Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 872

Mu Xiaxi raised her white chin and looked at the light above her head. It was so dim that she seemed to be drunk. She stopped struggling.

Jiang Qixing touched the belt of her bathrobe around her waist, stretched out her hand and threw it to the ground.

Soon, her bathrobe was discarded.


Mu Xiaxi's bed is not big, only 1.5 meters. She likes smaller one.

The messy bed was occupied by a big man, almost no place, Mu Xiaxi in his arms, back can reach the bed.

The man's even breathing comes from above his head.

She looked at some old wounds on the man's chest and curled up even more.

She remembered that Lin Yi asked her if she liked Jiang Qixing.

She didn't know that her feelings about Jiang Qixing were too complicated to be clear.

Her father is his enemy of blood, and he is her enemy of killing her father... But since when, as long as he is there, she has become very secure, as if she doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

Just like now, everything is in a mess, but when she lies beside him, she can't think of the pain, she just feels very stable.

Just like when danger comes, the number she dialed is his, she didn't remember, but when she entered it, she didn't hesitate.

When did it start?

Was it when he rushed into yingmen dungeon to save her? Or when he rescued her from her father's room? Or when she found housekeeper Feng was killed, she was scared to hide behind him, and his hand subconsciously protected her?

Or even earlier, she was clearly afraid of his skill, but repeatedly provoked, he could not blink an eye to unload the arm of others, but did not move a hand to her.

Since then?

She didn't know, she really didn't know, she only knew that her parents were gone, the whole world was blank, but he was still following her.

Even she was confused. She had many opportunities to refuse Jiang Qixing's secret protection, but she didn't. She greedily went into the tea room every time after work to see the figure downstairs

This night, she had a chance to call Lin Yi, but she didn't either.

What's wrong with her?

In the silence, Mu Xiaxi slowly props up his body and looks at Jiang Qixing's face. In fact, he has a very good-looking, firm face. He is the kind of standard thick eyebrows and big eyes. His eyes often droop slightly and can't see the light inside.

He's asleep now, very quiet.

They lay in the same bed, where the two most distant people in the world became the most intimate relationship

Her fingers stopped on the scar of his eyes, and her fingertips trembled slightly. "Jiang Qixing, are we going to be cursed like this?"

Her voice was so light that it was all in her mouth.

Jiang Qixing sleeps deeply.

Mu Xiaxi stares at his eyebrows and suddenly thinks of what Lin Yi said to her in the bathroom——

"Xia Xi, I know that as an outsider, I shouldn't interfere in anything, but you have to understand that your brother and sister-in-law want you to be happy. It's true happiness, not to aggrieve yourself for everyone's happiness."

Real happiness

Is that all right?

Across the sea of blood hatred of happiness, the happiness of the curse.

If she dares, what about him?

When he wakes up, can he not regret what he did when he was drunk?

Her heart suddenly came up with such an idea, the former unbridled Bi Mu Xia Xi seemed to suddenly come to life, let her unprepared, heart crazy jump.

"Er --"

Jiang Qixing suddenly frowned in pain and curled up.

Mu Xiaxi looked at him in amazement. He thought he was going to wake up, but Jiang Qixing's eyes were tightly closed, and his brows were more and more wrinkled. He was full of pain, "don't -- don't --"

"Jiang Qixing, what's the matter with you? Did you have a nightmare? "

Mu Xiaxi sat up from the bed, a little worried.

"Dad mom"

Jiang Qixing called out, even his breath was shaking, and his voice was afraid.

Hearing this, Mu Xiaxi's heart cooled.

As if suddenly fell from the cliff, the whole person was pulled back to reality, she looked at the man on the bed again and again shouting parents, eyes gradually red.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Qixing suddenly turned over and lay there, holding his hand tightly on the quilt. The vague voice suddenly became fierce, "kill you... Kill you..."He's suffering from dreams.

There is pain and terror, like purgatory.

When he didn't know that his father was the murderer, Jiang Qixing occasionally mentioned a few words from his parents under her pestering. His family was very poor, and life and death street was not a place for people to stay, but he had parents and cold years, and he was very happy.

His parents are very kind to him.

He used to have a very happy home.

All happiness ends in the killing more than a decade ago.

He can't forget or put it down

She is his daughter who killed her relatives and enemies, which can never be changed. Her life is too long. She is in a mess for a while, but she regrets it all her life.

Pain, guilt, hate under the intertwined regret will torture a person crazy.

Her family already owes him too much.

Mu Xiaxi leaned down and hugged Jiang Qixing, quietly comforted, "it's OK, Jiang Qixing, it's all over."

Jiang Qixing's breath was heavy, and he was still saying something vaguely.

"It's OK. It's really OK."

She said.

Jiang Qixing lay there, calmed down in her soothing voice and continued to sleep deeply.

In the dim and ambiguous night, Mu Xiaxi got out of bed, picked up Jiang Qixing's clothes, put them on one by one for him, and buttoned the bloody buttons one by one with his fine fingers to cover the old scars on his chest.

Her movements were slow and stiff.

Mu Xiaxi sat by the bed, buttoned up the last button, and his eyes fell on Jiang Qixing's closed eyes. He slowly lowered his head and imprinted a kiss on his lips.

This kiss, stopped for a long time.

Later, Mu Xiaxi helped Jiang Qixing to sit up from the bed and walk out with him. Jiang Qixing was so shaken that he opened his eyes and looked at her with fixed eyes. He was at a loss. Soon he closed his eyes and stood up and fell asleep.


Mu Xiaxi watched him in silence and carried him out silently.

He was really too drunk to wake up.

She had heard the bodyguard at home say that Jiang Qixing was drunk and easy to break.

Jiang Qixing is very heavy, and Mu Xiaxi is very hard to carry. He carries people into the elevator all the way and presses the first floor. Jiang Qixing presses the weight of the whole person behind her, and her head is still on him. She continues to sleep.

Mu Xiaxi gritted his teeth and held on.

Jiang Qixing's car is very close to the building. Mu Xiaxi is a little relieved and holds Jiang Qixing's hand to help him walk past. After Jiang Qixing is put into the driver's seat, Mu Xiaxi is sweating all over. She makes him lie on the steering wheel and continue to sleep, just like he has never left the car.