Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 860

Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi couldn't help laughing.

Lianyin is holding a glass of champagne and quietly watching.

Everyone looked at this scene. Ye Er's mouth was famous in the circle. After all, she was almost a diplomat. As a result, she was oppressed by Lin Yi. It seemed that what Lin Yi said was true.

Ye Er's grandmother always says that Ye Er is much better than he is. She used to make bread outside. Ye Er's daughter-in-law clenched her teeth. Her face embarrassed, she called a waiter, took a glass of water from her tray, bent down and handed it to Lin Yi, "Mrs. Ying, please forgive me. It's my failure to speak first, and I'm really helpless. It's my fault

Please forgive me for the compensation. I will be cautious in my words and deeds in the future, My mother-in-law has always wanted me to make friends with Mrs. Ying. "

"Ye Er's mouth is very powerful."

Lin Yi sat there gracefully, smiling faintly.

The words seem to be apologizing, but it's an arrangement of Ye Er's rare lover. In the name of her mother-in-law, she suggests that she can make a profit, waiting for her to sell the face.

"Mrs. Ying..."

Seeing Lin Yi say so, Ye Er's young grandmother thought that there was a turn for the better, and she was very happy.

"You said a lot of beautiful things, but I didn't feel your sincerity to apologize." Lin Yi just looked at her quietly.

The woman's face is more white, "I give you respect water Yue crime is not sincere?"

This Lin Yi is too much. Lin Yi's smile was deeper, but her voice was cold. "Grandma Ye Er, let you start such a precedent. After that, not everyone has to say something in front of me, and then expect a glass of water? I, Lin Yi, am not a great adult

But I'm still a wife. I can't beat anyone in the face of a man. "


Ye Er's face suddenly turned green and white, and suddenly turned red. It was wonderful.

She couldn't do anything more humble, and couldn't understand whether Lin Yi really had a picture in her hand. She was anxious, angry and helpless.

Some of the women's family members who came to the Ye family heard the news and came over one after another to help them talk.

"If Ye Er doesn't want to apologize, just forget it."

Lin Yi doesn't care about the tunnel, and he wants to get up.

"You --" Ye Er's daughter-in-law clung to the water cup with one hand and Lin Yi's hand with the other, "are you really..."

Lin Yi looked at her and understood that she wanted to ask if there were any photos.

Ye Er's daughter-in-law was in a panic at this moment. Lin Yi made it clear that she wanted to embarrass and insult herself. She wanted her to choose between her own dignity and her husband's disgrace.

Lin Yi opened his lips with a smile, "guess."

Lin Yi is about to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Er called to her.

Lin Yi looks back.

When the woman looked at her, her eyes turned red. Finally, she knelt down with her glass in her hand and said, "Mrs. Ying, it's me who will say anything. You..."

Halfway through, the sound stopped.

Ye Er's grandmother raised her eyes in shock. Lin Yi held her hand and didn't let her kneel to the ground.

"Why are you so serious? If you make a joke with me, I'll make a joke with you, too. "

Lin Yi said with a smile and a kind face, reached out to help the person in front of him.

"You --"

Ye Er looks at her dully. What does she do? She obviously wants to humiliate herself, how can she decide to kneel down, but she stops to protect her dignity?

In all people's eyes, Lin Yi bent down to pick up a cup of water on the tea table, and touched her, "here's to you."


Ye Er looks at her dully and drinks water stiffly.

Lin Yi sipped a mouthful of water, turned his face to her, and said in a low voice, "don't worry, there's no photo. I don't do such a dirty thing, but I want to, and I can't really take it."


Ye Er's grandmother was shocked.

"In addition, I would like to advise you that dignity does not come from bowing down to power. Think more about yourself and worry less about other people's affairs." Lin Yi said in her ear.


Ye Er's daughter-in-law was shocked and stood there like a woodcarving. She was humiliated in public and almost became a joke of the upper class. As a result, she couldn't get angry. What's the matter?Lin Yi

What's the origin of this?

She stares at Lin Yi. Lin Yi pats her arm and sits back calmly.

Ye Er's daughter-in-law accepts the others' eyes, but she can't stay any longer. Without a word, she puts down her cup and turns to leave. The people of Ye's family follow her.

In this way, the Ye family fled in front of Lin Yi without even a cruel word.

Everyone looked at the play and looked at each other. Mrs. Ying didn't look like an easy-to-deal person in a small town. She had no sense of inferiority. Even the eloquent Ye Er was planted in her hands.

The air is very stagnant.

"Why did you let her go?" Bai Shuya approached Lin Yi and said in a low voice“ The picture is too ugly. It's just setting up the enemy in response to the cold weather. There's no need. Just achieve my goal. " Lin Yi smile, a pair of eyes scan the audience, everyone's eyes are a lot of convergence, no longer like before she just came in as wanton

No fear.

That's what she wanted.

"You really have the gift of being a wife."

Bai Shuya said.

"It's a good way."

Lianyin sat aside and said with a smile.

Lin Yi looked at her, but also polite smile, "even miss this play is still enjoyable?"

Lianyin is almost the same person in this circle now. This is her dinner party again. Without her consent, these people would not make trouble at her dinner party and make her unhappy.

Everyone wanted to try her. She was a good wife, but she was even better. She went to the theatre and picked herself up.

Both women smile gracefully. They shake their glasses and say, "I'm sorry for my wife. I'll be careful when I hold a banquet in the future."

"Miss Lian is serious."

Lin Yi light tunnel, also have no intention and Lianyin bad.

"In this way, since Ye Er's young grandmother made a slip of the tongue at my dinner party, I am also ashamed. This desert treasure will be taken as an apology to Mrs. Ying." Lianyin takes off the beautiful brooch and hands it to Lin Yi.

The people around looked at the scene, and their eyes widened.

Several people holding Lianyin immediately said, "even the eldest lady is so rich that she can't bear to sell the desert treasure for 70 million dollars. This is how to give it to someone."

"Mrs. Ying, this is the only desert treasure in the world, with no purity in ten thousand."

"This is the real baby."

Several celebrities kept talking, for fear that Lin Yi, a small town man, did not know how precious the gem was. Some people look at Lin Yi's hand, but they can't help laughing in secret. How can they say that she is also Ying Hannian's wife, and she still wears a silver ring to play frugality? Or do you want to tell us something else about the ring?