Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 882

Lianyin said as he pulled the two cups representing "Gu" and "Ye".


LV Qing and Tong Lianhao listen quietly.

"And the Wang family, this time the company and the herdsmen join hands to punish, the Wang family will have to slow down for some time." Lianyin disdained to say, and will be a cup over.

On the tea table, there were only two teacups left.

"It's just the shepherds."

LV Qinghe said, no wonder Lianyin used such a big hand to deal with the herdsmen this time.

"My father said that if the Lian family wants to be the top of the four families, the most important thing to guard against is the herdsmen." Lian Yin said, "although the Mu group has retired to the second place, from his old people's point of view, the Mu family has a strong foundation and should not be underestimated in the cold years. Therefore, we must hold down his strength, no matter whether the Mu group's surname is mu or Ying

You can make it stand up again. "

"That's why you want to start with Mu Xiaxi." LV Qinghe understood.

"My father said that Ying Hannian was a self-made man with evil abilities. He couldn't be as hostile as Gu family." Lianyin said, "and Xianguang and Xiaxi's shares are just the gap we can open."

Speaking of this, Lianyin has to think of the terrible year of yinghan.

For the first time, Ying Hannian guessed that they even had an interest in the voice of Mu's shares. Of course, she was interested. She had a voice in Mu's shares. She couldn't touch the root of Mu's shares, but she could always use her hands and feet to ensure that she couldn't surpass Lian's.

The purpose of Lian's family to marry Mu Xiaxi is to control the two brothers and sisters to grow a pair of eyes and ears in Mu's family.

Lian Hao sat there, smelling that he was a little annoyed and said, "I'm angry when I say that. Xia Xi, I've used her heart and lungs. She doesn't want to marry when she's here. If you don't show up in time, she'll do something wrong."

"Xia Xi was brought up in the hands of others. Although his family has changed greatly, his mind is still simple." Lianyin thought for a while and then said, "it's OK for her to get this disease. She was filled with people in her heart. It's hard for you to open her heart. Now she has a terminal disease, and her heart must be fragile. In this way, don't do anything recently, just treat her as a little princess

We'd better let her fall in love with you and transfer the shares to us before she dies. "

It doesn't have to be transferred directly to Lian's name, just to the people they arranged.

Lian Hao a listen to this task head all big, but didn't violate Lian Yin, "know."“ Mu Xiaxi is a girl. It's good to say that mu Xianguang is hard to control there? " Lu Qinghe said, "the best way for the herdsmen to die or go to jail is mu Xianguang. He should not give this face in the cold years. He is not as good as he is today. He can accept us

Control? "

"Oh, how unbreakable is the relationship between Xianguang and yinghannian? It can't be easier to alienate them, and it's not difficult to win him because he admires his younger sister. "

Lianyin said, holding up a cup of tea and rubbing it in his hand, a touch of darkness floated in his beautiful eyes. "Now think about it, Xia Xi's illness is a great good thing for us. Maybe it can help us get more."


Lianyin threw the cup to the ground, looked at the cup split, some proud smile.


Towering building stands in the prosperous area of imperial city.

In the bright president's office, Lin Yi, carrying a laptop, is standing next to Ying Hannian. She is watching the backstage operation of Yiwei restaurant. A claw slowly climbs onto her shoulder.

She didn't move. Her warm lips stuck to her neck socket, and her whole body was numb with kisses. She raised her hand to cover the man's face. "Ying Hannian, how do I think you have another plan to bring your son to the company?"

Her son was brought to Mu's group every day, and a lactating Baoma could only follow her.

As a result, the baby now sleeps more and wakes less. When she goes to bed, she is always caught by Ying Hannian, and she doesn't even have time to do some business.

For example, now, as soon as his son goes to bed, he is taken to the baby room, and there is a professional nursery teacher to guard him. What about her? Squeeze a desk in the cold year.

She doesn't want to squeeze. The problem is someone grabs her to squeeze.

"Yes? I'm just fulfilling my promise. "

Ying Hannian bit her tail finger, and her voice was ambiguous.


Ha ha, it sounds better than singing.

Lin Yi pushed him, but he held him in his arms. The overwhelming kisses immediately fell down. She was so strong that she could not resist.His lips and tongue swam around her neck, and her arms made her unable to escape. Lin Yi bit his ears, but he didn't even hide in cold years. He hooked his lips and said, "are you sure you want to come with me? Then I can draw the curtains. "


Pull your sister.

Lin Yi really wants to swear, "can you do something serious?"

Ying Hannian stares at her straightforwardly, "you're here. Of course, I just want to do something improper."

"... then I'll go." Lin Yi struggled in his arms and was hugged tightly by him. "What are you running for? How long can you get together with me? As soon as the lactation period is over, you must want to go to school and develop Yiwei restaurant. How long can you stay with me

How long have you been talking to me? "

He said so, Lin Yi on his dark eyes, can't help feeling a little sour, "OK, I don't go."

It turned out that he thought that sooner or later she would do her own business, so he stuck to her.

Also, if it wasn't for this pregnancy, they really couldn't stick together every day.

No, she doesn't cherish the time together, but the problem is that he likes to use his hands and feet too much together. She thinks it's not enough to simply give a warm hug, because in the end, he will be killed.

"That's good."

Ying Hannian gave her a kiss on her forehead and simply took her from another chair to her lap.

It's so sticky that when one person looks at a computer, he does a lot of little things. One moment he touches her hair, another moment he pinches her waist. Lin Yi resists at first, and then he goes with him.

The two of them are so at peace.


The doorbell, which was designed to knock on the door, suddenly rings. Lin Yi hears that he wants to stand up quickly and is pressed back by Ying Hannian.

"Legal couple, what's there."

Should cold year disapprove of, say then raise a voice, "come in."

The door was pushed open, and he Yao came in, "brother Han, I just got an important document, you..."

As soon as he looked up, his voice stopped abruptly.

He Yao was stunned. A second later, he realized what he had smashed. Panic appeared on He Yao's face. He hurried out and closed the door heavily.

"He Yao, come back!"

Lin Yi is really speechless, her tone has become very heavy. I can't help it. I don't know what he Yao and Ying Hannian are doing in his mind