Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 893

Lin Yi understood, so it was.

She turned her eyes to see yinghannian. Yinghannian looked as usual. She put her hand on her waist and hugged her in her arms.

"What is this?"

Mu Xianguang frowned and looked at the small bottle on the ground.

Lianyin stood in the center, shouting, "doctor fan."

Dr. Fan immediately came out, picked up the bottle, opened it, smelled it and examined it. His face became more and more dignified. "Miss, this should be cyanide."

The evidence is still at the party.

Everyone was booed again. Someone asked, "whose bag is this?"

As soon as the voice came down, another voice said, "it seems that the bag was taken by Mrs. Ying when she came in. It matches her dress very well, and I looked at it more."

Smell speech, everyone's line of sight all toward Lin Yi throw, really see this hand hold bag and Lin Yi's dress color match.

Lian Yin turns around and looks at Lin Yi in amazement. "It's impossible..."

As soon as these words came out, people's eyes were more like arrows, all of which shot at Lin Yi.

Mu Xianguang also looks at Lin Yi.

There are many Mu's collateral branches here. They all sit there and look at Lin Yi in shock. Lin Yi sat there, didn't get up, calmly looked at the bag on the ground, and said, "this bag is really brought in by me, but I put it aside and never moved it again. There were so many people at the party that I was stuffed in my bag

It's no surprise that Xi planted it. "

She's too calm to be suspected.

"Besides, Miss Lian has no reason to harm Xia Xi. Do I have one?" Lin Yi asked.


No one could answer her for a moment.

Some people asked if there was monitoring at the banquet, and the answer was No. the bigger the family, the more taboo it is to live in the shadow of monitoring.

"I also believe that this thing will not belong to Lin Yi. I can guarantee Lin Yi's character." Lianyin stood there and nodded to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at her calmly.

As a result, the situation seems to be in a dead end again. Some people suggest taking the bottle to see if they can find fingerprints.

Even the whole family is in a quiet death.

Lian Hao then red eyes way, "I don't care, must find out the murderer, I want to know who killed my wife."

"Don't worry, you'll find out."

Lian Yin walks over and gently pats Lian Hao on the shoulder to comfort her.

Lian Hao's head slightly deviated, and her eyes fell on the diamond bracelet in her hand. Suddenly, she was shocked, "elder sister, why is there white powder on your bracelet?"


Lian Yin was also stunned. He looked down at his bracelet, then raised his eyes to see doctor fan.

Doctor fan quickly came over, Lianyin took off the bracelet and handed it to her.

Mu Xianguang's eyes were burning. Doctor fan took the bracelet and checked it. He was shocked. "It seems that it's cyanide."

"Why do you have cyanide on your bracelet? Are you planted, too? " Mu Xianguang immediately asked in a loud voice, "it's not easy to plant this bracelet on your hand, is it?"

"I don't know what's going on."

Lianyin frowned, "Xianguang, you believe me, how can I harm Xia Xi? I take her as my own sister."

"What's the matter with your bracelet?"

Mu Xianguang asked.

At this time, the doctor he called came in and announced to the public, "there are traces of cyanide on Miss Liu's cup, but not in the juice bottle. I think the poison should be directly smeared on the wall of the cup, and the juice will be poisoned after being poured in and drunk."

This remark caused an uproar.

People began to talk about it.

"Isn't it easy to see the powder on the cup?"

"Today, there are so many people in social activities. Would you check your cup carefully for powder? The lethal dose is not much

"That's what I said, but in that case, the cup was given by Miss lian to miss Mu Liu, then..."

"It seems that it really has something to do with Miss Lian."

For a moment, all eyes turn to Lianyin again, and mu Xianguang stares at Lianyin with questioning eyes.

Lianyin was looked back two steps, one eye is full of grievances, "I didn't, I really didn't hurt Xiaxi, I don't know how to be like this, and Xiaxi change cup is temporary intention, we all look at."LV Qinghe stepped forward and hugged Lianyin to show his love for his wife, "I believe you didn't do it."

"I don't know why the powder is in my cup."

Lianyin leaned in his arms, very sad, but forced to restrain, let people see some heart can't bear.

Her indescribable appearance made the scene silent again.

She looked at mu Xianguang, "Xianguang, believe me, I really didn't hurt Xia Xi. What did I do to hurt her? What good can I get? "

"How did my sister die? Now you are the only one with poison. Who are you

Mu Xianguang asked aloud, his eyes were almost red.


Lianyin is speechless and can only rely on her husband's arms.

"I think it's rather strange." The decision maker of the Wang family suddenly interjected, "think about it carefully. If it's really an accident to change the wine cup, it turns out that the wine is for Lianyin."

There was another uproar.

Is it true that the original damned is Lianyin“ That's not true Lian Hao then said, "at the beginning, my sister took the cup and said that she would take my father to the stage to propose a toast to the public. But later, the servant went to ask my father, and his father said that he was a little uncomfortable and was taking medicine and should not drink

Let's toast to the guests on his behalf. "


There was silence.

Lian Hao worried that people would not believe him. He said, "really, I heard it when I accompanied Xia Xi downstairs. Brother Xianguang and Mrs. Ying, you should have heard it, too?"

Several of them did not stand far away. They all heard Lianyin calling the servant to take the cup.

The thing said to develop to here, unexpectedly become the murderer, originally the key is even the old man. Even the old man's sons and daughters were in a mess. They were shouting that they must catch the murderer. Even the old man's face was even more distressed. "So, it's me who implicated Xia Xi. My sister left early, and I didn't see her before she died, didn't I

I don't think I've protected even Xia Xi. "


Mu Xianguang staggers down on the sofa.

"Then who would want to harm even the old man?" We're whispering again.

"Today is lianlao's 60th birthday, and she wants to kill lianlao..." everyone was arguing. Suddenly, a young girl came out of the guests. She looked a little submissive and pointed to Lin Yi. "I, I saw her touch the cup with her fingers when lianlao didn't pay attention, but I didn't know what she was doing at that time, Now think about it... "