Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 948

"At the beginning, we doubted the clown King's intention. We wanted him to take off his mask and let him go. But he was stubborn and Jiang Rao didn't let him go either. He said you've seen him. I thought you all knew him, so I didn't ask him."

"I have?"

Lin Yi is stunned. She looks at Jiang Rao. Jiang Rao is sitting there on the phone. Her voice is a little disappointed, "ah? Have you come back yet? Well, it's OK. I'll give my sister my cup. "

Lin Yi was lightly touched. She raised her eyes. The agent was quietly pointing in a direction. Lin Yishun looked over. There was a colorful clown Wang standing at the door with two bags of milk tea. His head was tilted, and his mobile phone was sandwiched between his head and shoulder


Lin Yi suddenly remembered that when she came to visit the crew before she left, she saw Jiang Rao buying balloons from this man.

He seemed to look this way, and then, with a stiff figure, he quickly stepped back.

Lin Yi coldly looked at the figure he left, picked up the mobile phone to call the bodyguard, "there is a clown dressed people out, you stop."

"Sister, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Rao's eyes are full of simplicity.


Lin Yi light a smile, what didn't say.

Jiang Rao is waiting for the clown king there, but he doesn't come back. At this time, the crew calls her to take her place. Jiang Rao has to stand up, pat her cheek and run to her position to prepare for work.

Lin Yi took a look at her, then stood up and went out.

Walking out of the studio, Lin Yi Cai found that the sunny day was now drizzling. The sun lost its original temperature and slowly hid behind the clouds.

"Mrs. Ying."

There's a voice coming.

Lin Yi stood under the eaves, watching several big bodyguards escorting the clown dressed people toward her.

The clown was dressed in exaggeration. The headdress was just like the overturned palette. The rain splashed on him. The originally wide bloomers were clinging to his legs now, and there were mud spots on them. They were so funny and embarrassed.

He was held in front of Lin Yi and his hands were buckled behind him. He stood there. The rolling frequency of his Adam's apple revealed his nervousness. He was wearing a golden mask, and he wanted to smile to his big mouth. Under his empty eyes was a tear.

Clearly just a mask, but the interpretation of the joys and sorrows.

Lin Yi stood there, looking through the empty mask eyes, and saw a pair of more empty eyes.

"Take off his mask."

Lin Yi said indifferently. The clown struggled with some resistance, but the mask was still taken off by the bodyguard. Behind the golden mask was a cold and handsome face. Maybe because he had been wrapped in the thick clown clothes, his slightly rough skin was red and big

Big sweat came down from the brim of his hat, and his whole face was covered with sweat.

Mu Xianxu.

When Lin Yi sees the man behind the mask, she doesn't have too many accidents. When she hears that Bai Shuya hasn't left, she guesses that mu Xianxu may come to Jiang Rao.


Mu Xianxu stood there, slightly drooping his head, raising his hand to grab the clown's hat, showing his head, casually wiping the sweat on his face, breathing heavily.

Once upon a time, all those noble childe's sects were basically lost after prison education.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Lin Yi asked in a calm tone.

Mu Xianxu stood there, clenching the clown's hat with his fingers and opening his mouth in a low voice, "I still want to be with her."

"You don't mean what you say?"

Lin Yi's voice began to cool. Hearing the words, mu Xianxu glared into his bloodshot eyes. "Since I knew that I had caused Rao Rao to have no more children, I've been repenting. I've been in prison for so many years and for more than 1000 days, I've never been repenting or not

I'm thinking about her. Now I'm out. I just want to be by her side. I just want to look at her, I'm happy to see her every day. "


Lin Yi listened in silence.

"You help me to tell Ying Hannian that I don't want any of my grandfather's legacy. I won't step into the herdsman's house any more, and it won't pose any threat to him. I just want to stay in China."

Mu Xianxu's tone was firm, and Dou Da's sweat flowed down his cheek.

"I let you go, not for fear of what you should do in the cold years." Lin Yi said coldly.He is not Ying's opponent either“ I know that you are Rao Rao's good friend, and you are taking care of her all these years. You are afraid that I will hurt Rao Rao, but now you see, she is not afraid of me. " With that, mu Xianxu takes out her mobile phone and shows her the photo album, eager to prove something

"She had a good laugh, didn't she? These are all my pictures. "


Lin Yi took the mobile phone and flipped through the photos, one after another, which were Jiang Rao's life photos. Every one of them, she laughed sweetly at the camera.

"I won't hurt her, you let me stay!"

Mu Xianxu was a little excited.

"It's the clown king who makes her laugh, not you." Lin Yi turned off his mobile phone and looked at him coldly.

The light rain is still falling intermittently.

Hearing this, mu Xianxu's eyes stagnated for a moment, but soon, he gave a wry smile, "it doesn't matter, as long as I can accompany her, as long as she can be happy."

It doesn't matter how many masks he wears.

"Can you be a clown king all your life?" Lin Yi asked indifferently, "now the weather is not hot, you are already like this. What will you do next summer?"

"Don't worry, even if I die of heat, I will never take off my mask in front of her!"

Mu Xianxu assures her that he is hard at the word.


Lin Yimo's eyes moved. She could not convince herself that mu Xianxu was not sincere at the moment.

Seeing that she was moved, mu Xianxu quickly said, "I can be the clown king for her whole life. You believe me, you let me stay. I'll give you all my inheritance. I don't want anything!"

Lin Yi stood in the same place and looked out at the continuous rain and fog. All the scenery seemed to be covered with a layer of filter, so beautiful that he could not see the real appearance.

Mu Xianxu stares at her with expectation. Lin Yi's appearance doesn't change, but her temperament is different from before. Once upon a time, if she had not been a friend of Jiang Rao, he would not have noticed her much. She was just a private cook in the herdsman's house. She seemed to wander away from the crowd forever, watching the prosperity and decline of the herdsman. If he had noticed, he could see that she always seemed to be

She is more intelligent than Jiang Rao in resolving something intentionally or unconsciously in the herdsmen

Jiang Rao is too stupid, Will think of moths to the fire, will think of using one's own body to revenge the herdsmen, resulting in such a situation.

Over the years, he is very grateful to Lin Yi. With Lin Yi, Jiang Rao is today.

He thought that Lin Yi should not be a man with a heart of stone.

He waited and looked forward to it. Until Lin Yi's vision from the rain and fog back, slowly say two cold words, "no way."