Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 873

Her eyes passed him and fell on several empty wine bottles.

He drinks so much. No wonder

Mu Xiaxi looked at the man in front of him and couldn't help reaching out his hand and touching the corner of his hair.

"Jiang Qixing, that's all I can do for you." She heard her bitter voice, "if you dare not, don't remember. If you dare, come back to me when you are sober."

"..." only Jiang Qixing's even breath responded to her.

"It's OK. I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you to think about it."

She didn't know if she could forget everything about the previous generation, but he came tonight, even if he was drunk, at least let her understand his deep heart.

As long as he dare, she will accompany him to work hard together.

Even if it is the happiness of being cursed, she is willing to try.


This night, Mu Xiaxi did not close his eyes.

At six o'clock the next morning, Mu Xiaxi stood by the window, opened a little curtain, looked down, and saw the black car turn around and leave.

Sure enough, he left.

Mu Xia Xi looked at it silently, not knowing whether he was happy or lost.

He's really broken.

She thought, what she did was right. If last night he only came by drinking, how much remorse and pain he would have felt to her when he woke up, it would be better to forget that this night was just a dream for her; If last night was the real thought in his heart, it was the thought

If he can surpass all kinds of emotions in his heart, sooner or later he will come to her soberly

Mu Xiaxi put down the curtain and went back to his room to wash away the quilts and sheets on the bed. The soft sheets were raised like feathers, and a dazzling red was left on them, which was quickly covered.

Now Mu Xiaxi is good at doing these housework.

After cleaning up the house, Mu Xiaxi saw that it was almost time, so he called back to the company to ask for leave, and then called to make an appointment with Lian Hao.

The restaurant in the hotel is sunny, clean and bright.

Lian Hao is gentle and sits in front of Mu Xiaxi. Mu Xiaxi pushes the necklace box to Lian Hao.

"Xia Xi, you are..."

Lian Hao looked at her in amazement.

"I'm sorry, cousin. I think we should forget about our marriage." Mu Xia Xi said, her voice is light, but the tone is firm.

Last night, she was ready to wait.

Even if she can't wait all her life, she still obeys her heart.

Lin Yi is right. She is not really happy all her life. How happy can her brother and sister-in-law be.

"Why?" Lian Hao frowned, "do you think it's too urgent? If it's too urgent, we can discuss it with the two families, and it doesn't matter to postpone it. "

"Thank you."

Mu Xiaxi said gratefully, "but cousin, in my eyes, you have always been my cousin. I really don't have that kind of mind for you."


Lian Hao looked at her and couldn't speak.

"It was my fault before. I didn't think about it clearly and agreed to you. It was all my fault. I hurt you and let the two families down." Mu Xiaxi looked at Lian Hao and said, "I'll go to Lian's house and admit my mistakes to Lian Yinjie and your elders."

Lian Hao's brow frowned more and more tightly, "Xia Xi, do you want to think about it again? Last night we even decided the wedding date."

"But it's still too late. If the news is released, the face of the two families will be lost, then I will be very wrong." Mu Xiaxi road.

"So anyway, you don't want to continue this marriage?"

Lian Hao asked.

Her attitude has shown everything.

"Cousin, you are very kind to me. Because of this, I don't want to waste your time. You deserve better."

Mu Xiaxi said to him sincerely.

These things have to be explained clearly. It's unfair for Lian Hao to drag on.


Lian Hao sat there, frowning and looking at her in silence.

"I'm sorry, cousin." Mu Xiaxi stood up from his desk and bowed his head to him. "I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I'll go first."

Lian Hao sits and doesn't speak. Mu Xiaxi feels more remorse for him, but he can't do anything. He can only turn around and leave. As soon as he turns around, he sees Lian Yin coming this way dressed in beautiful and elegant clothes."Sister Lian yin?"

Mu Xiaxi was a little surprised and didn't understand why she was here.

"Xia Xi, are you leaving now?" Lianyin walked forward with a smile, took Mu Xiaxi's hand and sat down, "come on, cousin, have a chat with you."


Mu Xiaxi was forced to sit down.

Outside the sun is very good, three people sitting by the window chatting, chatting, Mu Xiaxi's face darkened down.


Among the four families, the Wang family is probably the most miserable recently. Wang Zichang has been beaten and abandoned in the alley, but no one has been found. Even the two families of Wang and Mu have been stumbling over all kinds of contacts with the Wang family, which has left the Wang family in a mess.

In the early morning, Lin Yi got up early and began to run behind the herdsman, with a headset in his ear.

After a while, there was light and shadow in her eyes. When she turned her eyes, she saw Ying Hannian following her and running with her.

"Why don't you sleep more?"

Lin Yi was a little surprised.

Ying Hannian ran beside her. It was obvious that she had just woken up. Her hair was not neat and she was a little sleepy. She glanced at her and said, "I'll come down and run when I wake up."

"It's better to run early and get some fresh air."

Lin Yi is running while walking. She is jogging, so she is not tired. She doesn't speak with shortness of breath.

"You are good, I can't sleep!"

Should be cold years wring eyebrows, wake up early in the morning, a touch bedside cold, also sleep fart.


Do you want to be so sticky.

Lin Yi wanted to Tucao, but make complaints about him. "Well, I know. I'll run after you wake up."

"That's about the same. Where are you going?"

"Come around the racecourse."

Lin Yi pointed to the front.

"So far." Should cold year side run to her waist pinch, "also not fat, reduce what fat."

Lin Yi was pinched to the waist itch, subconsciously flash to the side, but don't get a stone at the foot, a twist at the foot, pain teeth, "cold year!"

He's really a stumbling block on her way to lose weight.


Should cold year this is thoroughly sober, brow a twist, squat down body, big hand press to her ankle place, "is here?"

"Well, it hurts."

Lin Yi tried to move her feet, but was stopped by Ying Hannian. He pressed his hand on her ankle a few times, and the pain relieved a lot.

"Much better."

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, just to try to continue to run, at the foot of a light, people should be cold years horizontal hold up, "just right, accompany me back to continue to sleep."


Lin Yi wanted to cry. This stumbling block is really annoying. Ying Hannian walks back with Lin Yi in his arms. Lin Yi struggles a few times without success. He can only let him hold him and hold his neck in his hands. On the way, when he meets the servants, they all say hello to them. Lin Yi is a little embarrassed, as if she is deliberately showing her love.