Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 875


Ying Hannian pushed Jiang Qixing forward.

Jiang Qixing pressed his arm and was pushed forward.

Lin Yi couldn't stop it.

The next venue - Boxing hall.

In the ring, Ying Hannian twisted his neck and threw his gloves to Jiang Qixing. Jiang Qixing reached out to catch him and looked at Ying Hannian with his eyes. "Brother Han, you..."

"Don't ask anything, just fight!"

Ying Hannian looked at him coldly.


Jiang Qixing stood there, moved his arm and put on his gloves. Before he put them on, Ying Hannian flew towards him with a fist.


The boxer's voice was dull and strong.

Lin Yi stood at the bottom and could not help blocking his eyes with his hands. He could not bear to witness.

Ying Hannian, a wonderful flower, has come to enlighten or beat people. Jiang Qixing was thrown to the ground by Ying Hannian, and almost fell out directly. Ying Hannian stood there, looking at Jiang Qixing's mouth full of blood with disdain, and stepped forward and kicked, "you're what I taught you, and now you're such a fuckin 'ability? The more you live, the better

Go back


Jiang Qixing fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Ying Hannian squatted down and hissed, "Lin Yi said that you have a crush on Mu Xiaxi. Now she wants to get married. Are you in pain? Is it painful to be absent-minded? Do you know how many things you have done wrong recently? I open my eyes and close my eyes, and you're the one

I'm really used to you, aren't I? "

Hearing the words, Jiang Qixing's eyes were dazed, and his eyes were oppressed with great pain. "Brother Han, I didn't mean it."

The voice is hoarse to the extreme.

"You paid it on purpose?" Ying Hannian hummed coldly, "how, do you regret killing Mu Huakang in front of me now? Do you still hate me?"

"I didn't."

Jiang Qixing was said to frown and his teeth were stained with blood. When did he regret it.

Blood feud, he never regret revenge blood feud, his pain has always been that he let Mu Xiaxi lost his father

She's innocent.

She was innocent from beginning to end.

"No?" Ying Hannian sneered, "who are you going to show me like this? If you hate me, get up and keep fighting! "

"I didn't."

Jiang Qixing fell there and said.

Ying Hannian stood up, stepped on him and asked coldly, "who do you hate?"

Who do you hate?

Who can he hate? Step by step, now, he doesn't know where he is wrong, he doesn't know who else is sorry for him, who can he hate?

Ying Hannian stands there, the sole of his shoe is crushed on him, inch by inch, and his dignity is despised. Jiang Qixing falls on the ring and frowns bitterly. He raises his eyes, aiming at Ying Hannian's sarcasm and contempt

That look was too humiliating.

His blood flowed back in an instant.

He still hated Mu Huakang, for destroying his family and leaving a daughter to torture him.

He hated himself for not being able to control all this, for not being able to advance or retreat, for being fooled by fate like an idiot, and for not being able to resist.

Why doesn't he hate it? He hates it to the core!

Jiang Qixing spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, suddenly jumped up from the ground and hit yinghannian with his fist. Yinghannian was swept by the boxing wind, and he staggered a few steps back.

Lin Yi frowned from below. He saw that Jiang Qixing attacked yinghannian recklessly, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Call the doctor at any time."

Lin Yi told the maid to follow him, but he couldn't see it any more.

The sound of the impact in the ring makes people feel uncomfortable. Both men fight to death like killing red eyes. Lin Yi hears Jiang Qixing's hysterical roar, like a wild animal trapped in his body breaking out of the cage

Lin Yi suddenly remembered that when he answered the door, Mu Xiaxi stood on the execution ground, staring at the huge cross in a daze, And Jiang Qixing stood down and looked at her.

Jiang Qixing and Mu Xiaxi were both taken to the execution ground and trapped in a cross.

The roar of Jiang Qixing reverberates in the open boxing hall, and Lin Yi is very sad to hear it.One venue after another.

Ying Hannian's solution is to let both people get hurt.

Coming out of the last martial arts hall, both men smell of blood. After entering the rest room, Lin Yi quickly asked the waiting doctor to treat them. Ying Hannian sat on the sofa and leaned back casually. His short hair was wet. He stretched out his hand and pulled his collar. The bruise on the corner of his mouth added evil to him. He didn't feel like sitting on the sofa

A businessman talking about business in a tall building.


Lin Yi looked at him helplessly and handed him the water cup.

Ying Hannian put his hand aside and let the doctor deal with the wound. Hearing this sound, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yi. He hooked his lips and said, "angry?"

"You just have fun."

She doesn't matter.

Linyi cold tunnel.

"It's a great spirit." Should cold year low smile a, look at own hand way, "in bandage wound inconvenient, you feed me."

As soon as the words came out, the doctor's action froze for a second. The maid listened and quietly turned away. It's OK. This kind of dog food is used to.

Jiang Qixing is more seriously injured than Ying Hannian. Sitting on a sofa near the door, his chest and ribs are aching. When he raises his eyes, he sees Lin Yi pass the water cup to Ying Hannian and says coldly, "don't you have another hand? Drink it yourself."

Ying Hannian sits there, reaches out his hand and grabs Lin Yi to pull it into his arms. Lin Yi doesn't prevent him from doing so. He suddenly falls into his arms, and the cup in his hand falls out, and the water splashes on the ground.


Jiang Qixing sat there watching the scene, frowning, suddenly feel familiar, but can't remember what specific.

Lin Yi angrily stares at Ying Hannian, "look at you, the water is spilt."

"Yes, the water is spilt. I have nothing to drink." Ying Hannian shrugged and held her hand tightly.

"Who's to blame?"

"Blame me."

Should cold years rightfully recognized, side head to her ear, voice magnetic, "Tuan Tuan, not angry, good."


Good girl.

Lin Yizhen wanted to pick up the cup and smash it on his face. She bit her lip and pushed it away. "Stay away from me. It smells bloody and disgusting."

"I'll take a bath before I get hurt."

When Ying Hannian said that he was about to get up, Lin Yi pressed him down quickly, "don't be mischievous, it's important to treat injuries."

"You don't like me."

"... I don't hate you." She's just sitting here, okay?

"I knew you didn't want me."

Ying Hannian sat down, put it on her lips and gave her a kiss, regardless of others. Lin Yi's face is slightly hot. She pushes his face away again. This person doesn't know how to avoid it. She turns her eyes to the doctor and the maid. Well, they know how to avoid it. The maid is bowing her head and counting her fingers. The doctor wants to tear out a flower from the gauze, and doesn't care to look elsewhere.