Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 892

"What are you talking about?" Mu Xianguang roared out hysterically and hugged Mu Xiaxi, "my sister fell down. The stairs are not steep. How can she die?"


Ying Hannian released Lin Yi's hand, squatted forward, touched Mu Xiaxi's neck, and said coldly, "dead."

Mu Xianguang's eyes suddenly turned red.

"No way!" Lian Hao stood on the stairs and cried out excitedly. His eyes were suddenly wet, and he rushed up to hold Mu Xiaxi.

"Go away! No one is allowed to touch my sister

Mu Xianguang roars out and hugs Mu Xiaxi, who is still in his arms. He stares at Lian Hao with red eyes. "How do you become a husband? Why can't you stop my sister falling down? Or did you push her down? "

"How can I push her? Xia Xi is my wife."

Lian Hao knelt down on the ground, tears fell down, the face of grief and pain to see people moved.

"Xianguang, calm down. Lian Hao loves Xia Xi most. How can he hurt her?"

Lianyin said, also full of sadness.

Even the old man came over and covered his heart. His eyes were red, and his face was distressed. "Xiaxi, my Xiaxi..."

Almost fainted.

"Father! Father Lianyin quickly came forward to help lianlao, and the scene suddenly became more chaotic.

They all went to see Mu Xiaxi. Mu Xiaxi was still wearing a beautiful dress. Mu Xianguang pulled down her skirt, raised her eyes and glared at the people, "what are you looking at! Enough of that! "

Then he picked up Mu Xiaxi and left.

"Ah, Xianguang..."

Lianyin wants to stop him.

Some people want to stop mu Xianguang, and mu Xianguang yells out, "no one is allowed to see it again!"

It's that rage.

The crowd made way in silence.

Instead of leaving Lian's home, mu Xianguang takes Mu Xiaxi into a room next to him and lets his wife Bai Shuya guard his sister's body.

Mu Xianguang strode back to the hall. He grabbed a wine bottle and smashed it to the ground, making a loud noise, which shocked the whole audience.


In the central government, Mr. Lian sits in the central government and is being treated by Dr. Fan. Lian Hao sits on the sofa beside him and bends down to help his forehead in tears. Lian Yin and LV Qinghe sit beside him and look at his father anxiously.

Suddenly heard such an earth shaking sound, even the master was shocked to headache.

Mu Xianguang stood there, staring at Lian's family, "what's the matter? My sister is always in good health. Even if she falls down the stairs, she can't die! Which one of you, which one of you killed my sister! "

Lin Yi stands beside Ying Hannian. He bites his lip and is held by Ying Hannian with one hand.

"You..." even the old man was very angry, "what are you fooling about? Xia Xi is my niece. Who is not her relative in the whole family? What are we doing to her?"

That makes sense.

Besides, even the old man's birthday is impossible to harm others at this juncture. Isn't that his bad reputation?

The crowd comforted mu Xianguang and asked him to pay his respects.

Some people saw that Lian's family was in such a mess that they got up and left.

"Wait a minute."

Lianyin wiped his tears, stood up and said, "today is my father's birthday, but such a painful thing happened. I would like to ask you not to leave and be a witness."

"Witness? What testimony? "

Some were stunned“ Xianguang is so emotional now that he can't avoid extreme words. But I think one sentence is right. The stairs are not steep at all. Xia Xi can't fall down and lose his life. " Lianyin choked and looked at mu Xianguang, "Xianguang, let Dr. Fan see again

Look at Xia Xi and see how she died. "

This is to investigate the cause of Mu Xiaxi's death.

Lin Yi took a look at Lianyin. Lianyin was choking, obviously very painful.

Mu Xianguang stood in the center, smelling the words, he roared, "I don't believe it, I don't believe anyone now, I want to find my own doctor, I want my own doctor to come here!"

"Of course."

Lianyin agreed.

"All right, you sit first."

Ying Hannian walked over and sat mu Xianguang on the sofa. Mu Xianguang sat there, his eyes red and his fingers clenched into fists, with endless sadness and anger. There are too many guests in Lian's family. Lianyin is saddened and handles all matters properly. She asks the servant to give us some small heart to fill our stomachs. She also repeatedly asks us not to tell the news outside for the time being. We all find ourselves one after anotherSit down in your seat.

She dealt with everything.

The decision-makers of Wang and ye comforted Lian and boasted about her ability to take charge of one side alone.

Lin Yi is pulled aside by Ying Hannian. She lowers her head and doesn't speak.

For a long time, the doctor mu Xianguang called came out of the room and came to Mu Xianguang. He said solemnly, "the third young master and the sixth young lady were poisoned. They died of cyanide."

"What did you say?"

Mu Xianguang and Lianyin stood up in shock at the same time.

"Someone is going to kill Xia Xi. How is that possible?" Lianyin doesn't believe it.

"Who is it? Who is it? "

Mu Xianguang looked fiercely at everyone present.

"The smell on miss six's lips is especially strong, so we have to find out what miss six ate before she died. The poison almost died at the entrance." That is to check the last thing you eat before you die.

When the doctor finished, someone said, "that's when Xia Xi drank a glass of juice during the toast?"

Mu Xianguang immediately caught the doctor, "go, check the juice!"

It happened in an instant. The doctor rushed to collect the broken cups on the stairs, and checked the juice bottle poured by the servant. It would take a while for the inspection.

The scene fell into a dead silence again.

Suddenly, a sister of Lian's family stood up and said, "if it's juice, that cup is for Xia Xi."

Hearing this, mu Xianguang stares at Lianyin immediately.

"I changed it, but that's because Xia Xi can't drink, so I changed it with her." Lian Yin frowned and said, "I always take Xia Xi as my sister. What do I do to her?"

"I'll find out who killed my sister today. I won't let her go!"

Mu Xianguang growled with gnashing teeth.

"I didn't."

Lianyin's face was wronged.

"Ouch." Suddenly, there was a crowd. A small hand bag was squeezed out of the crowd. It just happened to fall into the air in the middle. The clasp on it had been opened and something fell out of it. One of them was filled with white powder

Roll out your little bottle and roll in the most prominent position.

Lin Yi slowly raised her eyes and looked at the small silver hand bag on the ground. It's the bag she brought in. She put it down because she helped Lianyin wear a bracelet, and because red rose suddenly seduced Ying Hannian, she forgot to take it back and went to swear sovereignty.