Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 894

The evidence is just right.

The witness just showed up.

Lin Yi raised her eyes and looked at the girl with a smile. "Did you really see that I touched Miss Lian's cup?"

The girl immediately a pair of scared look back shoulder, weak quick cry out, "I, I really see."


Lin Yi low ground sneer a, see what flustered.

Lianyin can't help frowning when she sees that she is so calm, but she soon calms down. This game is perfectly arranged and there can be no problem.

Yeah, there can't be a problem.

Mu Xianguang looked at Lin Yi and asked in a loud voice, "did you move your hand? Have you ever done it? "

"Why?" Lin Yi asked, "I'm going to kill Xia Xi, and I'm going to fight Lian Lao. Why?"

One of the older guests ventured, "isn't the reason simple? As soon as the old man dies, the suspect is still his eldest daughter. Even the family is not in disorder. It's not obvious who benefits the most from the chaos of the family? "

The whole audience fell into silence.

Everyone can't help thinking that it's such a big situation to kill Lian Lao and frame up his eldest daughter. At such a grand birthday party, there are so many big people who can't seal up at all. Even the family will be in a mess.

The biggest beneficiary, of course, is the herdsman.

Since last year, the herdsmen have retired to the second place in the four major families. They say that they should have more clothes in the cold years, but they certainly don't see it.

It's a beautiful way to let his wife act in person, and make a good back pot, so as to make the herdsman clean.

It's just that people are not as good as nature. But even the old man didn't use the cup, and even the young lady didn't use it. It was Mu Xiaxi who used it, so he was unjustly killed.

"Pa Pa Pa"

A burst of loud applause suddenly broke the silence. When they looked up, they saw Ying Hannian clapping his hands there. It was very slow, like a special kind of lingchi. His thin lips were hooked, and he clapped a few palms. Then he suddenly raised his eyes. His dark eyes were full of mockery. "Lian Lao, Hongmen banquet is very good

。”“ In winter, you are younger than me. I treat you as your nephew. I didn't expect you to come here. " Lian Lao looked at Ying Hannian heartily, "have you been dissatisfied with Lian's family for a long time? If you are like this, how can you put one

Family leads the long run. "

Words fall, Mu's side branch all can't help looking to should cold year.

No one expected that today's birthday party would develop into such a situation. Lin Yi started it, which must be inspired by the cold year.

Should cold year really want to make this kind of earth shaking action, Mu group is in danger, today this matter in any case can't hide.

As Lianyin expected, a young man in the side branch of the Mu family was in a hurry and stood up and said, "even if the old man is careful, even if this is really done by his wife, it has nothing to do with us. We should always be honest and upright, and we can't allow others to splash dirty water."

If you don't say that, it's OK. It's black as soon as you say it.

After all, it was only in yinghannian that a scene of protecting his wife and rejecting beautiful women was staged. Now it is said that what Lin Yi did has nothing to do with him. Who would believe it?

Lianyin turns her eyes and looks at mu Xianguang, "Xianguang, what do you think?"

"I'm in a mess right now."

Mu Xianguang pressed his head, breathing more and more heavily, from the beginning of the excitement to now has been dizzy, "call the police, no one is allowed to go, let the police first to find out the truth."

"Lian Lao, do you think our husband and wife are going to harm your family?" Lin Yi asked calmly.

"The facts are in front of us..."

"Where are the facts from?" Lin Yi also ignored his elders and interrupted him directly, "with a small bottle that ran out of nowhere, with a witness who suddenly came out to testify?"


Lian always looks at her.

Lin Yi turned around and looked at Ying Hannian. Her eyes were indifferent and she asked with a smile, "what can I do, husband? It seems that I am going to be a murderer. You and Mu's group are going to be dragged down by me."

Should cold year see her eye wave flow, eye color dark dark, can't help but raise hand hook her chin, "I can't bear you to go to jail."


People are stupid.

When's the time? The homicide case involves two families fighting each other. Do you still want to flirt here?

Are you playing?

Do you play the house? Lianyin stood there, his eyes turned, looking at Lin Yi and said, "Lin Yi, our friend, I don't believe you have such a heavy heart for our Lian family. Can I ask you to check your hand, it happened suddenly, you don't have timeIf it's you, there should be white powder residue in your hands. Even if it's patted off, there will be traces. "

"I've worn a bracelet for you. If you set it up, it's not surprising that I touched it when I touched it?" Lin Yi asked.

Lianyin knew that she would say so, nodded and said, "that's also true. Why don't you check the cup again? The young lady just said that she saw Lin Yi touch the cup, maybe it can also check the fingerprint."

Hearing this, mu Xianguang's doctor said, "there are fingerprints indeed, and I have extracted them. There are several."

Lianyin then looked at Lin Yi, "Lin Yi, why don't you let the doctor compare your fingerprints, so that you can clear your suspicion. You haven't touched the cup, so there's no fingerprint on it."

Lin Yi sat there and nodded without any hesitation, "OK."

The answer is really straightforward. Lianyin gives her a quiet look. She is very proud. Lin Yi can't imagine that this cup was handed to them when she invited them to the library last time. There are Lin Yi's fingerprints on it. After that, she carefully sealed it up and kept it in the library

Only today.

Under the guidance of the doctor, Lin Yi printed his ten fingerprints on the paper.

"The fingerprint detector is on the way here. It needs to wait."

Mu Xianguang's doctor said so.

By the end of the plan, Lianyin has completely controlled the whole situation. Now, as long as the fingerprints come out, everything will be finished.

"Since we still need some time, why don't we invite you to the table first?"

Lianyin arranges the way.

But when there was a poison incident, everyone dared to eat easily, so they refused one after another, saying that they would sit for a while and wait for the result.

Lianyin had no choice but to let everyone have a rest first. She helped lianlao back to her room and sat by herself. Suddenly, she became very relaxed and even wanted to play a piece of music.

Lian Hao and LV Qinghe followed.

"There's no problem here. As soon as the fingerprint results come out, Ying Hannian can only cut off his wife. Xianguang will hate their husband and wife. Xianguang's brain is not enough. He will rely more and more on our family."

Lianyin said with a smile.

"Elder sister, you said last time that you could still get Mu's shares. How can you get them?" Lian Hao sat down beside the bed and asked“ Jiang Qixing loves Xia Xi. This time Lin Yi kills Xia Xi by mistake, Ying Hannian will try his best to keep Lin Yi. No matter how deep the friendship between Jiang Qixing and Ying Hannian is, it's hard not to have Jiedi. "