Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 880

Jiang Qixing stood there with no expression on his face and looked down at the hand in his palm. She borrowed the force and he lifted it up to let her sit in smoothly.

The white gauze on her shoulder fell on him like an unnamed fetter.

"Have a good time."

When he released his hand, he said this in a low voice, and then closed the door for her.

Mu Xiaxi sits there, his body shaking violently, his eyes red, looking at the man sitting in front of him. She doesn't know when Lian Hao gets on the car, but she just looks at the front.

He started the car with his hand and drove slowly forward with a clear bone.

For a moment, Mu Xiaxi felt that he was not leaving with Lian Hao, but following Jiang Qixing.

She couldn't hear a word of what Lian Hao said.

Little by little, the car went ahead, and the fireworks outside were too loud and harsh.

The closed car was filled with his breath. Mu Xiaxi sadly found that she felt stable again. She closed her eyes and did not dare to think more.

This way, slow down, slow down.

That's probably the only memory she has for the rest of her life.

High balcony, Lin Yi quietly looking at this scene, the heart was pulled.

When Mu Huakang died, she knew that this scene would happen sooner or later, but when it happened, even she, an outsider, was distressed.

If Mu Huakang is still alive, she really wants to ask if he will regret it.

"Second little grandma, it's time to get ready to go to church."

The housekeeper came forward.

"I see." Lin Yi really didn't want to go to the ceremony. She turned around and walked in. Ying Hannian was sitting lazily next to the wine cabinet. She was clearly dressed in a stiff suit, but she was so drunk by his sitting posture that it was like a wedding

My master's home.

He had two glasses of wine in his hand and tasted both.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Yi went over and asked.

Ying Hannian raised his eyes to see her, and his eyebrows and eyes were slightly hooked up to show a touch of sexy, "I'm looking at what kind of wine can make that boy drunk for a few more days."

It means Jiang Qixing.

Mentioning this, Lin Yi sat down in front of him and said, "Jiang Qixing was the driver to marry Xia Xi. Just now, I almost thought he would get married."

Smell speech, should cold year sneer, black eyes stare at her directly, "that's what I can do, not him."


He really knows himself.

Also, Ying Hannian is conceited. Jiang Qixing is not the same. He always defines himself as a follower. He has low self-esteem. He thinks he can't give Xia Xi happiness. He has exhausted his strength to go to Xia Xi for a talk.

It's the courage that should be fought in the cold years.

Lin Yi reached out and took a glass of wine from his hand. He almost choked and fainted after smelling it. It was too strong. "I'll drink dead people."

"It's OK to die a few more days."

Ying Hannian shakes the wine cup in his hand and is very satisfied with the effect of the wine.


Lin Yi frowns, but Jiang Qixing is not so desperate that he wants to die. Instead, he will be poisoned with wine.

The Butler came again to urge them to go to the church.


Ying Hannian put down his wine glass and pulled Lin Yi's hand. Lin Yi stood up and her skirt hung naturally. He glanced at her looming skin under the skirt. With a frown, he took off his suit and put it on her shoulder. "Who picked up the skirt? It's really exposed."


Lin Yi looked at him helplessly, "you didn't seem to comment on my clothes before."

She wears a little bit occasionally, and his eyes are still straight.

"Well, I've been hiding in my own house for a long time, and I'm not willing to let others see it." Should cold year naturally tunnel, turn a Mou to glance at housekeeper, smile not smile, "you say is, housekeeper?"

The housekeeper was shocked, and then he turned around like a blind man. "Second young master, I'll go to prepare the car."


Lin Yi saw the elderly housekeeper running for the first time.

"Let's go."

Ying Hannian embraces her and goes out.


The marriage between Lian Mu and his family has become a hot topic at home and abroad. In addition to the recent decline of the Wang family, those experts have been talking wildly about the impact of the marriage in various fields.They said that under the alliance of the strong and the strong, once the communication is too close, there will be no four families, only two families.

After a luxurious wedding, the night is dark, not to mention the leading role, the supporting actors should be tired.

Mu Xiaxi sat in his romantic new house, wearing a red toasting suit. He walked all day, saying insincere words and wearing a masked smile.

All day long, she didn't know what she had done.

She sat in front of the make-up mirror and reached for her jewelry.

Outside came footsteps, Mu Xiaxi's eyelashes moved, stood up, walked out of the dressing room and into the bedroom.

The bedroom is very quiet.

Lian Hao came in, took off his suit and threw it aside. He looked up at her and said with a gentle smile, "are you tired? I'll ask the servant to pour you water, or I'll drink milk. "

Mu Xia Xi shook his head and said indifferently, "what about things?"

Smell speech, Lian Hao's eyes sink down, "tonight is our wedding night, mention this appropriate?"

"You agreed that you would give me something as soon as you got married."

Mu Xia Xi said coldly and held out his hand to him. Lian Hao's eyes suddenly filled with strong anger, but he soon suppressed it. He took Mu Xiaxi's hand, sat down on the wedding bed with rose petals, and looked at her fondly. "Xiaxi, would you give us some time to get along with each other,

I'll give you something now. You can take it and run to find Jiang Qixing. What am I? Isn't that a dream in vain? "

Hearing this, Mu Xia Xi sneered, his eyes were cold, "who are you when Jiang Qixing, and will you want a married woman?"

I don't know whether I'm mocking him or myself.


Lian Hao is silent.

Mu Xia Xi broke away his hand, "so you don't have to worry. Since I promised to marry, I won't mess with you. Give me something, or do you want to threaten me for a lifetime?"

"No way, Xia Xi."

Lian Hao looked at her affectionately, "sister, if I didn't love you too much, I wouldn't take this thing out. If I didn't say anything else, even my family is your family. It's connected by blood. How can we think of threatening you for a lifetime?"

"Then why don't you take it out now?"

Mu Xia Xi asked coldly.

"I'm afraid you'll ignore me when you get it." Lian Hao eyes revealed sadness, "I just want you to give me more attention."

"I'm married to you. What are you worried about?"

Mu Xiaxi road“ It hurts that we don't talk about it tonight. " Lian Hao looked at her deeply, raised his hand and stroked her face. His eyes fell on her lips. "Tonight, I hope you have only me in your eyes."