Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 876

Suddenly, she saw Jiang Qixing sitting there, looking at them with her eyes.


Lin Yi was extremely embarrassed.

The next second, Jiang Qixing's eyes on her quickly shifted away, and later made a look that I didn't see anything.

The poor acting made Lin Yi more embarrassed.

After treating the injury, everyone stepped down first, and even Jiang Qixing, who was a little seriously injured, left.

Looking at his back, Lin Yi couldn't help asking Ying Hannian, "are you so useful? It's enough to hurt people all over the body and vent all their energy? "

Jiang Qixing really tried his best to fight yinghannian, but after that, it was still like that?

After venting, I can't let it go for a while.

"Actually, I have better ideas, but you should not allow them." Ying Hannian leans on her and curls her hair to play.

"What's the idea?"

"Take him to extreme surfing, unarmed rock climbing, wing flying..." Ying Hannian stares at her and says, "people can only see through when they are facing death." Lin Yi listened to the black line. She really didn't want to hear about these extreme sports. She looked at Ying Hannian and said, "their situation is different. I'm afraid they don't necessarily understand their own heart in the face of death. So, I hope you can persuade Jiang Qixing

Let him put it down, so that he and Xia Xi are at ease and can live a good life in the future. "

Smell speech, should cold year fixed ground gaze at her, half ring "tut" a, "you this woman is really heartless."


It's about her again.

"I think you said it was nice at the beginning and how much you thought about me, but later when you put it down, you put it down very simply." Ying Hannian glanced at her.

"It seems that you abandoned me first." Lin Yi wanted to give him a white look, but she had a good reason for pulling old scores with her.

"But no matter how vicious my mouth is, you are the only woman in my heart. But you are a senior and a blind date."

Ying Hannian's thin lips were close to her ears, and she said in a low voice. She pinched her chin with her fingers, and a faint light flashed in her eyes.

It's so hot to think about it.


Lin Yi is speechless. It's an old story for hundreds of years. He even picked it up. Who said it was women's patent to turn over the old accounts?

"Are you suddenly ashamed and guilty of me?"

Ying Hannian touched her chin.


"It's OK. I can forgive you generously."


Lin Yi looked at him, "aren't we talking about Jiang Qixing?"

How can we get to the point where she is very unfeeling?

"Yes, I just want to tell you that I brought him out on my own. Some places are very similar to me, and it's not so easy to put him down." Ying Hannian's eyes were fixed on her.

Lin Yi was scalded by his eyes, "then you say, what effect do you have today?"

Hearing this, Ying Hannian's black eyes deepened. He put down his hands and put them on his legs, with a cold face. "I don't know, maybe... Either go out or despair."


Lin Yi pursed her lips.


She thought that she understood the meaning of Ying Hannian. Sometimes death of heart and letting go are the same result.

In the cold year, this is a powerful medicine.


When the group returned to the herdsman's home, the herdsman was immersed in laughter.

Lianyin comes to talk about the wedding. Lianhao takes Mu Xiaxi by the hand and sits in the center. Next to him is mu Xianguang and his wife.

When the Lin family came out with Xiaojing in their arms, xiaoluoluo kept watch over his younger brother, while Xiaojing was there, whistling and waving his hands.

"The baby is so beautiful and lovely." Lianyin squatted on the edge of the cradle, looking at the baby inside, said with a smile.

Everybody laughed. Jiang Qixing steps into the gate behind Ying Hannian and Lin Yi, and sees this harmonious scene. Everyone is so happy. Mu Xiaxi sits in the middle in a light colored dress, and her hand is tightly held by Lian Hao. She slightly lowers her head and can't see her watch clearly


He stood there, looking straight at their folded hands, as if the ring should be cold years crush his body pain."Do you hate it?"

"Who do you hate?"

"Have you ever thought about why you are being humiliated by fate and what have you done wrong? Do you have the wrong baby or kill your father's enemy? "

"Jiang Qixing, do you still have the courage?"

"I tell you, if you're a man, you'll rob Mu Xiaxi. If she doesn't go with you, you'll die for me! If you can't, you'd better die for me than you're half dead in front of me! "

He was knocked down and insulted by Ying Hannian.

The reluctance in the bottom of my heart was deeply aroused.

What did he do wrong?

Why do you want him to suffer all this?

For what? Jiang Qixing stood at the door, all over hurt, one eye straight to the hall, the light in the hall is very bright, dazzling, everyone's smile has become blurred, only mu Xiaxi's figure is so clear, clear as a knife

On him.

Jiang Qixing doesn't know whether he was confused or too sober. When he sees the shocked eyes of the people around him, he has snatched Mu Xiaxi's wrist from Lian Hao and dragged her out.

Mu Xiaxi was suddenly clenched up and her long hair was raised. She looked at the silent man in front of her and forgot to resist.

Everyone seemed to be frozen, watching them go away.

Lin Yi stood by Ying Hannian's side for two seconds and said in a low voice, "I'm really going out..."

Sure enough, it was Ying Hannian who knew Jiang Qixing. He was so silent that he was like an invisible man. After being beaten, he broke out.

She can't help feeling, "pretty handsome."


Ying Hannian glared at her with a gloomy face.


Lin Yi shut up.

For a while, many talents seem to react, Lianyin frowned, "Lianhao."

"Ah? Oh

Lian Hao came back to his senses and quickly stood up to chase after him.

Lin Yi glanced at the housekeeper. Seeing this, the housekeeper immediately stopped Lian Hao. "Third young master Lian, please sit down and try the new soup in the kitchen."

"Lian Hao is going after his fiancee, housekeeper. Don't you want to stop him? It's not nice to hear that. People will say that the shepherd's housekeeper has no rules and no insight to this extent. " Lianyin stood up and said with a smile.

"Jiang Qixing and Xia Xi are friends. They just have something to say."

Lin Yi walked forward with a smile.

"Mrs. Ying, as a husband and wife, you shouldn't have secrets, shouldn't you? If Mr. Ying is pulled away by another friend of the opposite sex in front of you, I don't think you will just sit back and ignore him?" In Lianyin Dao, the word "opposite sex" is stressed“ Miss Lian is serious