Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 871

"Come in first."

Mu Xiaxi frowns to help him, but Jiang Qixing bumps into him, and they almost fall.

Mu Xiaxi quickly put his arm on his shoulder, supported his back waist with one hand, helped him to walk in, helped him sit on the sofa in the living room, and pressed the light on the wall.

As soon as the headlight came on, Mu Xiaxi saw that Jiang Qixing was covered with blood. "How did you get hurt like this? Let's go. I'll accompany you to the hospital

With that, Mu Xiaxi turned to get his wallet.

"It's not mine. It's Wang Zichang's blood."

Jiang Qixing sat on the sofa and suddenly opened his mouth. His flat voice was very hoarse.

Smell speech, Mu Xia Xi's heart is mercilessly a shock, seem to have what needle into her skin, needle by needle straight into the blood.

He went to find Wang Zichang.

She turned her head and looked at the man who had always been silent on the sofa. Her heart ached badly.

"I've come to tell you that he's useless all his life. Don't worry any more."

Jiang Qixing said word by word, and then he stood up to go. His body swayed, and he sat down again. His eyebrows were full of pain, "er..."

"How are you?"

Mu Xiaxi hurried forward and looked at him anxiously.

The smell of wine on his body even covered the smell of blood. For a moment, she could not tell whether he was drunk or injured.

Jiang Qixing fell on her sofa, her eyelids drooping slightly, her eyebrows frowning tightly, her face flushed with bruises, and her long body slowly curled up.

Seeing him like this, Mu Xiaxi laughed bitterly at himself. He should be drunk. If he was sober, he would not deliberately run up to tell her that he would only do things behind his back.

She didn't knock at the door here.

She thought that he was more familiar with the road outside her community.

"I'll get you a glass of water."

Mu Xia Xi turns around and closes the door. He catches a glimpse of his cell phone on the ground and picks it up again. There is a number on the screen that has not been dialed out.

She pressed it off and went into the kitchen.

After pouring a glass of water, Mu Xiaxi came out holding it. He saw that Jiang Qixing had already stood up from the sofa and stumbled in.

"Are you looking for the bathroom? This way."

As soon as Mu Xiaxi finished, she watched Jiang Qixing go to her bedroom. She followed her with a water cup. "Jiang Qixing, the bathroom is outside."

Jiang Qixing stood still.

She knew that he was drunk and was about to say it again when she saw Jiang Qixing standing there looking at something. Following his line of sight, Mu Xiaxi saw the rose on the carpet.

The roses are in full bloom, and they are very bright red.

Not as much as the blood on him.

Mu Xia Xi drooped his eyes, then picked up the cup in his hand, "you drink some water first, I'll take you to the bathroom."

Jiang Qixing didn't move, just looked at it.

"Jiang Qi..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Qixing suddenly threw away the cup in her hand, grabbed her wrist and pulled her into her arms.

The cup fell to the ground, spilling water all over the floor.

Mu Xiaxi raised his head in shock, and his heart leaped to Jiang Qixing's red eyes. Jiang Qixing looked down at her and did not speak. His eyes fell on her lips and his breath became heavier and heavier.

In the quiet night, the air in the whole room became thin.

Mu Xiaxi is stunned and wants to break away his hand. Jiang Qixing is angry because of his resistance. He grabs her back, lowers his head and kisses her lips.

For a moment, Mu Xiaxi heard something burst in his body.

There was a smell of tobacco between his lips and nose.

He not only drank, but also smoked a lot.

Is it the kind of cigarette she smokes every time she stays under her company building? Mu Xiaxi is in a trance and suddenly wakes up. He can't help trying to resist, but Jiang Qixing's strangulation makes him almost unable to breathe.


Mu Xiaxi keeps struggling. Jiang Qixing is drunk. She finally pushes him away. He staggers back and bumps into the wall heavily.

Seeing that he bumped into him, Mu Xiaxi worried again and wanted to say something. Jiang Qixing had already looked at her. His eyes were more red, like blood. He raised his hand to wipe the blood from his face.

"You're drunk."She stood and looked at him, lips touching, and the smell of tobacco burning her.


Jiang Qixing did not speak, just stood like that.

"I'll call Lin Yi and ask her to find someone to pick you up."

Mu Xiaxi takes out his cell phone and just takes it in his hand. Jiang Qixing knocks it off again.

Her hand was red.


Mu Xiaxi shrinks his hand in pain.

Jiang Qixing stood in front of her, breathing more heavily. After a while, he stepped back, but he stepped on the rose on the ground.

He looked down at the rose on the ground.

It's a beautiful drive.

How can he be so beautiful... Mu Xiaxi looked at him and felt that his breath was more and more unusual. Before he had time to say anything, he saw that Jiang Qixing stepped on the rose with one foot and crushed it with his toes. The fresh flowers were crushed under his feet and the juice of the flowers was flowing in the air

On the carpet, it's like blood flowing out slowly.

Mu Xiaxi looks at the man in front of him in amazement. Jiang Qixing crushes the rose on the ground a little bit. The next second, he comes to Mu Xiaxi.

Like a lone wolf attacking people.

Mu Xiaxi subconsciously wants to hide, but he grabs her. Jiang Qixing pours her on the bed. He still has a lot of strength after he gets drunk. He grabs her rebellious hands and presses them over her head. He looks down at her deeply

Mu Xiaxi falls on the bed and looks at the man who is oppressed by her absolute authority. She thinks she is afraid.

But she can't cheat herself. She's not afraid.

She didn't have a trace of fear, but the tears still fell silently. She looked at him and choked in her voice, "Jiang Qixing, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Qixing low eyes staring at her, eyes staring at her tears, slowly bent down his head, lips close to her eyes, hot tongue hook her tears.


Mu Xiaxi shuddered.

"Miss six." He kisses her tears and says in a hoarse way, "you took advantage of me so many times, shouldn't you return it?"

It's so quiet at night.

His voice, with the smell of tobacco, fascinated her senses.

Mu Xiaxi's heart trembled after hearing this. She fell on the bed and asked, "do you know what you are doing?"

"I'm looking for death."

He said.

"You'll regret it."

She said.

"I just want to die now."

Jiang Qixing kisses her lips involuntarily, kisses her hard, pries her lips open, and entangles her tongue disorderly and methodically.

Her lip was bitten and he sucked unconsciously.

Her blood... Is sweet.

Mu Xiaxi was in pain. She smelled the wine on him and resisted. Jiang Qixing pressed her resistance with her hard chest. Slowly, he touched the door, his kiss gradually gentle up, head buried in her neck, bit by bit with a kiss.