Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 887

On the chessboard, Lu Qinghe looked at Lianyin's feet and asked in a soft voice, "are you tired wearing high heels? Can I get your slippers in the car? "

Lvqing and the night finished mu Xianguang, Lianyin heart happy, to his attitude is still good, with a smile, "good."

"Mr. Lu is very considerate to his wife."

Lin Yi looked over and said with a smile. Lianyin is very indifferent to her feelings, but she still likes others to compliment her husband and wife on their good feelings outside. She can't help but feel a little proud when she hears that. Before her smile rises, she listens to Ying Hannian's casual way of saying, "yes, just like those princesses who stood in the ancient times

Like the eunuchs on the side. "

Then the whole world came to a standstill.

Lian Yin's smile coagulated in his mouth, and Lu Qing and his face turned green.


Lin Yi frowned and looked at Ying Hannian.

Ying Hannian looked up at their husband and wife. "Oh, wrong. It's the son-in-law standing beside the princess."

"It's true that Miss Lian was born into such a famous family as the Lian family. She is the most honorable princess." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Their husband and wife you a word I a language say, let a person choose not to all pick out.


Lianyin reluctantly with a smile, face stiff to how fake, and then said, "I don't know if I have the honor to play chess with Mr. Ying?"

Wen Yan, Ying Hannian didn't say anything. Lin Yi gave up his position.

Lianyin then sits in front of the chessboard and holds the white piece.

LV Qinghe went out into the night, his hand clenched tightly.

The son-in-law standing beside the princess? Ying Hannian used the word "station" to insult everyone in the room.

But he was.

It turns out that his family is also a rich family. Although he can't compare with the four big families, he is also living a high spirited life. Since he married Lianyin, he has become the most humble existence.

When it comes to getting married, it's actually becoming redundant. Lian Yin wants to be the decision-maker of Lian's family. She has long been in front of Lian. No matter how many children she has, she only knows Lian's family name and works in Lian's family

In fact, even if the family is high and big, it doesn't matter if Lianyin does this. Anyway, there are brothers in the family, so he becomes redundant.

But it's the attitude of Lianyin

If Lianyin takes him seriously and respects him, he will not be looked down upon by others.

LV Qinghe hit the car heavily, but soon, he picked up a pair of women's slippers and walked in with a smile.

By the time he went back, the chess game had been completely reversed, and Lin Yizhi's white son had been killed.

Lianyin frowned and looked, still discussing with Lin Yi which step was reversed by sunspot.

"How could that be?"

LV Qinghe was shocked. Just now, the white man was still under siege. The black man had nowhere to fall, and now he won.

Ying Hannian sat lazily against the wall, his black eyes only staring at Lin Yi, "do you understand? The game is made by the sunspot. "

That's bullshit.

Of course, it was made by sunspots. Because they were surrounded by white people, they had no choice but to put it out in the hope of solving it.

I didn't expect to be broken by yinghannian.

"Mr. Ying is really a master in chess. He can break such a difficult game."

Lian yindao, she lost a game with a big winning face. She looks a little ugly.

Ying Hannian hooked his lips, picked up the last black spot, fell on the chessboard, blocked all the White's hopes for survival, and raised his eyebrows conceited, "I lose? It's impossible. "

All over the arrogance.


Lianyin was silent.

"Go home and go to sleep!"

Ying Hannian stands up and holds Lin Yi's hand.

Everyone got up and said goodbye one by one.

Lin Yi was walking in the street hand in hand by Ying Hannian, and the car behind him followed them slowly.

Lin Yi got an ice cream and chewed it slowly in her mouth. After a long time, she began to laugh. "Just when you killed her, she had no place to go down. Her face was very rich."

That kind of unbelievable appearance completely lost the usual elegance.

"Am I doing well?"Ying Hannian grabs her hand and looks at her with dark eyes.

"Well, when grandfather saw that you broke the chess game, he would be surprised again and again." Lin Yi nibbled at the ice cream and said, "it's a good night tonight."


Ying Hannian grabs her, sends ice cream to his mouth and takes a bite.

Ice cream ball suddenly concave half, Lin Yi discontented to stare at him, should cold years rogue ice cream in his mouth, vaguely way, "return you?"

Saying that, Ying Hannian made an effort to kiss her. Lin Yi quickly pushed his face away. "This is the street."

People come and go.

"It's OK, legal couple."

Yinghannian doesn't think so.

Lin Yi is very speechless to look at him, "in your eyes, a paper engagement is that you can be righteous play rogue road?"

"Well?" Ying Hannian thought for two seconds, "isn't it?"

be poker-faced.

pose as a person of high morals.


that 's ok.

Lin Yi said that he could only continue to eat his own ice cream.

Walking for a while, Lin Yi has been slowly gnawing to the bottom of the crisp tube, she looked at the street in front of the lights.

She can't help but ask, "Ying Hannian, do you look ahead like a net?"

The brilliance of the streets gathered together to form a strange net.


Ying Hannian hooked up her lips, agreed with her, and rubbed her head.

"Look at the pedestrians, they are just like little insects bumping into the Internet one after another, and they don't know if they are caught firmly." Lin Yi said with a smile, "they all think they are masters, but they don't know that they just hit a net."

"With such emotion?"

Ying Hannian looked down at her.

"Just for a moment. Let's go home and see our son."

Lin Yi ate the last bit of crispy tube and walked forward with his fingers, stepping into the strange world.

Who is the worm in the net and who is the outsider?


"Ouch --"

As soon as Mu Xiaxi came back to his room, he rushed into the bathroom and vomited in front of the toilet. He vomited in a daze, making the whole person kneel down and even have no strength to raise his hand to flush the toilet.

Lian Hao stood at the door of the bathroom, watching Mu Xiaxi kneel down there, with her long hair scattered, and her thin appearance was like a ghost, with peculiar smell in the air.

His brows were tight and his hands were over his nose.

It smells terrible.

Spitting like this, it's estimated that it's not far from death. It's hard to say whether we can survive for two months.

Lian Hao stood there for a long time to prepare in his heart, and then deliberately made the movement of running in. He panicked and said, "Xia Xi, how are you? Why did you vomit again? Did you vomit blood? "


Mu Xiaxi shook his head feebly.

Lian Hao washes out the foreign body in the toilet with nausea. She lifts Mu Xiaxi up, rinses her mouth and helps her back to bed. Mu Xiaxi leans on the head of the bed. His face is paler than paper. Lian Hao sits down beside the bed with a cup of hot water.