Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 883

Ying Hannian looks at her with a deep smile.

Lin Yi is really angry, she is worried about his image in front of subordinates, but he does not care.

It's really annoying.

Hearing the sound, he Yao quietly came back, pushed the door open, bowed his head and came in, handed over a document, "brother Han, document."

"He Yao, look up."

Lin Yidao.


He Yao buried his head lower.

"Look up

Lin Yi's head is about to explode. He Yao raised his head slowly and didn't see any pictures that were not suitable for children. Lin Yi stood beside Ying Hannian, holding a chair and looking at him solemnly, "we just work on a desk. He has his place

I have my place, understand

"Ah?" He Yao stayed, then nodded stiffly, "understand."


Ying Hannian's smile deepened. With a bad look on his face, he raised his hand and waved, "go down and call me in."


He Yao answered and bowed his head to withdraw.

Lin Yi pats his chair and breathes a sigh of relief. Ying Hannian looks at her smile, which makes her smile strange.

"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Yi was puzzled.

"Next time I have to ask Li Jianyi, there should be a strong medical basis for one year's pregnancy." Ying Hannian's voice is low with a smile.

Lin Yi's face turned white with depression, "where am I stupid again?"

It's worth his beating around the bush.

"Do you forget why you put He Yao beside me?" Should be cold years pick eyebrows.


Lin Yi's heart "clattered" for a while, he Yao's observation is very strong.

Even if there is a desk, he Yao can't see much, but he Yao quits immediately, which shows that he has a final decision in his mind. Her calm explanation is that the more she wipes it, the more it seems that there is something unspeakable under the desk

Lin Yi was so stupid that he cried.

She should stand aside calmly. Anyway, she is well dressed. With He Yao's observation, she will naturally understand that they didn't have any extreme behavior in the office.

Such an explanation makes it seem that

Ying Hannian smiles and reaches out to pinch her hand. "The group that wants to cover up is really silly and lovely."


You can get out of here.

Lin Yi shakes off his hand and sits down in his chair, quietly thinking about where his lost IQ has gone.

"It's OK. Just be stupid. I have enough brains."

Ying Hannian comforted her.

"..." Lin Yi wanted to take his shoes and pat him on the shameless face. Just as he said that, Jiang Qixing came in from the outside, still as usual. His dark dress made his whole face a little chilly. Under his thick eyebrows, he looked straight ahead with one eye. He had no emotion, no emotion, no eyes

The scar on the horn is getting lighter and lighter.

At the sight of Jiang Qixing, Lin Yi felt uncomfortable.

On the day of Mu Xiaxi's wedding, he always stood on the lower side, folded his hands in front of him, and stood there like a bodyguard, watching the whole ceremony.

That kind of Jiang Qixing reminds Lin Yi that when he first met him, he walked out of the courtyard, and the fallen leaves on the ground rose with the wind and rolled at his feet, bleak and lonely.

After the wedding, Jiang Qixing did not take any more vacation and chose to continue working.

He didn't follow Mu Xiaxi in secret any more, as if he just found his original position.

No one knows how big the hole in his heart is.

"Brother Han, you come to me."

Jiang Qixing stands at his desk.

"Well, I've developed a new project in s city. You can monitor the progress of the project." Ying Hannian picked up a document and handed it to him.

"I'll supervise?" Jiang Qixing was stunned. "This has never been my job."

Hearing the words, Ying Hannian sneered and leaned back, "what do you mean, I give you so many shares and let you occupy a place on the board of directors just to make you a bodyguard leader?"


Jiang Qixing stopped talking.

"I attach great importance to this project. If there is any mistake, you are the only one to ask."Should cold year sink a voice to say.

Lin Yi sits aside and looks at Ying Hannian, thinking that she is not stupid enough. At least, she knows that he wants Jiang Qixing to leave this place to relax.


Jiang Qixing takes over the project file.

Ying Hannian didn't say anything more. When he Yao opened the document he had taken, Lin Yi took a look. It turned out that the information he Yao had collected was all about Mu Xianguang.

"Since mu Xianguang returned to Mu's group, the rumor seems to have never been broken."

Lin Yi said.

At present, there are two kinds of voices in Mu's family. One is that mu Xianguang doesn't agree with Ying Hannian and complains in private; Second, it is said that there is an ulterior motive for mu Xianguang to come back in the cold year.

In short, they are all differentiated.

Jiang Qixing stood there, hearing this, he raised his eyes, "brother Han, are you collecting information from the third young master?"

"What's the matter?"

Should cold years ask, black eyes cool thin.

"Don't you trust him?"

Jiang Qixing asked. He still remembers that brother Han taught him that there are two kinds of things that can be used for him. One is no doubt, the other is pure use, without talking about trust.

"What are you trying to say?"

Ying Hannian sits there and looks at him.

Jiang Qixing bowed his head and said with no expression, "along the way, although the third young master was arrogant occasionally, he didn't mean to harm brother Han. He's different from Mu Huakang."

Lin Yi looks at Jiang Qixing unexpectedly. It's rare to see that he talks so much for mu Xianguang's sake.

In fact, she really felt that Ying Hannian and Jiang Qixing had trampled on thorns and blood, but they never completely distorted their souls for a moment. They knew more about tolerance and innocence than anyone else.

"These are just some anecdotes collected by He Yao. It's not what Ying Hannian thought." Lin Yi said with a smile.


Jiang Qixing didn't say anything more. He continued to look down at the project information in his hand and scanned it roughly. He didn't find anything difficult to understand. He was about to retreat when Lin Yi picked up the phone.

"Hello, Miss Lian."

Lin Yi is as calm as water when he receives the call from Lianyin.

Since Mu Xiaxi and Lian Hao got engaged, Lian Yin often invited her and Bai Shuya to go out for afternoon tea and shopping, and talked about business with Ying Hannian through her.

Although it's not a big business, Lianyin shows absolute goodwill and shows her sincerity in making friends with the two families.

Therefore, Lin Yi is not good, has been refused, was invited three times, always go so twice“ Mrs. Ying, I have a library in the center of the city. It's not far from your Yiwei restaurant. Would you like to come and sit down for a while, and then go to your restaurant for dinner in the evening? I miss your lentil stewed meat rice so much. " From the voice of the joy

Very sincerely“ Good Lin Yi just refused once the day before yesterday, but he didn't refuse again. "Who else, Shuya and Xia Xi?"