Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 877

The truth lies in Lianyin. Lin Yi can't argue it out for a moment. He can only smile.

Lianyin takes a look at Lianhao. Lianhao pushes the housekeeper away and chases him out.

Lin Yi purses her lips and thinks that if Mu Xiaxi has Jiang Qixing in her heart, it's no use even if she pursues him.

Let it be.

"What's going on?" Mu Xianguang sat on the sofa and frowned, "what's the matter with Jiang Qixing?"

He didn't get up. He didn't think Jiang Qixing would hurt Xia Xi at all.

Bai Shuya also shook her head blankly.

How can Jiang Qixing suddenly pull Xia Xi away? How close are these two people to each other?

Small Luo each rely on the cradle, the powder ball in the cradle is not shocked by the adults, playing with small hands, laughing happily.


The big trees are covered with shade, covering a pavilion. The Buddha stone in front of the pavilion is three meters high. The sunlight falls on the smooth stone surface. It is bright and gentle, which makes people calm and peaceful.

Mu Xiaxi is pulled all the way to the Buddha stone by Jiang Qixing. They stand face to face. She can clearly hear his heavy breathing and the faint smell of blood.

Why is he hurt again?

Mu Xia Xi frowned and raised his eyes to see the gauze on his neck. His eyelashes trembled and did not continue to lift.

Her hand was still held tightly by him, and the palm of his hand was as hot as that night.


She wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. Her breathing was out of rhythm.

"It's said that this Buddha stone has been worshipped by Buddhism for thousands of years, and countless masters have recited sutras to it, so it's a spiritual thing."

Jiang Qixing suddenly said, dumb voice said inexplicable words. Mu Xiaxi didn't understand why he suddenly said this. He raised his eyes to his red eyes. He stared at her straightly, and her heart leaped with unprecedented strength. The next second, Jiang Qixing took a deep breath, grabbed her hand and pressed the watch

On a very smooth stone wall.

Under the palm of her hand is the gentle Buddha stone.

Under his palm is her soft hand.

Close to each other.

"Don't lie to the Buddha stone, otherwise it's disrespectful." Jiang Qixing held her hand and stared at her, "Mu Xiaxi, do you really don't mind everything I do? "No resentment, no hatred?"

"I never hated you."

She said word by word, facing the Buddha stone, she had her piety.

Jiang Qixing stared at her and asked, "what am I in your eyes?"


Mu Xia Xi suddenly understood what he wanted to say, and his eyes trembled.


Why do you have to wait until now? She looked at him, turned her eyes, looked at their overlapping hands on the Buddha stone, and asked, "Jiang Qixing, can you tell me that after my father's death, when everything is over, you will still keep thinking of those terrible pictures in your midnight dreams, my dear

Does existence remind you of the past over and over again? "

Words fall, she feels the pressure on his hand that hand with a force, he stood in front of her, face all the subtle changes she can see clearly.

But for a moment, Mu Xiaxi was sure that the nightmares he had that night were not accidental. He had been having nightmares.

These dreams must be very painful for him.

"I can't forget it, but it has nothing to do with what I'm going to say today."

Jiang Qixing stares at her, presses her hand harder, moves her lips, and finally says, "you don't want to get married. If you don't hate me, you don't want to get married."

No one can.


Mu Xiaxi's fingers trembled.

There was no causal relationship between his words. Whether she hated him or not would not affect his marriage, but she recognized the lowliness in his words. She did not dare to say a word of love.

She suddenly understood that whether he could forget the past or not, but whether she could forget it or not, depended on whether she dared.

She is waiting for him.

He is not waiting for her.

So it is, so it is

Mu Xiaxi stood there, her eyes getting wet, and the original self in her heart was ready to move again. Her heart jumped up again, "Jiang Qixing, I --"

"What does it matter to you whether she marries or not?"A voice of displeasure came suddenly.

Lian Hao rushes over and punches Jiang Qixing with one punch. Jiang Qixing is injured, but he has no problem with a rich young man. His eyes sink and his side avoids the opponent's fist.

Lian Hao's fist comes again. Jiang Qixing pulls Mu Xiaxi behind him, raises his hand and grabs Lian Hao's hand. With a movement of his finger bone, Lian Hao screams.

Jiang Qixing pushes Lian Hao away.

Lian Hao stood in the same place, not knowing what Jiang Qixing had done. Half of his arm was numb. He stared at Jiang Qixing, "what's the matter with you? What do you want to do? "

Jiang Qixing stood there and said coldly, "I have something to say with her. Please avoid even three young people first."

"She's my fiancee. What am I avoiding?"

Lian Hao dissatisfied with the tunnel, paralysis makes his whole face white.

"Since it's unmarried, it's not legal."

Jiang Qixing is indifferent.

"You --"

Lian Hao couldn't make sense with him. He turned his eyes and looked at Mu Xiaxi behind him. "Xiaxi, don't you come here?"

Mu Xiaxi stood behind Jiang Qixing, and his eyes were obviously shaken.

Lian Hao's complexion is not good immediately, regardless of paralyzed arm Yang voice way, "Xia Xi, his brain is confused, you are also confused?"


Mu Xia Xi's eyes stagnated and his breath was held in an instant.

She knew the implication of Lian Hao's words.

"Let's go." Jiang Qixing didn't listen to the man, and he took Mu Xiaxi's hand to leave. Lian Hao said in a loud voice, "how good my sister is to you, don't you know? Did you forget all that she said? Xia Xi, my sister treats you as her own sister. What are you going to do today

If you leave with this man, are you worthy of me and my sister? "

Jiang Qixing leads Mu Xiaxi to leave with a big stride. Suddenly, his hands are empty.

He froze in place, low Mou sees, Mu Xia Xi has already pulled back her hand.

The four eyes are opposite.

His breathing stagnated, Mu Xiaxi quietly looked at him, eyes slightly red, no "sorry", no reason, just quietly back.

Jiang Qixing also wants to reach out to pull her. Mu Xiaxi has turned around and left. He leaves directly over Lian Hao.


Lian Hao seems to be not enough. He pulls Mu Xiaxi back and kisses her lips. Mu Xiaxi wants to resist. He whispers, "don't forget my sister's words."


Mu Xiaxi froze.

Lian Hao gave her a satisfied kiss on the lip.

She didn't resist.

Jiang Qixing looked at the figure of the two people glued together, as if they had been cut throat, the voice could not come out. Lian Hao hugs Mu Xiaxi and looks at Jiang Qixing. Under the gentle skin, he has the meaning of demonstrating. "Xiaxi, tell him, don't pester you in the future."