Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 898


Lian Yin breathes a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she leaves everything to Lian Hao, and she doesn't touch it at all. Otherwise, if the evidence falls on her, she won't be able to tell.

"Third young master, do you recognize it?" Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

Lian Hao didn't speak.

"Rebellious son!" Lian Lao was so angry that he smashed the cup in his hand and glared at Lian Hao fiercely. He turned his eyes and looked at Ying Hannian, "Hannian, Xianguang, it's impossible for me to teach my son how to kill Xia Xi. From today on, Lian Hao and I will cut off our father and son

It doesn't matter. I don't have this son! "


Lian Hao looks at Lian Lao in amazement, which drives him out of Lian's house?

He was about to speak, Lianyin quickly pressed him down, gave him a deep look, quietly comforted him, indicating that as long as she was there, he would be OK.

Lian Hao had to be silent.

Mu Xianguang stood there, his eyes staring at them with hatred, "what about my sister? My sister lost her life in vain? Uncle, I married my sister to Lian's family in the hope that she would have a good life, not let her die! "

"Xianguang, Xia Xi is my niece. I'm sorry if she's gone." Even old eyes with red, "since Lian Hao murder, then I put a word here, Xia Xi's legacy to you, in addition, even the family must give compensation."

"I don't want compensation, I just want my sister to come back alive!"

Mu Xianguang roared.

As the wind turns sharply, the guests are crammed with stories one after another. Suddenly, the fight between the two families is replaced by the killing of their wives. They can't help but feel sorry for mu Xianguang. The only sister is so dead.


There are bodyguards coming in outside. Lian Hao stands up and walks out. He wants to be sent to the police station.

As soon as I go, I don't know when I will come out.

Lian Hao droops his head, he can't understand. It's clear that the situation is still clear. How can it become the charge of murder on his back.

Lianhao walked forward step by step in the eyes of the people, suddenly turned his head, and looked at Shangmu Xianguang fiercely.

"Don't think that even your family can protect you. Even if you go to jail, I have a way to make your life worse than death every day!"

Mu Xianguang glared at him and roared out, his fists clenched, and all the veins on the back of his hand were exposed.

Lian Hao is flustered. Mu Xianguang can do what he says. Although his elder sister wants to help him, he will be in prison. Can her elder sister stare at him all the time?

With this in mind, Lian Hao can't walk any more.

At this time, his assistant rushed in from the outside. He was stunned when he saw the situation inside. Then he ran to Lian Hao quickly, "third young master, this is..."

"What are you doing here?"

Lian Hao doesn't have a good way.

Smell speech, assistant attached to Lian Hao ear, so that said some, Lian Hao eyes suddenly open big, "what you say is true?"

"I dare not cheat you."

The assistant took out the tablet he was holding, opened it, and scanned out a large number of documents for him to see. Lian Hao stood there. The more he looked, the bigger his eyes were staring. His face turned blue, his chest was up and down, and his breathing was not smooth. He suddenly turned around, grabbed the tablet computer, smashed it to the ground, looked up and glared at Lianyin, "Lianyin! you are here

Play with me

The plot has reached a new climax.

Lin Yi sat quietly watching.

People were stunned.

"What are you talking about?" Lianyin looks at him inexplicably“ You've already figured out that if the plan fails, you'll push me out to be a ghost? I'm your pawn, and I'm not your brother. A cruel woman like you can even hurt her cousin. How can you care about my life

!” Lian Hao roared hysterically, "I won't sit in this prison! You just want me to die and take the opportunity to swallow my property! "

Hearing this, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Ying Hannian sits there lazily, his thin lips filled with a sarcastic radian, turns his eyes to Lin Yi, and looks at her face to face.

He picked up the wine glass in front of her and raised it to her. His eyes were a little bit crooked.

Lin Yi pursed her lips and smile.

Lianyin saw him say such words, his heart suddenly sank, and he quickly stood up from the sofa, "Lianhao, what are you talking about? I know you are afraid, but you can't bite people."

She desperately hinted at Lian Hao with her eyes and pulled her down. No, he didn't have a good life either“ Lianyin, don't be hypocritical! " Lian Hao angrily pointed to the tablet computer on the ground and said, "you've already made preparations. As soon as I'm regarded as a ghost, you'll accept my company. You don't want to save me. You're in a hurryTake away all my property before being convicted. I didn't expect that you could take away more than half of my property at any time because you have so much involvement in my property


Lian Yin is stunned. She is really careful with everyone. Lian Hao is her person, but she has already sent people to set foot in many of the industries under his name, so that she can better control Lian Hao at the critical moment.

She didn't take his property.

With this in mind, Lian Yin picked up the broken flat screen on the ground, opened it and scratched it. All the documents inside were evidence of Lian Hao's property loss.

The signature at the end of the document is three words - LV Qinghe.

Lianyin trembled in his heart and turned his head to stare at LV Qinghe.

LV Qinghe was inexplicable and took two steps forward. When he saw his signature, he was shocked and then panicked. "This, this is not my signature, it's not my signature..."

How could he sign such a document?

He didn't sign it. He has been in Mu Xianguang recently. How could he sign such a document?

"I won't recognize your words?" Lian Hao yelled, "Lian Yin, LV Qinghe, your husband and wife treat me as an abandoned son, and let me go to jail with nothing. OK, let's break up!"

"Lian Hao!"

Lianyin stares at him anxiously, "don't you fool around, don't you see there are traps here?"

It must be a trap.

Otherwise, it will not develop like this.

Is it

She suddenly looked up at Ying Hannian, who was sitting there. She didn't look at him at all. She seemed to be an outsider, but she was sure of everything.

"Envy the light!" Lian Hao stepped back two steps, looked at mu Xianguang and pointed to Lian Yin, "I tell you, I didn't kill Xia Xi. Everything is their husband and wife's idea. Lian Yin wants to kill Xia Xi."

"Lian Hao!"

Even the sound shouts the voice to shake, "drive him out, he loses the heart to be mad!"

Even the old face hard to see the extreme, both hate Lian Hao this does not know the adoptive son, also hate Lianyin work is not comprehensive.

Now even the family is in such a mess“ Since Miss Lian specially asked us to stay as a witness, we don't mind listening to some crazy words. " Should cold year slowly open mouth.