king is on a mission. It's no use waiting here." Lin Yi said softly.

"No, he said that he would carry out any dangerous task and call me!"

Jiang Rao trusts mu Xianxu's words very much. She says it seriously, but when the word danger comes out, her heart jumps.

"Is he in danger?" Jiang Rao anxiously looks at Lin Yi and excitedly says, "what should I do if there is danger? Sister, you help me find him, you help me find him, or he will die... "

Jiang Rao was so anxious that she cried, her voice choked.

"Rao Rao, listen to me." Lin Yi held her head hard. "Don't worry. The clown king is invincible. You forget that he may be injured, but he won't die."


Jiang Rao stares at her, as if thinking about the truth of her words.

"Rao Rao, the clown king is very busy, just like you are filming. He can't accompany you all the time. Good friends also need a little distance, right?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

"Why distance?"

Jiang Rao looks at her blankly.


Lin Yi was stopped by her and didn't know how to answer for a moment“ Like my sister, because I have to take care of my baby and stay with my brother, do you want to be far away from me? " Jiang Rao thought to jump to ask, touched don't know is water or tears of long eyelashes, a pair of eyes incomparable doubt, "but clown king said

The person he wants to take care of most is me, so why should he take care of others? "

"..." Lin Yi couldn't answer at all, so he could only persuade her, "you good, come back to the hotel with me, take a bath, drink some ginger soup and go to bed?"


Jiang Rao stood there stiffly, silent.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Lin Yi hugged her and left. Suddenly, her hand was torn away. Lin Yi was unprepared, and he planted himself in the rain.

Ying Hannian pulled her into his arms with quick eyes and hands.

Lin Yi raised his head in his arms and saw Jiang Rao step back several steps. He fell into the rain again.

She frowned, "Rao Rao!"

"I'm looking for him!" Jiang Rao stood in the rain and suddenly cried out, "they all say that clown king is a fake and a bad man. I don't believe it. He is my friend!"

Before Lin Yi came, she had heard enough of persuasion."Rao Rao, I didn't say he was a bad man, but he had his own business..."

Lin Yi was interrupted by Jiang Rao before he finished saying, "what's the matter with him? He said he would always be with me! Who is lying to me? Is it clown king or sister you

Jiang Rao's mood fluctuated greatly, her voice choked heavily, and her eyes were all confused.

The heavy rain blurred their sight of each other.

Lin Yi stood under the umbrella, smelling the words, his heart was stabbed hard, "Rao Rao, you are a friend who has only known you for a week. Do you think I'm cheating you?"

Jiang Rao always trusts her unconditionally.

But now, just for a week, everything has changed.

"I don't know, I don't know." Jiang Rao shook her head excitedly, "I want to find him, I want to find him!"

With that, Jiang Rao did not wait in the same place. She turned around and rushed into the rain, shouting, "clown king!"


Lin Yi looks at Jiang Rao's crazy running back, a chill in the body.

Jiang Rao's back is very thin and thin.

In fact, Jiang Rao's nature has not changed. She is crazy when she sticks to it. It's easy to lose herself. She makes herself a social flower for a man and flies moths to the fire for her lost child. Now she wants to find someone, but no one can stop her.

The old city is immersed in the rain under the cover of night. Jiang Rao, who is all wet, runs in the rain. She cries out again and again, "clown king! Where are you? "

With the heavy rain, Jiang Rao couldn't open her eyes. She was still looking for someone stubbornly.


Lin Yi didn't catch up. He just stood in the same place quietly and saw that his eyes were red.

Is not everything is doomed, meet that person again, no matter how, or can't escape, or will be like in the magic barrier deep into.

Lin Yi feels very cold, really cold. She desperately wants to protect Jiang Rao, but she makes Jiang Rao run in the rain looking for someone.

What is right and what is wrong?

Ying Hannian put his hand around her.

"Clown king! Clown king! You get out of here! Will you come out? I'm so cold! I want milk tea

Jiang Rao ran forward while shouting. She tripped over the track on the ground used for filming in the old city. She fell to the ground heavily.

Lin Yi still didn't step forward and stood rigidly under the umbrella held up in the cold year. Seeing this, the agent rushed over and held up an umbrella over Jiang Rao's head. The light of the flashlight passed. Jiang Rao was sitting on the cold and wet ground, her wet skirt was close to her leg, and a big cut was made on her thin white leg. Her bright red blood was washed down by the rain