Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 896

She turned her eyes and looked at the young lady who was the witness. After receiving the sign, the young lady immediately stood up and said, "that, that... I saw Mrs. Ying touch the cup and wipe it."

Smell speech, even sound haven't time to relax, listen to Lin Yi smile way, "just check fingerprint when you don't say, now say?"? It's a good time for you to change your words. "

"I... I was just so nervous that I forgot."

Miss Qianjin buried her head low.

"Is it?" Lin Yi smiles and turns her eyes to Ying Hannian. She turns her head slightly and looks gentle in her eyes. "Husband, are you not in charge of me?"

Ying Hannian sat there. Hearing the sound, he hooked his lips and pressed his big palm on her hand. "OK, I'll do whatever you say."

With that, Ying Hannian slowly stood up from the sofa and suddenly raised his eyes to the girl who testified. His eyes suddenly sharpened and flashed. The smile on his lips disappeared.


The young lady was so scared that she almost fell down. She was very soft.

Ying Hannian turned his eyes to Lianyin husband and wife and said coolly, "since this matter involves my wife, I'll ask you two questions. Do you mind?"

That aura

Some people say it's OK to mind.

Everyone looked at each other.

Lianyin naturally nodded, "of course, Mr. Ying, please say."

She must be fully prepared.

"He Yao."

Ying Hannian raised his voice in a cold voice, quite different from the way he talked with Lin Yi just now.

He Yao immediately moved forward and pulled the girl to the center, exposing everyone's sight. The girl suddenly became more nervous, holding her arm repeatedly and lowering her head.

Ying Hannian stood in the same place, looking down at the person in front of him, "you said that you saw my wife touch the cup. What time did you touch it? Which hand did you touch it? Which hand did you use to wipe the cup at what time? "


The girl was stunned and subconsciously looked in the direction of Lian Hao. Lian Hao turned his head and did not look at her.

"He said

The word "Ying Hannian" falls, and its voice is terrifying.

"I, I don't remember very much. I just saw it." The girl said weakly.

"Is it?"

Ying Hannian sneered.

"Mr. Ying, don't believe her. I have a video here. I was just taking a panoramic view of Lian's home. I just caught some things. Please have a look." Suddenly, a man stood up and said, handed his cell phone.

Ying Hannian reaches for it, and Lianyin, LV Qinghe and Lian Hao all lean over to see it.

Above is a picture of the girl putting a white powder bottle into Lin Yi's bag.


Lian Yin's heart clattered for a while. She didn't expect the situation to turn suddenly. There is such a video. Ying Hannian and Lin Yi are completely separated.

How can someone suddenly jump out and make such a video?

Mingming is very hidden, which is just a panorama, Mingming is to find the best position to shoot the girl put the bottle.

Lianyin's face turned white, and suddenly realized that the situation had completely changed.

We should protect ourselves.

After calculating the Mu family, we can only figure out the future.

Not willing, really not willing.

Lianyin thinks that the perfect situation she has done is so broken. She is really gnashing her teeth, but she has nothing to do.

"What did you get?"

Lin Yi sat on one side, holding up a glass of water freely, and asked casually.

Lianyin immediately glances at Lianhao, and Lianhao looks at the girl, implying that the girl is stunned. Then she steps back, looks up and says, "yes, I want to kill Mu Xiaxi. I planted Mrs. Ying."

And suddenly there's another killer.

The plot is really getting better and better.

Lin Yi drank the water silently, and then listened to Lianyin excitedly and angrily, "why? Why did you kill Xia Xi? "

The elder sister is really affectionate.

"I, I like Lian Hao. I'm jealous of Mu Xiaxi. That's why I killed her." The girl gave a perfect kill.

"You --" Lianyin exhausted, "come on, take her to the police station."

"What's the hurry?"Ying Hannian loosened his collar and sat down on the sofa in the center. He cocked up his leg angrily. "How did you know Lian Hao, how did you like him, and how did you get to kill him?"


Girl, stay“ Also, how can you make sure that the poison is put in Lianyin's cup and can be exchanged with Mu Xiaxi? You paid the maid who poured the wine? After all, you have to pour wine for Miss Lian in order, but now you pour it into Mu Xiaxi's Cup first

It's about changing cups. " Ying Hannian asked a series of questions with magnetic voice and fast speaking speed.

"Yes, I bribed the servant."

Girls one by one recognize, this is Lian Hao taught her, once exposed, it is necessary to fully recognize.

"Well, you can't come in easily. Where did you buy it? How much did it cost, cash or transfer card? Is there any record left? " Should cold year ask.

The girl told Lian Hao one by one, made up a reason to kill her, and reasonably told her where to buy a servant.

Ying Hannian asked someone to call up the maid who poured the wine. Their testimony was not bad at all.

Lianyin is still satisfied with this scene. Fortunately, she has two hands to prepare for everything, so she won't plunge herself into it.

"No way."

He Yao stood looking at the girl and said, "as soon as I came in today, I heard two people ask the maid if she is any better. She has a fever and has been lying in her room for three days. How can she go out of the house and be paid by you?"

Smell speech, girl and maidservant are complexion white again white, what words all can't say.

"You, you heard wrong..."

I want to deny it. He Yao was very observant. He immediately found out the two maids who were talking in the crowd. They were just ordinary maids without special training, so he said everything as soon as he was asked, confirming that the maiden really didn't have time to go out

Not to mention being bought.

Lianyin's face is rather ugly.

"You lied in front of me?"

Ying Hannian sat there, leaning forward slowly, looking coldly at Miss Qian Jin and the maid, with a arrogant smile, "do you know what will happen if you throw the pot on my woman's head today?"

The maid fell to her knees when she was frightened, and the girl was also frightened and shivering.

"He Yao, check her two people's background, don't check too deep, check within five generations, I haven't found some people who don't know their faces to play for a long time, think about it, it's quite interesting." Ying Hannian's tone is light, like talking about the weather.

Ying Hannian is probably the only person in China who dares to say this in front of so many famous guests.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yi sat on one side and looked at Ying Hannian helplessly.