Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 878

Jiang Qixing clenched his fist. Instead of looking at Lian Hao, he just stared at Mu Xiaxi.

Mu Xiaxi looks at Lian Hao, but he doesn't know what he is thinking. His eyes fall in Jiang Qixing's eyes and become the mountain he can't climb.

A few seconds later, she broke away from Lian Hao's arms and said indifferently, "I'm just talking to him. You don't have to."

Finish saying, Mu Xia Xi turns round to leave directly.

"Xia Xi!"

Jiang Qixing blurted out her name.

Mu Xiaxi's steps stopped, and then he left without looking back. His back was thin and almost heartless.

Lian Hao stood there, feeling his lips with some pride, and looking sarcastically at Jiang Qixing, "Xia Xi is the eldest lady under the marriage of Lian Mu and his family. What are you? How dare you touch her?"


Mu Xiaxi left, and Jiang Qixing lost his desire to speak.

"She's mine. If you touch her again, I won't let you go."

Lian Hao put down his cruel words, gently patted his suit and turned to leave.

Leaving Jiang Qixing standing alone in the same place, the wind blowing over, like laughing at him, is a sad joke.

"Hehe, hehe."

He laughed at himself.

Did you choose Lian Hao?

She never had him in her heart.

He's right. He's just being amorous.

Be sentimental

It turned out that from beginning to end, he was the only one who had a great spring and autumn dream.

Jiang Qixing waved his fist on the Buddha stone, and the bright red blood slowly flowed down the smooth stone wall.

It turns out that no matter how spiritual the Buddha stone is, it can't satisfy his hysterical appeal.


At night, Lin Yi took the milk and peach gum to go upstairs step by step. She was just seeing Mu Xiaxi come out of Ying Hannian's study. She was stunned, "Xiaxi."

Mu Xiaxi came out all the way with his head down. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Hearing the sound, Mu Xiaxi looked up at her, "Lin Yi? Well, I'm looking for my second brother to... "For your shares, right? Don't think about it too much. You should be merciless to Lian's family before the cold years, and say that you like shares. That's just for Jiang Qixing. " Lin Yi stood in front of her and said seriously, "even if you get married, it should be

Yours is yours. You don't have to pay it back. "

She had no idea what Mu Xiaxi could do to find yinghannian.

Today, when Lian Hao came back, he was very polite and said with a smile that Jiang Qixing just wanted to talk to Mu Xiaxi for a few words, nothing.

Xia Xi stands aside and doesn't refute. It seems that the existence of Jiang Qixing doesn't affect the marriage of Xia Xi and Lian Hao.

Jiang Qixing gave up, but he was also desperate.

Since the marriage has no influence, Xia Xi's pure nature is probably to return the shares, so that Ying Hannian will not doubt his marriage.

Mu Xiaxi stood there, hearing the three words "Jiang Qixing", his eyes darkened and he said, "I understand."


They stood in the corridor, silent for a moment.

For a long time, Mu Xia Xi looked at Lin Yi and said, "he has no relatives. Please take care of him with your second brother."

Lin Yi really can't see how much Mu Xiaxi wants to marry Lian Hao, but maybe it's the last generation's misfortune that makes it difficult for her.

"Don't worry, he can't have an accident when he is in the cold years."

Up to now, everything is a foregone conclusion. Lin Yi can't say anything else. He can only let Mu Xiaxi relax.

Anyway, Mu Xiaxi did nothing wrong.


Mu Xiaxi nodded, raised his foot and left. He passed Lin Yi and left step by step.

Lin Yi turns to look at her. Mu Xiaxi's back on the corridor is more or less lonely, and has no pleasure of holding a wedding. Lin Yi's heart is more or less helpless. She pushes open the door of her study and walks in with milk and peach gum. Ying Hannian is sitting in front of her desk, sitting upright, one hand against her forehead. Her face is dignified. Her dark eyes are staring at the front and her thin lips are pursing


What's that look like?

Is it because Jiang Qixing failed to keep Mu Xiaxi?

"It should be a cold year."

She whispered his name and put the peach gum in the corner of the desk.Ying Hannian turns his eyes to her. His eyes are deep. He reaches out and pulls her into his arms. He presses her on his legs and embraces her with his arms.

"Are you all right?"

She thought the atmosphere of the study was a little strange.

Mu Xiaxi just came in. What did he say and do?

"It's OK. Let me hold it for a while."

Ying Hannian holds her and leans her head on her, clinging to her like a child who depends on adults.


Lin Yi was inexplicable, but he was still leaning on her. Her hand slid down and stuck to him tightly, "do you want to eat some peach gum?"


Should cold year should be a, but will hold her more tightly, reluctant to let go.

The study is very quiet, quiet only their breathing each other.


It took only a month for the marriage of Mu and lian to be held. Time passed quickly, and the wedding day came in a twinkling of an eye.

Mu Xiaxi had been living out for so long, but he still went out from his family when he got married.

There are countless guests in the herdsmen's family. They get together to talk and laugh. The servants are very busy going in and out.

In the huge dressing room, Lin Yi and Bai Shuya sit outside and wait. They both change into simple dresses.

Lin Yi wears a light color, simple and elegant. She wears a pair of tassel diamond earrings on her ear. She is reading a magazine.

"I thought you and the second brother were the first to drink the wedding wine, but Xia Xi got married first." Bai Shuya smiles with emotion.

The whole thing was done in a hurry, and suddenly it was open to the public. The engagement banquet was very simple at Xia Xi's request, and the wedding ceremony was held before he fell asleep.

It's so unreal.

"Yinghannian and I just need a ceremony."

Lin Yi gave a faint smile.

Bai Shuya saw her smile so light, people leaned on her and whispered, "does Jiang Qixing like our Xia Xi?"

Smell speech, Lin Yi eye a Zheng, stop the action of turning a book, lift Mou to see her.

Seeing her like this, Bai Shuya is more clear, "it turns out that's true. I said how Jiang Qixing suddenly pulled Xia Xi out in public that day. After that day, Jiang Qixing basically didn't show up."

"He's hurt. Let him rest in the cold year."

He fought Wang Zichang once and yinghannian once. Jiang Qixing was injured and yinghannian forced him to recuperate.

Jiang Qixing is probably really despairing and disheartened. He hasn't been out of the room for a while.

"Then he should not come out today." Bai Shuya said, then sighed gently, "nature makes people."

"I thought you'd be disgusted."

Lin Yidao.

"I have no prejudice against Jiang Qixing. It's just that the things of the previous generation are horizontal. Isn't even Xianguang and the second brother running in a little bit? Not to mention them. "

Bai Shuya said. Jiang Qixing's hand is actually stained with the life of their second room. They can understand, but it does exist and can't be changed.