Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 899

As soon as Ying Hannian spoke, many people responded, "yes, yes, let Lian San Shao finish. Miss Lian, you asked us to stay."

What is self infliction? That's it. Lianyin looks at the numerous guests around her and feels helpless for the first time. She stands there, her breath becomes urgent, and she wants to say something. Mu Xianguang rushes to Lianhao's side with an arrow. "You make it clear to me, why does Lianyin want to kill Xia

"What do you think?" When Lian Hao asked, he pointed to Lian Yin and said, "I'm afraid you've been cheated by her mask. In fact, she always wanted to fight for the position of successor of Lian's family. She wanted to be famous in front of her father, so she moved her mind

On the head of the herdsman, on the head of your brother and sister! "

The whole audience watched quietly.

What a big play.

"Lian Hao, how long do you want to talk nonsense?" I can't even hang on to my old face“ I'm not talking nonsense Lian Hao flushed with excitement and said to Mu Xianguang, "Lian Yin wants me to pursue Xia Xi, use the marriage to attract your brother and sister, put LV Qinghe beside you, and slowly control you. Unexpectedly, Xia Xi will be checked as soon as he gets married

After suffering from a terminal disease, Lianyin simply did not do it twice and came up with today's game. "


Mu Xianguang stares at him, his eyes are more and more red, and he doesn't know whether he is hateful or sad.

"You've just seen that. In fact, it's all the arrangement of Lianyin. She wants to use Xia Xi's death to divide you from Ying Hannian, so that your Mu family can have civil strife, and even your family can take advantage of it!"

Lianhao tells Lianyin's plot all at once.

All the guests are suddenly enlightened. No wonder so many people are invited for this birthday. Most of the rich families in the imperial city are here. It turns out that they are just a trap for yinghan.

As a result, the trap failed. The dog bit the dog and bit himself out.

The deeper the water is.

"Lian Hao, do you know what you're talking about?" Lian Yin's face changed, and she could hardly stand in high-heeled shoes.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about?" Standing in the middle of the hall, Lian Hao pointed his hand from Lian Yin to LV Qinghe and then to Lian Shen, laughing with ridicule, "my good father, even if I'm not your own son, I've called your father for so many years. Why do you want to pick up Lian's family

Have you ever been your son when you cut off the father son relationship with me? "


Even the old man was calm and did not speak.

"Besides, sister, I've always been on your side. I've given you my marriage as a stepping stone to your higher position, but you want to push me to death with nothing. Ha ha ha... "

Lian Hao laughed so loud that his tears fell down. At last, he bent his legs and knelt down on the ground. He said, "let's all die together. Let everyone see the real face of your family and the ugliest face of you!"


Even the family fell into a dead silence.

Everyone looked at Lian Hao and watched him laugh and cry.

Lin Yi looks at him in silence. She doesn't like Lian Hao, but seeing him like this, she can't help feeling the dirtiness of the big family.

In a big family, even desire will be magnified infinitely. Desire is dominated by people, but there are always some people who will be lost in it and driven by desire and still don't know it.

"Enough, it's ridiculous. What's it like for your brother and sister to bite like that?" Even this time, he stood up and said, "you guys, I'm not happy in my family. If something like this happens, I'll make a thorough investigation, report to the police, and never cover it up. It's not even a certain company that dampens your interest today, but another day

I'll make amends to you again. "

It's time to catch up.

Even when the old saying came out, there was no reason for everyone to stay. Under the guidance of the housekeeper and servants, they left one by one.

Yes, but the play will soon spread.

No matter how the home is covered up, it can't be completely covered up.

In the end, the only guests left at Lian's house were the herdsmen. Ying Hannian sat down next to Lin Yi. Mu Xianguang walked step by step in front of Lian. He said with a bitter smile, "uncle, you are really my good uncle. I take you as my relative. My mother still remembers to make Mu and Lian get along with each other until she dies. What do you take us as

Is that right? "

Even the old man's face is ugly.

Lian Yin walked over and said, "Xianguang, don't listen to Lian Hao's nonsense. Xia Xi was killed by Lian Hao. My father and I don't know."

Wen Yan, Ying Hannian moved his neck, and his voice was a bit ironic. "Lian Hao's little lovers all know how to record some sounds and videos. Lian Hao has been educated by his family for many years. I don't know if he has such a good habit?"“……”

The breath of Lianyin is stagnant.

Lian Hao kneels on the ground and looks at Lian Yin provocatively. "What do you say, elder sister?"

Lianyin's heart was completely confused, and he sat down on the sofa, his face turned white, and he couldn't say a word.

"Pa --"

All of a sudden, a slap hit her in the face.

Lianyin was beaten to the side of her face, and her mouth was full of bloody smell. She covered her face and turned her eyes blankly. She was angry with Shanglian.

After a few seconds of tinnitus, she heard her father scold herself, "you are a beast, you are also harmful to your cousin, do you still have humanity?"


Lianyin looks at her father in a daze. She finds a lot of people who carry the pot. She thinks that there is nothing she can do. In the end, her father wants to admit it all by himself.

Also, if the father did it, it would be out of control. Lian Yin covered her face and slowly stood up, then knelt down to the ground, "sorry, Xianguang, it's me. I think Xia Xi's life is not long, so I want her to be my stepping stone. I'm not a human being. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Ying, I'm authorized

Li was fascinated, I just want to be in the top position... "

"You --"

Mu Xianguang raised his hand to beat her“ Xianguang, Xia Xi is really terminally ill. Even if she doesn't get poisoned, she won't live for a few days. " Lianyin said, grabbing mu Xianguang's hand and pleading, "in this way, I will compensate you. No matter how much you want, I will satisfy you. We will declare it to the public

Xia Xi died of illness. "

It doesn't matter if so many people know today, only if the police pass by.

She's the eldest lady of the Lian family. She can't go to jail.

Once in prison, she's ruined.

"You can still say such crazy things!" Mu Xianguang roared out, raised his leg and kicked her hard.

LV Qinghe wants to go forward to protect him, but he doesn't succeed. On the contrary, he is kicked by mu Xianguang. The couple fall to the ground in a mess.

"I'm not wrong. Xia Xi really hasn't had a few days..." before Lian Yin finished speaking, mu Xianguang's doctor came in a hurry and frowned at mu Xianguang. "Third young master, sixth young lady is really suffering from a terminal disease, and the situation is over. The medicine stone doesn't work."