Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 881

Words fall, Lian Hao slowly lowers a head to go, go to cover her lips.

Don't open your face, Mu Xiaxi.

Lian Hao's eyes flashed a touch of gloom. He took Mu Xiaxi's hand and put her on the bed.

Mu Xiaxi struggled excitedly, "let me go."

The petals were in a mess.

The overhead lights were dazzling.

"Xia Xi, you are already my wife. Don't think about those who shouldn't, OK?"

Lian Hao said in a low voice, raised a leg to press her body, and bowed his head to kiss her.

Where else could she resist when she got to his bed?

"Don't --"

Mu Xiaxi resisted. Suddenly, her face turned white, her eyebrows were frowning, and her eyes were in pain. She wanted to sit up from the bed, but she was pressed to death. A stream of blood rushed to her throat, "por --"

Mu Xiaxi's blood sprayed on Lian Hao's chest. His shirt was stained with blood, and his color was better than rose.

Seeing this, Lian Hao quickly threw away her hand, stepped back a few steps, looked down at the dishonor on her chest, disgusted and angry, and twisted her eyebrows badly.

As he took off his shirt, he looked at the people on the bed. Mu Xiaxi had curled up on the bed and pressed his heart painfully. The cold sweat on his forehead seeped out, "Er, it's so hard."

"Are you all right?"

Seeing her like this, Lian Hao stayed for a while.

"It hurts..."

Mu Xiaxi's face turned into paper color in a moment, and the blood color on his lips was dazzling under the light.

Lian Hao quickly walked out, "you wait, I'm going to call the doctor."

Lian Hao hurried out of the new house, Mu Xiaxi fell on the bed and rolled back and forth in pain, the romance of the room became irony.


Downstairs, Lianyin wears a noble evening dress to see off the last group of guests. She hears her husband come to tell her about Mu Xiaxi.

Her brow suddenly a Cu, "how can be like this, before is not good?"

"Now Doctor fan is still in there for treatment."

LV Qinghe is the husband of Lianyin, who is a typical redundancy. Lianyin is strong, and even he takes his wife's lead.

"I'll see." Lianyin said, pressing his back neck, "I'm so tired."

A day's wedding schedule is too tiring.

"I'll pinch it for you when I get back to my room. Change a pair of slippers first." LV Qinghe took a pair of slippers and put them in front of Lianyin.

Lianyin looked at him coldly, "I said I'm tired, don't you understand?"

Lu Qinghe looks at her, squats down with a smile, takes off the hate sky high for Lianyin, carefully helps her put on her slippers, and rubs her heels.

"Let's go."

Lian Yinfu put on his slippers and went upstairs.

Even after the family became the head of the four families, it was renovated from top to bottom. Although there was no historical background of the pastoral family, it was also resplendent and noble.

Lian Yin sat down in the side hall outside Lian Hao's bedroom with a cold face.

LV Qinghe poured a cup of warm water for her. Lian Yin didn't drink it. He only looked coldly at Lian Hao, "what's the matter?"

"How do I know what's going on? I was about to drag someone to bed when she suddenly spat blood on me Lian Hao changed his clothes and sat on the sofa. He was very upset. Where was his usual gentleness.

Just then, doctor fan, who has been working in Lian's home for many years, came out of the bedroom with a medicine box in his hand.

"How's it going?"

Lianyin frowned and asked.

"It's hard to say." With a dignified face, doctor fan went to Lianyin and lowered his head to say something in her ear.

Lianyin's face suddenly changed, "what's the disease, is it serious?"

"I'm just making a preliminary diagnosis. I'd better take my third daughter-in-law back to my hospital and make a detailed diagnosis." Fan said that she is the family doctor of Lian's family and has a big hospital outside.

Lian Yin sat there, looking very ugly, and said, "if it's really the disease you said, how long can Xia Xi last?"

"It's been less than two months, I'm afraid."

Fan said.

Smell speech, the three people on the scene are surprised, Lian Hao is a face of disbelief to stand up, "what do you mean, you mean Xia Xi got a terminal disease? It's impossible. She's been fine all the time"I'm afraid she didn't pay much attention to her health." Doctor Fan said, "it's a good diagnosis. Didn't the third young master go to have a pre marital physical examination?"


What to do, everything is in a hurry. There is not enough time to discuss the marriage and cooperation between the two families. How can we do the physical examination.

Lian Hao is sitting on the sofa. What is it? He married a dying woman to enter the door?

"How is Xia Xi now? Does she know? " Lianyin asked.

"It seems that I didn't know, but today I vomited blood. I guess I can guess something. I've prescribed some medicine and I've gone to sleep. " Fan said.

"OK, I see. You go down first."

It's a continuous voice.


Dr. Fan stepped back.

Lian Yin's face is not good-looking, and Lian Hao's face is also bad. LV Qinghe sits aside and looks at them. He says with relief, "now that medicine is developed, there should be something that can be cured. Don't be too sad for your sister and brother."

Hearing this, Lian Hao and Lian Yin look at him at the same time, like an idiot.

Seeing this, LV Qinghe said, "I know that you have another purpose to let Mu Xiaxi marry in. However, she is also your cousin. I thought you..."

"Cousin?" Lianyin sneered, "Lv Qinghe, you and I have been married for a long time, but we still don't understand anything. In a family like ours, there are so many married relatives. Where do so many family ties come from? It's all interests first."

Talking about feelings in a big family? It's just a cover for the interests involved.

Just like her aunt Lian man, she married into the herdsman's family in order to maintain the peace between the two families and ensure that there were not so many disgusting tricks.


Lu Qing and silence.

"Sister, what should we do now? Xia Xi's illness upset our situation. " Lian Hao frowned and asked.

Lian Yin sat there holding his arms and thought for a moment, "I wanted to do it slowly, but now I can only speed up."

"Speed up? If you do too much, will Ying Hannian find anything? That night when he talked about marriage, he decided that we had a plot against mu, and he was not easy to provoke. "

Lian Hao worried at the thought of Ying Hannian.

It is by no means a good stubble to cope with the cold years.

"So what? As long as we do it secretly, he is not so easy to detect. Moreover, our main task is to control mu Xianguang and Mu Xiaxi. " Lianyin said that she did not want to have a direct conflict with Ying Hannian. She looked at several excellent enamel cups on the tea table in front of her, stretched out her hand, took out five lined up, and said, "Gu's family broke off a Gu Ruo, and they became hostile to Ying Hannian. As a result, they almost killed the family and directly withdrew from the four families. Ye's new family has not made much noise for the time being."