Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 861

Think about it is not without such high-class people, because jewelry is not more valuable than people, simply make the worst, so as to appear to have a story.

We all looked at each other, passed the message with our eyes, and didn't directly sneer.

What happened to Ye Er's little grandmother just now made everyone dare not speak freely.

Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi frown. How can this start again“ Is it? It turns out that it's such a precious gem that it's not suitable for me to accept it alone. " Lin Yi faintly smiles and takes down a diamond necklace from his neck. He carefully puts it into Lianyin's hand. "This is my return. Please Miss Lian

Don't give up. "

The pendant is inlaid with an oval light orange diamond. It's very large and cut to match. It's dazzling.

It's an expensive diamond.

But no one present could afford to wear any more expensive diamonds. He took them with a smile. As soon as he raised his eyes, someone whispered, "what kind of diamonds can be compared with the treasure of the desert?"

Lin Yi said nothing with a smile.

Another person said to Zang Jianfeng, "what's the origin of Mrs. Ying's gem? It looks very beautiful."

"I don't have much research on diamonds, but I think it's beautiful." Lin Yidao.

"Even miss, I don't think the third young master is here? It is said that he is an expert in treasure identification. Why don't you ask him to come out and give us a long insight? " A lady suggested. Lianyin chuckled, "you have sharp eyes. My third brother helped me to organize the dinner party. Now he's resting upstairs. It's not impossible to call him down. It's just that I think it's about the heart that friends give gifts to each other. Why do you have to explore

How could it be

Lin Yi sat there with a faint smile.

Lianyin sounds kind to her, but she still dislikes Lin Yi.

"We all know Mrs. Ying's mind. Isn't she curious about the diamond?" There is humanity.


Lian Yin pretends to look at Lin Yi with an embarrassed face, and Lin Yi smiles, "then trouble the third young master of Lian." This is a dinner party for celebrities, so Lian Shao has been resting upstairs. Now he is invited to come down. His suit is straight, and a pair of glasses are on the bridge of his nose. He is handsome and gentle, which makes a lot of unmarried money

Look around, miss.

Since Lian Hao was a relative of the Lian family, he had no blood relationship. When he was a child, his parents died and he was adopted by the Lian family. He became the third young master of the Lian family and changed his surname.

Lian Hao is 27 years old, unmarried, and his status is not as expensive as the young masters of the other four families. Therefore, many famous ladies are interested in him.

"Big sister."

Lian Hao appeared in front of the crowd. Lian Yin handed him the necklace in his hand and said in front of Lin Yi, "third brother, I know you have always studied diamonds. Help me to have a look. This diamond is very expensive."

With that, she pressed Lian Hao's hand hard, as if to warn him.

Everyone knows that this is Lianyin's kindness and signals Lianhao to let Lin Yihao step down. Lin Yi sits there calmly, worthy of being Miss Lian. Her means are much higher than that of Ye Er's younger grandmother. It is obvious that she is full of kindness, but if she is really expensive, people will only think that Miss Lian is selling face


This is a must for her.

This kind of celebrity circle... Is really enough.

"I see."

Lian Hao sat down and carefully put the necklace in his palm. After a while, his face changed and he turned his eyes to Lin Yi. "Mrs. Ying, is this the Michelle yellow diamond that has been missing for a hundred years?"


Before Lin Yi answered, someone asked suspiciously“ Yes, the color of this diamond is quite special and rare. Among these diamonds, I have never seen one with such luster and purity. It's very special. The only thing I can think of is the Michelle yellow diamond unearthed in South Africa. This diamond has passed several years

The war has disappeared, and I have only seen vague pictures in some documents. "

Lian Hao, a man obsessed with gems, looks at Lin Yi excitedly. "Michelle, isn't she?"

Everyone is surprised to see Lian Hao's state. Is the diamond so good?

"I don't know." Lin Yi shook his head, "I was at home to see this beautiful, people polished into a necklace."

"Even three little, if it's Michelle yellow diamond, what's its value, compared with the treasure of the desert?" Someone asked curiously. Lian Hao was immersed in the brilliance of this yellow diamond, and said without hesitation, "how can the treasure of the desert compare with Michelle? Michelle has been lost for a hundred years. A collector paid $100 million just to see this diamond before he died. It's a pity that he couldn't see this diamondDeath is not measured by numbers. It's a real priceless treasure. "


Smell speech, the scene a piece of inverted inspiration sound.

The highest price of Lianyin's desert treasure is no more than 70 million US dollars. How could someone give 100 million of this Michelle yellow diamond just to have a look? It's a terrible value.

Lianyin's face suddenly some can't hang up, barely maintain a smile, "third brother, you are really gem crazy."

"It's beautiful." Lian Hao couldn't hear anything. "Mrs. Ying, I want to ask, is this diamond kept in the herdsman's house all the time?"

"I'm not sure."

"How can it not be clear! You don't even know how to get a diamond of this value? " Lian Hao asked excitedly.

Hearing this, Lin Yi said with a light smile, "you don't understand even three young people. You can ask every lady and Lady present if they can remember where each piece of jewelry comes from."


Another one took a breath. It was clear that she had so many diamonds that she couldn't remember which one was which.

Lianyin's treasure of the desert has just been touted like that. Suddenly, it's so oppressed that it's full of family spirit. It seems that tens of millions are worth reading all the time.

Lin Yi kept his voice down.

This Mrs. Ying is really not a small role.

Everyone thought.

Lianyin's face is more embarrassed, but she is still extremely restrained, "OK, third brother, go up and have a rest."

At this time, he said that it was too expensive to accept. It seemed that he didn't know what to call it. Accepting it was a severe blow to his face. He could only let Lian Hao leave quickly and play down the current situation.

Looking at the people's faces, Mu Xiaxi leaned against Bai Shuya, approached Lin Yi, and asked in a low voice, "Lin Yi, did you know that this is Michelle yellow diamond?"

Lin Yi also leaned over and whispered, "of course, I don't know how to wear such expensive things casually."

That's money.

A lot of money.

She has not yet come to the lofty realm of regarding money as dirt.

"..." therefore, Lin Yi was pretending that he didn't understand anything. He embarrassed even the eldest lady without any trace and made the other party angry. He had to be suppressed.