Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 859

"Well, I also think there's a problem here. It's because he wants to see what the Wang family is going to do first." Lin Yidao. Bai Shuya nodded, "before the old man was here, no one could cross his majesty. The four families at least maintained a semblance of peace. Now they have to reshuffle the cards. The Ye family is new and the Wang family is fighting hard. Even the family is arrogant and they are fighting openly and secretly. It's hard to get rid of it

"It's flat."

Mu Xiaxi didn't understand these, so he kept silent.

"It seems mu Xianguang has said a lot to you."

As Lin Yi walked along the road, she knew that Bai Shu Ya Ben didn't understand this either“ I just told you last night. I'm afraid that I don't understand the inside. I don't know who I've been close to or who I've offended on such an occasion. All the people here have their own thoughts and stay away. " Bai Shuya then asked Lin Yi, "what about you, second brother

Nothing to tell you? "

This is the first time that Lin Yi has attended the dinner as Mrs. Ying.


"To what?" Bai Shuya is curious.

"He said, see who is not pleasing to the eye, just step on the past, don't suffocate yourself." Lin Yi whispered the words of Ying Hannian.

"..." Bai Shuya was stunned, and then couldn't help laughing, "worthy of the second brother."

It should be cold years to say such a thing.

During the conversation, the group went to the sofa area and sat down. Lianyin sat down on Lin Yi's side and talked with her about the charity dinner tonight.

Several women sitting opposite each other looked at each other, forced to insert the topic, "Mrs. Ying, I've seen your game on TV before. It's really wonderful. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful."

"Thank you."

Lin Yi nodded and smiled, his eyes clean and pure.

"Mrs. Ying, when you and Mr. Ying announced their marriage in a high profile, it shocked both at home and abroad. Today, it's hard to see them. Can you tell us about your love history with Mr. Ying?" Asked another, egging on.

"There's nothing to say, just like ordinary people."

Lin Yi drank water, light tunnel“ How could it be Among the celebrities, a young lady with red lips and ambiguous eyes looked at her, "I just heard that you used to be a private chef of the herdsmen. So, you and she are the same. She is for the sake of the herdsmen

Gan is a little assistant. You are a cook for Mr. Ying. The story of a cook must be more wonderful than that of an assistant. " Wang Tiantian was a little assistant in order to climb Mu Xianquan's bed. In the eyes of the outside world, it was love. In the eyes of the upper class, these people were just a joke. Now, Wang Tiantian is a little assistant in order to climb Mu Xianquan's bed

Talking about Lin Yi is clearly saying that Lin Yi is also a cook to climb the bed.

Wang Tiantian sat there, intending to make Lin Yi look ugly. Unexpectedly, she also fell into it. Suddenly, her face was very ugly. She just wanted to break out, and then she put up with it.

She has something to do today.

Everyone looked at Lin Yi to see how she responded.

Lin Yi sat there and turned the cup in her hand. The smile on her lips didn't fade. She guessed that these people would come to her today, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

She slowly raised her eyes and looked at the young lady

"Does Mrs. Ying know me?"

The young woman is a little proud“ The second daughter-in-law of the Ye family could have been a very young and outstanding diplomat with an unlimited future, but in order to teach her husband and children, she decided to quit her job and help her mother-in-law take care of the Ye family brilliantly. The Ye family could become one of the four new families, ye family

The second daughter-in-law has contributed a lot. " Lin Yi said in a light voice. Her voice was neither light nor heavy. She couldn't hear the deliberate compliment. It was very comfortable. The second daughter-in-law of the Ye family was flattered, straightened her back in the eyes of the public, and even looked down on people like Lin Yi. "Yes, the Ye family and my husband have come out step by step for the sake of my husband,

I can give up anything for the sake of the Ye family, but I only give up one position, not like Mrs. Ying, I admire the ability of a young lady to be a servant and to be able to hold and release her dignity. "

It's back to the subject.

Lian Yin and other celebrities are sitting there watching the play, and they all admire Ye's second young grandmother's ability to stab the dark needle. Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi look at each other and are worried. They are just about to speak. Lin Yi's hand is on Mu Xiaxi's leg without any trace, and stops them silently. With a faint smile, they calmly say, "take your dignity lightly

In order to make Ye Er Shao concentrate on his work and take care of his pregnant lover, I can't compare with Ye Er Shao's grandmother, With your generous help, Ye Er Shao can't be the decision maker of the Ye family. "The words fall, the leaf family two young granny face all changed, Teng ground stands up, "what are you talking nonsense?"

"Am I bullshit?"

Lin Yi smiles.

"You are ruining my reputation and the reputation of the Ye family. Mrs. Ying, it's not the time to cover the sky with one hand before!"

Ye Er's little grandmother stares at her way, the face is all angry white.

"Who is destroying whose reputation?" Lin Yi smile relative, not a trace of urgency, "I used to live in Saint Mercy Hospital, when waiting for birth, like to take pictures."

When she was discharged from hospital, she heard a ward gossiping, so she asked someone to check it. After checking, she found a big secret. The second young grandmother of the Ye family was accompanying her husband's lover to give birth

These big families, for the sake of their prosperity and their own glory, have to whitewash their peace. The second daughter-in-law of the Ye family is more tolerant.

Lin Yi has no sympathy for this kind of person, because she clearly remembers that the voice that said she was as fat as a ball... Was from Ye Er's young grandmother!

Ye Er's little grandmother stood there. When she heard about Saint Mercy Hospital, she immediately realized that Lin Yizhen knew everything, and she had a picture in her hand. Her face turned blue and white.

Some people know that it's one thing for her husband to mess with others, but it's another thing to have evidence in hand. That cheap three is hospitalized for childbirth, and her husband has been there several times. In case of being photographed, once these photos come out, her man's reputation will be completely destroyed.

Lin Yi looked at her with a smile. Her face was clear and cool, as if she didn't care about anything, and as if everything was under her control.

Ye Er didn't dare to bet whether she really had a picture in her hand. After thinking about it, she still bowed her head to her, "Mrs. Ying, I just made a slip of words. Please forgive me."

"That's it?"

Lin Yi put down the cup in his hand and looked at her with a smile. She had a good face and a bad temper.

In fact, she really doesn't want to entangle with people like Ye's second daughter-in-law, but who makes this person an outsider? If she doesn't kill the outsider, the crows behind will be too tired. The scene was a little quiet.