Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 886

"If he wants to deal with our brother and sister, he won't give out his shares again and again."

Mu Xianguang.

Lu Qing and Wen Yan sighed, "I'm afraid that's what makes him brilliant."

"What do you mean?" Mu Xianguang's face became more and more heavy. Lu Qinghe raised his hand and poured a glass of water for him. "You think, Ying Hannian's sitting in this position is a step down for the old herdsman, but there are other branches of the herdsman, and the public's leisurely mouth. Can't he think about his reputation? Chang Fang and San

He has made all the houses, and his aunts and uncles have all passed away one after another. If you bring your brother and sister back, even if others scold him for being cruel and cruel, can't you come out and talk about it? Fascists have to pull a fig leaf, don't you think? "

"Even so, he has nothing to do with our brothers and sisters."

Mu Xianguang didn't pick up the water he pushed.

"You think too simply. If that's all, why does he have to check your information?" Lu Qinghe said, "he clearly does not trust you, so he has made these things his sharp blade to get rid of you."


Mu Xianguang's eyes stagnated.

"He's high up. It's a show to bring you back. There are hundreds of ways to get rid of you. You're a serious young master of the herdsman. Are you willing to be played by him in the clapping room?" LV Qinghe continued to provoke him.

"It's just your guess. It's good to be in the cold year."

Mu Xianguang said so, but his eyebrows were already frowning. Seeing this, LV Qinghe sighed and continued, "Xianguang, Ying Hannian is now the decision-maker of Mu's family. I tell you, these are also risks. Who wants to offend him? If we are not cousins and your sister is worried about you, I will come to talk to you

What about my guesses? "


Mu Xianguang is thoughtful“ If you don't believe it, you can wait for the next board meeting to listen to it and take a closer look at the projects that Ying Hannian has set up. Is there anything fishy in it? Is it that you can get more than you if you just pick up someone? " Lu Qing and Tao, a look of thinking for him


Mu Xianguang looked at him, and his face became more and more ugly. "I don't have so much time to calculate the height inside. I can't do my own things every day."

"It's also true that Ying Hannian's work is sure to be watertight, at least not on the surface." LV Qinghe thought about it and said, "if not, I have a quick worker under me, or let him help you?"

"Isn't this nonsense? What I deal with is confidential. How can I let people have a look at it casually? When he comes back to you, do I still have to be suspicious of you? Am I tired? "

Mu Xianguang refused.

Lu Qing and Shixiao said, "how can this be possible? You can rest assured of the people I trained."“ Even if I don't trust you, how can the people under your hand guarantee absolute loyalty? If I go to tell Ying Hannian with this, I won't die miserably? " Mu Xianguang frowned, "can you guarantee that such a thing will not happen? He took refuge

Cold year, is it more cost-effective than taking refuge in you? "


Lu Qinghe couldn't say for a moment, "then you don't want to know if Ying Hannian is calculating you?"

Smell speech, mu Xianguang's face droops down again, for a long time, he seems to think of something, "by the way, brother-in-law, I remember you seem to learn auditing."

"Do you want me to help you look at Mu's materials?"

Lu Qing and a Zheng, he did not dare to think, mu Xianguang actually sent such a big gift.

Mu Xianguang sat there and glanced at him. "Yes, you are always under my elder sister's hands. You have nothing to do. You just do things for me. Moreover, if you dare to be different, my elder sister will kill you just like an ant."

The scorn between the tone is obvious.


Lu Qinghe's face was suddenly blue and white.

Even mu Xianguang didn't take him seriously because Lian Yin didn't pay much attention to him at home and abroad.

He put his hand under the table, secretly clenched his fist, and laughed in his heart. He should be Lianyin. Do you really take you as a cousin?

It's your cousin who counts you!


After listening to Lu Qing and his words, mu Xianguang didn't look very good at the dinner. Even Ying Hannian took the initiative to talk to him, and he was very stuffy.

Lianyin is very satisfied with this scene.

She is smart and knows how to make use of Mu Xianguang's brother and sister. If she can break into Mu's group from this gap and completely suppress Mu's family for her father, she will be the decision maker of the family, and no one can take it away.During the dinner, Lianyin continued to show his friendship to Ying Hannian and Lin Yi.

Should cold year reaction light, Lin Yi and she talked a few words.

The atmosphere of a meal is generally good.

After dinner, Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi talk about the latest season's clothes, while LV Qing and mu Xianguang, Lian Hao and Lian Yin eat desserts and talk about business.

Lin Yi and Ying Hannian are sitting against the wall. Under a quiet light, she puts out the chess game given by her grandfather on the chessboard. She says with a smile, "my grandfather is about to break this chess game these days. Let's break it. I'll play white chess."

White is absolutely in the upper hand, and black is quietly besieged.

"Let me have a look."

Ying Hannian sat there lazily, glancing at him casually and hooking his lips, "is this going to embarrass my grandfather?"

"It's hard. I thought about it all night, but I didn't think of a way to crack it."

Lin Yi learned from his grandfather. He played more and less chess. It's not surprising that he was trapped in the same chess game.

"You two really have leisure. You're playing chess now."

Lianyin came over and said with a smile, standing beside Lin Yi, looking down at the situation on the chessboard, she couldn't help saying, "sunspot can't escape."

"You see, even the first lady says that sunspots are hard to escape." Lin Yi seems to have drawn up an alliance and looked at Ying Hannian provocatively. "I don't believe you can solve it so quickly."

With that, she took Lianyin and sat down to let her watch chess.

"Then try."

In the cold year, Lin Yi raised his eyebrow and pinched a sunspot with his long finger.

Lin Yi looked the same. Zhibaizi continued to besiege carefully.

Lian Yin looked at him and said, "Mr. Ying, you are going to lose this time. The white men are already in the city. It's useless to make up for it."


Ying Hannian sneered scornfully.

"What are you talking about? So busy? "

LV Qinghe came over and put his hands on Lianyin's shoulder, rubbing his fingers gently for her.

Lianyin said, "it's interesting to see Mr. Ying lose a game."

LV Qinghe also followed and said, "Mr. Ying is going to lose."

"Is it?"

In the cold year of Ying, he lost his son again, but he still failed to turn the situation around. Lin Yi pressed her step by step quietly, without mercy. She looked at Ying Hannian's eyes, but they were as gentle as water.