Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 874

Back in the hall, Ying Hannian held Lin Yi and told the servant, "go and get the medicine oil."

"No, it doesn't hurt now."

Lin Yi said that he was put on the sofa by Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian is not at ease. She still rubs her feet with medicinal oil. Lin Yi sits there and puts her feet on his legs. As she looks at the mobile phone, she suddenly thinks of something. She takes off the earphone and says, "by the way, Lianyin calls me and says that she wants to talk to me

The herdsmen will cooperate and punish the Wang family. "

This Lianyin looks for Lin Yi for everything. It seems that he has decided that nothing can't be done through her.

"Let mu Xianguang do it, whatever he wants to do."

Should be cold years cold tunnel.


Lin Yi didn't speak any more. With this incident, the two families of Lian Mu became one battlefield. If they were to be punished, the Wang family would not be able to resist. Maybe within a few years, the Wang family would withdraw from the stage of the four families.

She thought that the struggle of the four families had not been so chaotic in these years.

Wang Zichang, a rat excrement destroyed the Wang family.

Wang Tiantian, losing the protection of the Wang family, will become a drowning dog again.

Lin Yi saw that Ying Hannian kneaded her feet attentively, but her feet were a little small under his big palm. She felt warm when she pressed them like a treasure.

Suddenly, Ying Hannian touched her white feet.

"For what?" She has a strange look on her face.

Ying Hannian pinched her feet. "It's so tender."



When she kicked him, Ying's eyebrows didn't wrinkle. For him, this strength was not even itching.

"By the way, after this time, is it a good thing that the company and the herdsmen can be regarded as a disguised alliance?"

Lin Yi asked, the four families have business contacts and marriages with each other, but this time they have not been able to suppress a Wang family. Is it a good thing to get closer and closer?

Smell speech, should cold year low smile, put down medicine oil, lean on the sofa to see her, a pair of eyes dark, "know a businessman how to do more and more big?"

"All ears."

He's going to teach her again“ That is to say, no matter you cooperate with anyone, you have to make money. Even if it's a bad situation, you have to make money. Even if you only make a dollar, if you can't make it, you have to make more losses than yourself. That's the businessman. " Responding to cold

"There is no absolute good or bad thing in the world. It depends on how people make use of it," he said

That is to say, if you want to cooperate with others, you have to earn more than the other party, and if you want to lose less than the other party, you can stand firm.

Lin Yi nodded when he was taught, "now, the advantages and disadvantages of the alliance between Mulian and Mulian are second. What I really worry about is Xia Xihe..."

Before he finished, the housekeeper came in from the outside with a beautiful and delicate post in his hand.

"The second young master and the second young grandmother are hired by the family."

With that, the housekeeper handed the gilded post with a big double happiness on it.

Once opened, there was a long gift list, which was very traditional.

"Why so fast?" Lin Yi was surprised to take back the feet on Ying Hannian's legs, "don't you mean to wait for the wedding in summer?"

Even if the big family attaches great importance to customs, it's not so urgent to hire these old traditions, right? The housekeeper stood there and said, "it's said that after Wang Zichang was hospitalized, he thought it was Miss Liu who had made the ghost. He sent out a message to harass her and said that he wanted to marry Miss Liu, which would delay her life. Miss Liu thought that only when she got married could Wang Zichang's mind be broken,

So Lian's family asked him what he meant and wanted to hold a wedding as soon as possible. "

"Does Xia Xi want to get married early?"

Lin Yi subconsciously thinks it's impossible. She can't see how much Xia Xi wants to get married.

"Yes." The housekeeper said, "I've heard the third daughter-in-law mention this. It should be right."


Lin Yi bit his lip and thought about calling Mu Xiaxi. When he got a definite reply, his heart sank.

That night in Yiwei restaurant, she said that she asked Mu Xiaxi to think about her happiness. Mu Xiaxi was still thinking about it. How could she get married in a hurry?

Does Mu Xiaxi really mean nothing to Jiang Qixing?

She thinks too much about everything. Is it Jiang Qixing's one-sided bitter love?"Second young granny, the people of Lian family..."

Asked the housekeeper.

"Let Shuya come to the reception. After all, it's the business of Er Fang." Lin Yi doesn't want to cross the border to take care of it. She turns her eyes and looks at Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian's face is calm. Her black eyes are very deep and her lips are thin. She can't see what she is thinking.

She reached out to push him, "you go to talk to Jiang Qixing."

Even the family has announced their marriage to the media, and the bride price is also on the door, and Mu Xiaxi is willing to. The marriage can't be changed in any case.

Now, I'm afraid Jiang Qixing will be sad.


In the cold year, I gave a deep reply.


In the huge and quiet indoor tennis court, Ying Hannian and Jiang Qixing separate the two ends of the net.

Ying Hannian stood there, turned his wrist guard, raised his racket and hit the net hard. Jiang Qixing jumped up and smashed back.

The sound of shoes rubbing against the ground is especially loud in the open field.

Across the other side of the tennis court glass, Lin Yi sits at a table with black tea and snacks in front of her. Black tea is still steaming hot. She just looks at the two men inside.

Jiang Qixing probably didn't expect that yinghannian suddenly invited him to play. At first, he didn't put in. Under the pressure of yinghannian, he gradually became red eyed and made a smash to yinghannian with his arms and muscles open.

"Second young granny, are they all right to fight like this?"

The maid on one side was very frightened. Even professional athletes didn't have such a way to play.

"Let them go."

Lin Yi light tunnel, this time in addition to let Jiang Qixing vent, there is a better way?

In the tennis court, Ying Hannian fiercely called a ball in the past, which was not easy to catch. However, Jiang Qixing jumped up to catch the ball with all his life. He fell down heavily and didn't get up for a long time.

"Call the doctor quickly."

Lin Yi stood up and said, but he saw Ying Hannian cross the net, walk up to Jiang Qixing and carry him out.

Jiang Qixing bit his teeth, obviously in pain.

She ran out and met Ying Hannian, "the doctor will come right away. Let's have a rest first."

"Rest for what?" Should cold year cold tunnel, tone merciless, "to the next venue."

This is a comprehensive sports venue, which involves a number of sports. Today, they packed the venue.

The two men stood there, sweating all over, their sports clothes were wet through, and Jiang Qixing's face was a little white, so he should have been hurt a lot.

"Why don't you treat it first?" Lin Yi advised.