Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 897

"Have you ever seen a family jumping off a tall building in groups?" Ying Hannian glared at her, thin lips hooked good-looking radian, "I've seen it, because I forced it."


"I don't have any other problems, but I like to play with anyone who offends me." Ying Hannian said wildly, his eyes glaring at the two people in front, and said, "are your parents still alive? Do you have any children? "

Lianyin looks at Ying Hannian and frowns.

Who can withstand the threat of Minghuang.

Lianyin's heart is a little flustered, from the cup did not detect Lin Yi's fingerprints, everything deviated from her control. Even she was like this. The maid and the girl were even more scared. The maid knelt down and climbed forward, crying and said, "Mr. Ying, it's none of my business. It's the third young master who asked me to do it. Please don't touch my family. Please, I know

I'm wrong. I just took a little money. I don't dare any more. I don't dare any more. "

"What are you talking about? How dare you plant me? "

Lian Hao ran out excitedly and kicked the maid.

The maid cried even more fiercely, "I don't have any money. The third young master directly punched my card. Mr. Ying, you can check it!"

Lin Yi looks at it silently. It's not easy. He finally pulls Lian Hao out.

Mu Xianguang jumped up from the sofa and glared at Lian Hao, "Lian Hao, do you want to kill my sister?"

"I didn't!" Lian Hao said excitedly, "it's none of my business. I don't know what happened!" Lian Hao was really flustered this second. He thought that Lianyin's situation was perfect. He didn't expect that he was brought out by changing. He grabbed the trembling girl anxiously and said, "did you do it all? You recognized me! Let me know

It's too late

He roared almost hysterical, but wanted to cover it up.

Everyone looked at him. Even the third son, who was always gentle, had such a side. If it wasn't for him, he didn't have to jump like this, did he?

People are thinking about it.

Lian Yin also noticed that the feeling of outstanding people was not right, and even said, "Lian Hao, you calm down, you don't have to be afraid that you didn't do it."

Lian Hao couldn't listen at all. He glared at the girl and forced her to admit it. The girl looked at him with admiration and sadness in her eyes. Just as she wanted to recognize him, she heard Lin Yi say, "even the third young master, are you forcing her to recognize her? This girl obviously loves you. If you cheat and kill your wife, you need a girl who loves you to take the blame for you

? You are such a scum“ I didn't! I said I didn't! " Lian Hao almost jumped up, threw the girl to the ground, and said angrily, "it was she who did this bloody thing. She adored me. I have no feelings for her. I have no feelings at all

I don't know her. What she does has nothing to do with me! I'm not cheating. I can't even see such things on my bed! "


The girl fell heavily on the ground. Unexpectedly, Lian Hao could say such words, and the whole world collapsed. Lianyin sees that her heart is not good, and wants to stop her brother. The girl has already laughed and tears fall down. "Lianhao, are you so worried about being carried out? I'll spare my life to protect you. That's what you say when you want to move my family in the cold year



Lianyin Fuyin can't stand.

Seeing this, LV Qinghe quickly helped her to her side. Lianyin's breath became heavy. She made such a big game. Everyone found it very well, but it was broken one by one.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lian Hao was afraid that the girl would say something more. He kicked her in a hurry. Sven was not there at all. This kick completely kicked away the girl's feelings“ I'm not bullshit. I have proof. " The girl fell to the ground and said, "I'm also afraid that Lian Hao will cheat me and that he won't give me the position of my little grandmother. So when we were together, I recorded my voice. I can take it out immediately to prove that he asked me to do everything,

He also taught me that if things come to light, let me know that he will save me. "


"He said Mu Xiaxi is dead, he can get the legacy."


Smell speech, Lian Hao falls to sit on the ground, posture is embarrassed to acme.

Seeing this, all the guests understood that it was killing their wives for a long time.

Mu Xianguang couldn't help it. He jumped on Lian Hao angrily. He just beat him, "Lian Hao! I'll kill you


Lian Hao was beaten with no backhand.No one's going up there to help.

Everyone looked at each other. Even the family was the head of the four families. It was so chaotic.

Even old Ben was resting upstairs. Knowing that things had reversed downstairs, he hurried down and coughed, "what's going on here?"

"Lian Lao, now it's clear that your son killed my cousin. What kind of explanation are you going to give to Mu Shi?" Ying Hannian asked quietly, his eyes cold.

"How could that be?"

Even the old one face is distressed, the hand presses the heart mouth, a pair of can't carry on the air appearance.

"Father, I didn't do it. Save me." Lianhao can't afford to be beaten by mu Xianguang. He looks at lianlao and Lianyin fearfully, "elder sister, you save me, you save me."

Lianyin looks at yinghannian and looks at Lin Yi, who is calm and calm. Then she faintly realizes that today's situation may be in the middle of the game.

It has to be done at once.

If Lin Yi can't carry the pot, then even Hao's little lover can't carry it. That's all

Anyway, it can't be on her.

Thinking about this, Lian Yin calmly looked at Lian Hao, "Lian Hao, don't worry. Now things are a little chaotic. You should calm down first, and wait until you get into the police station."

"Now all the evidence points to me, I'll go in and I'll be finished!"

Lian Hao is really scared. He is not as calm as Lian Yin.

In order to make his little lover be loyal to him, he really said many secrets.

He almost jumped in front of Lianyin, "sister, you have to save me, I don't want to go to jail all day!"“ What are you afraid of? " Lianyin sat there, took his hand, looked at him deeply, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "in the end, it's really hard to distinguish. What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you in prison? With your sister, you're afraid that you won't have a good life in the future

? But if you don't have a sister, you'll be at Lian's house... "


Lian Hao kneels in front of Lian Yin. Lian Yin wants him to carry everything alone.

The dispute over the succession of the Lian family is very fierce. As an adopted son, Lian Hao knows that he can't do it, so he has always been the head of Lian Yin.

She's right. She's going to have an accident. He doesn't even have a good life at home. If she's here, he can still have a good life. If she becomes a decision maker, the glory of his life is still behind. In full view of the public, Lian Hao leaned back and sat on the ground, "I'll go to the police station."