Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 885

"Not tired."

There was a smile in her voice.

Jiang Qixing stood in the same place in silence and did not squint.

It was not until Lian Hao accompanied Mu Xiaxi into the library door that he slowly turned his face and looked at the familiar but distant face. She was smiling all the time.

Just laugh.

He believed in her choice.

This side is worth seeing.

Lin Yi is sitting in the library, looking at the book. When he hears the news, he stands up and says, "Xia Xi."

"Lin Yi."

Mu Xiaxi looks at her with a smile.

Mu Xiaxi is half held in his arms by Lian Hao. Obviously, he has no previous resistance. Lian Yin looks at Lian Hao quietly. Lian Hao throws a "reassuring" look at him.

To put it bluntly, Mu Xiaxi is also a young lady. It's really not difficult to deal with such a girl.

Lianyin smiles with satisfaction.

Lin Yi went to Mu Xiaxi and looked at him in surprise. "Xia Xi, your spirit doesn't seem to be very good. Is it ill?"


Mu Xiaxi shook his head with a smile.

Lian Hao is a good talent, and she says, "she's just in a bad mood. She always plays with her mobile phone very late at night." With that, Lian Hao sat down with Mu Xiaxi at the long white desk in the library, poured water, and showed Mu Xiaxi books one by one. She didn't take them until she picked out her favorite book, and didn't let Mu Xiaxi go down on his own

One more step.

Lin Yi looked at the scene of love and pursed her lips.

"Don't spoil Xia Xi. She wants to read this book and let her take it by herself." Bai Shuya said with a smile, his eyes full of joy.

She naturally felt that Mu Xiaxi was very happy to marry such a man.

"It's OK. Xia Xi is my princess. The princess should not touch yangchunshui." Lian Hao stands beside Mu Xiaxi and looks at her affectionately.

Bai Shuya took out his mobile phone and took a picture for them and sent it to Mu Xianguang.

"OK, it's sour. I know you two are close, OK?"

Lian Yin smiles and reproaches, turns around and sits down beside Lin Yi. They are chatting.

Then, the whole library became a love show for Lian Hao and Mu Xiaxi. Mu Xiaxi pursed her lower lip, and Lian Hao immediately handed over water. Mu Xiaxi took a look at her hand, and Lian Hao took out a wet towel to wipe her hand.

Without eyes, Lian Hao takes care of Mu Xiaxi.

Mu Xiaxi's eyes toward Lian Hao were much more gentle.

Outside the floor glass of the library, the bodyguards stood in silence, and the shadows were silent guardians. Lin Yi looked at the book, but after all, he couldn't help looking out. His eyes fell on Jiang Qixing. He performed the duty of a bodyguard and stood quietly, as if he was looking here, or not. His face was expressionless and his eyes were silent

Until there's no light.

Near, far away.

After a while, Jiang Qixing came in from the outside and bowed his head to Lin Yi, "Miss Lin, I'll go first."

Mu Xiaxi is sitting at the table, listening to Lian Hao talking to her about some allusions in the book. Suddenly, she hears a low voice behind her. Her back is stiff unconsciously.

She didn't look back, but she didn't read another word in the book.

"You go. When are you going to s city?"

Lin Yi asked.

"Just a few days."

Jiang Qixing said.

Lin Yi nodded, and Jiang Qixing turned and left.

Bai Shuya asked strangely, "is Jiang Qixing going to s city?"

"Yes, he has a project to do in yinghannian." Lin Yi said.

So he's leaving.

Mu Xiaxi stares at the book in front of him without turning the page for a long time.

Lian Yin sat aside and looked at Jiang Qixing's leaving figure. "I thought he was Mr. Ying's bodyguard. Did he want to do the project?"

"Jiang Qixing is not a bodyguard. The second elder brother attaches great importance to him. His real position in the Mu family can be called the second leader, but he doesn't like management." Bai Shuya said.

"Is it?"

Lianyin is thoughtful. It turns out that Jiang Qixing's position in Mu's group is so high, which she has never thought about before.

At dusk, Lianyin began to talk about dinner. Lin Yi said, "I've informed the restaurant that it's not open in the evening. I'll just go there for dinner later.""That's great."


"Add two more places. Just now Xianguang called me and said that he was coming with Qing and his brother-in-law. I asked them to go directly to Yiwei restaurant." Bai Shuya said.

Lin Yi nodded and took out his cell phone to dial the restaurant.

"I don't know if Mr. Ying is free. It happens that our four couples get together. It's very rare. We don't talk about business, we just talk about the wind and the moon. How about that?" Lianyin is an expert in communication.

"Not bad."

Lin Yi nods and smiles.


It was getting dark, and mu Xianguang and LV Qinghe, who were the first to arrive at Yiwei restaurant, sat in the box.

They are both in suits. There are some simple pre dinner refreshments on the small table, and the fragrant lamp in the corner is emitting white smoke.

Lu Qinghe looked at mu Xianguang solemnly, "Xianguang, take a look at this document."

He used his mobile phone to send a document to Mu Xianguang. Mu Xianguang opened it when he received it. His face suddenly changed, "where did you come from?" Lu Qinghe sat opposite mu Xianguang and said, "you know, it's not new for this big family to send several people to each other. It happens that one of your elder sister's men works under He Yao. It's only when you find out that Ying Hannian is secretly collecting your information, but you don't like it

The papers are full of your dissatisfaction with him. "

"Nonsense." Mu Xianguang's face was very ugly. "When did I say these words?"

"It doesn't matter whether you say it or not."

Lu Qinghe said solemnly, "we were very happy to see you get along well with Ying Hannian before, and we also think Ying Hannian is worth communicating with. But now when we see this thing, your sister wants me to remind you to be careful."

"What should we be on guard against? Should we be on guard against the cold year? He's going to do it to me long ago. He won't wait until now. "

Mu Xianguang didn't care and put his mobile phone on the desktop.

Lu Qinghe took a deep look at him. As Lianyin said, mu Xianguang's brain is not enough. He has been brainwashed by Ying Hannian for some time. He can't be hostile to Ying Hannian as soon as he comes up.

We have to continue lobbying.

"If Ying Hannian has no problem, why should he secretly collect your information? Everything you do is under his eyes." LV Qinghe is dedicated to the task of Lianyin, alienating the relationship between mu Xianguang and Ying Hannian.


Mu Xianguang frowned and did not speak.

"Xianguang, in fact, how did my aunt and uncle die? We have received some news about the trail." LV Qinghe continues with the next pound of seasoning.


Mu Xianguang's eyes widened and looked at him coldly“ Ying Hannian started his own business from scratch. Most of them are devious and can do anything. Otherwise, today's Mu clan will not be in charge of his own business, will you Lu Qinghe said, "your sister is afraid that you and Xia Xi will be cheated."