Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 879

It's not hateful, but it's a knot.


Lin Yi understood her meaning, nodded faintly and said, "it's meaningless to say anything now, as long as Xia Xi feels good." When it comes to this marriage, Bai Shuya and mu Xianguang are naturally happy. "Of course, no matter what, Lian Hao and Xia Xi can be regarded as knowing the root and the bottom. Even if her family is her uncle's family, can they be bad to her? Since Xianguang knew this baby girl

After Mei and Lian Hao got on well, they all relaxed. "

"Is it?"

"Yes, although Lian Hao's identity is doomed that he can't inherit the position of decision-maker, just because of this, he won't be too busy to take care of Xia Xi. Now Xianguang is indifferent to power, as long as he is good to Xia Xi." Bai Shuya said.

Lin Yi nodded and echoed, "yes."

Just then, there came the voice of the image designer, "the bride has changed her wedding dress."

Lin Yi put down the magazine and stood up with Bai Shuya. Two image designers stood at both ends and stretched out their hands to pull away the soft curtain. Mu Xiaxi stood quietly on the high platform, wearing a white wedding dress. The simple style of Europe and America was written by world-class masters, not specially designed. Because time was too short, Mu Xiaxi was still beautiful, tall and long tailed, Above the ornament of broken diamond shining, noble and elegant, embroidered with petals of the veil has been hanging down to the end of the skirt, empty to close in the white naked

Dew shoulders, add a hazy sexy.

Mu Xiaxi stood on it without expression. It was a beautiful face. It was still moving without expression.

Lin Yi and Bai Shuya look at each other, and both of them are astonished in each other's eyes.

"It's beautiful, Xia Xi."

Two people meet up.

"Thank you."

Mu Xiaxi smiles lightly and steps down the stage. Two image designers follow her and pull her tail.

Bai Shuya supported Mu Xiaxi with a happy face. "Finally, I can see that you are married, or married into Lian's family. I believe my mother's spirit in heaven must be very happy."

After Mu Huakang's death, Mu Xiaxi failed to find her life and was robbed. She and mu Xianguang were worried about her psychological condition for a time, but now they can rest assured.

"Sister in law, I'm really sorry to let you and your brother worry about me for so long."

Mu Xiaxi said.

"As long as you are happy."

Bai Shuya said, holding a mobile phone, he found an image designer to take photos for them.

After the photo was taken, I heard someone outside saying that the bridegroom had come to pull the bride. The cheers were heard clearly through several doors.

Lin Yi stood aside, looking at Mu Xiaxi's eyes slightly darkened, and then went out with a smile.

Lin Yi felt a little distressed. Lin Yi and Bai Shuya help Mu Xiaxi down the stairs. They step on the beautiful and romantic music. All the guests in the hall are talking noisily. Lian Hao stands in the middle of the crowd in a white dress and suit with flowers

, looking at Mu Xiaxi who came down.

There was a lot of noise around.

"Xia Xi."

Lian Hao holding flowers excitedly forward, was a horizontal out of the hand to stop“ What are you doing? " Mu Xianguang came out in a suit and pushed Lian Hao away. He said, "I want to hold my sister's hand until I get to the auditorium. It's my business to send her out! Midea, you want to take my job now

"I'll do it."

"Yes, please."

Lian Hao retreats with a smile.

"That's about the same."

There was a roar of laughter around, and everyone was very happy. They were all blessing. The girls in beautiful little skirts were passing through the crowd, holding the petals in their little hands and sprinkling them everywhere.

Mu Xiaxi stood on the stairs, looking at everyone's smile, looking at her proud brother, her vision circle, no hope and no disappointment to fall back to the original place.

"Come, sister, brother, carry you out."

Mu Xianguang goes to the front of the stairs and bends down, with his back to Mu Xiaxi.

Mu Xiaxi smiles and quietly climbs on mu Xianguang's back. Mu Xianguang steadily carries her. He smiles happily on his face, but his eyes are covered with a thin layer of water mist. He is clearly reluctant to give up.

After a few seconds of silence, mu Xianguang goes out with Mu Xiaxi on his back.

Fireworks keep blooming.

The flower children with small flower baskets lead the way forward and go out from the hall all the way.Outside the luxury car parked a long row, the wedding car layout is very romantic, red convertible sports car, in front of a pair of sweet new doll.

Among the petals in the sky, Mu Xiaxi was carried to the front of the main car. She raised her eyes and looked at all this. She only felt that everything was very vague, like an illusion.

A figure came into her sight. The man came slowly from a distance until he stood by the main wedding car. He was wearing a white shirt, a black tie and black trousers, which made his whole personality slender and thin. His face was a little morbid pale under short hair, which made him happy

The scar that had faded on it suddenly became very clear.

Mu Xiaxi lies on mu Xianguang's back and looks at him silently.

Who seems to have said that, in fact, he looks very good in his shirt. Who said that? Is it her? It doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Mu Xianguang was surprised to see Jiang Qixing, "aren't you still hurt?"

"There are not enough people. I'll be the driver."

Jiang Qixing said, his voice is hoarse, his eyes are always slightly down, and he doesn't look at anyone. He goes forward and opens the door for them.

Recharge the driver?

As for the herdsmen, they don't even have a driver?

Mu Xianguang was a little inexplicable, but he didn't say anything in front of so many guests. He put Mu Xiaxi down with a smile and told him, "step on the car directly and don't fall to the ground."

Mu Xiaxi raised her foot and stepped on the car. She was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes, but she didn't stand firmly. She still stepped on the ground with one foot. She leaned back, and a slightly rough hand held her in time, so that she would not fall down.

Mu Xia Xi raised his eyes and saw that the shirt of the man beside him was a little dazzling white.

"Why not."

She looked at his drooping eyebrows and said a low, toothache.

"This is the last thing I can do for you."

She's right. He can't protect her for life.

This is the last thing he can do - send her out in person, send her to the wedding hall, and then watch her enter the happy marriage of his choice.

After that, he didn't even have the right to follow in secret.

Jiang Qixing didn't look at her. He slowly pulled back the hand holding her waist and put it in front of him, palms up.


Mu Xiaxi stood there, his red lips trembling slightly, and no one could see him. She slowly put her hand into Jiang Qixing's hand, like the ten fingers of that night, like the lingering in front of the Buddha stone. This time, she pressed his palm and bent down to sit in the main wedding car.