Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 858

"Almost, miss."

The assistant replied.

"What about Mrs. Mu's wife?" Lianyin asked casually.

"Not yet, but it should be fast." Said the assistant.

The celebrities on one side all looked at each other when they heard this. Someone couldn't help saying, "since this wife Ying made her marriage public in the competition, she hasn't shown her face again. As expected, she still has a big face."

After that, someone immediately said, "yes, I invited her to my birthday party, but she refused."

A lady sneered, "they are the wife of Ying Hannian. Apart from Lian's family, is there anyone else worthy of her looking up?"

"Ah, the crow flies to the branch. In the final analysis, it's a countryman from the small town. At the beginning, it was a private kitchen in our family. What kind of airs did he put on?"

A voice of disdain came.

Everyone looked at it one after another. It turned out to be Wang Tiantian, the fourth young grandmother of the Mu family, who had not appeared in the celebrity circle for a long time.

Wang Tiantian, wearing a strapless evening dress and leaning against a high table, glanced at them coldly. Everyone's eyes are different. They are not small people who can appear here. Although they don't know what happened to the herdsmen, they know that muxianquan and Wang Tiantian have been expelled. They have been disliked for a long time, and even the Wang family's own banquet is very popular

Don't invite them.

Suddenly, this man appeared at Miss Lian's charity dinner.

When they looked at Miss Lian, Lianyin just gave a faint smile and didn't say anything. Seeing this, they didn't go down to Wang Tiantian's face, but asked about Lin Yi who wasn't there.

Wang Tiantian immediately told Lin Yi what he had done when he was a servant of the herdsman.

So many people show the color of disdain. It turns out that Lin Yi is not only of low birth, but also a spineless cook.

All the people present think that they are tall. In their eyes, Lin Yi is just like the existence of a rich man. All of a sudden, when they hear these old news, they whisper more.

"It's said that Lin Yi is too fat now."

"Ah, do you think this kind of small family is as calm as what you see on TV?"

"I'd like to have a try. Mrs. Ying hasn't shown her face for a long time. I don't know if she knows how much she weighs. If she scares her, she will hide under the table."

With that, everyone was eager to look at the host's Lianyin.

Lianyin holding a glass of champagne said with a smile, "you ah, don't play too much, at least it's my guest."

Between the words was not to stop, a ready to see the arrogant posture.

Smell speech, everybody laughs, listen to the assistant of Lian Yin suddenly way, "should wife come."

Everyone immediately looked out at the red carpet, and saw three beautiful shadows walking on the red carpet. The bright light fell on them, one elegant and scholarly, one quiet and introverted, one beautiful and moving

"Which one is fat?"

Among the celebrities, some people asked in a puzzled way.

The person who said Lin Yi was fat just now has a chat on his face.

Wang Tiantian stands there and looks out. She wants to break her hand holding the wine cup. The more proud Lin Yi and Ying Hannian are now, the more jealous she is.

All this should belong to her and muxianquan.

Lin Yi, together with Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi, appeared on the red carpet and talked and laughed all the way. Bai Shuya said, "Xiaoyi, you are really willing to work hard. How long have you been out of confinement? You are so thin."

"If I don't lose weight, I'll collapse."

Lin Yi smiles.

"Your evening dress is too beautiful. My second brother has eyes." Bai Shuya looked at Lin Yi's evening dress and said. Among a group of colors, Lin Yi is wearing a graceful long skirt with elegant double fishtail skirt. The bottom layer is white, the fabric is still, and the outer layer is yarn. The soft champagne color makes her skin more snow-white, small v

The collar and the veil cover the shoulders, the figure is more graceful, the action is elegant, and the atmosphere is gentle, Temperament is fully integrated into it.

Among the four families, Ying Hannian is the youngest decision-maker, and Lin Yi is the youngest decision-maker's wife. This identity means that she can't dress wisely, she can't dress tenderly, she can't dress old-fashioned, and she'll look neither fish nor fowl

This evening dress can perfectly refine Lin Yi's temperament. Even Mu Xiaxi, who is always silent and quiet, can't help looking at Lin Yi more.

All three of them were invited, and the one who was invited was Mulan. However, Mulan always disdained this kind of banquet and refused.The three came forward, took the pen and signed their names.

Mu Xiaxi stood beside them and signed silently. Bai Shuya signed his name and said, "Xiaxi, don't be so quiet. This circle is good tonight. It's good for you to make more friends."

"I see, sister-in-law."

Mu Xiaxi light tunnel.

Bai Shuya looks at Lin Yi helplessly. The younger sister breaks mu Xianguang's heart and wants her to fall in love. She just doesn't talk about it and spends her time in the magazine club every day.

Lin Yi is not easy to get involved too much, just with a smile.

"Mrs. Ying, Mrs. Mu San, Miss mu, this way, please."

Someone is coming to guide the way.

Three people are led into the banquet, a go in, all eyes fall on them, more accurately, all fall on Lin Yi. The eyes were curious, looked at, sneered at, and varied, like a dark light pouring towards the Lin family. Even though Bai Shuya and Mu Xiaxi were used to these scenes, they could not help but turn their eyes to look at Lin


With a smile, Lin Yi picked up a glass of water from the waiter's hand and walked leisurely toward Lianyin of the celebrity center. "Miss Lian, thank you for your invitation. I'll take water instead of wine. Here's to you."

"Mrs. Ying is very polite. I'm really overjoyed that Mrs. Ying can take the time to come."

Lian Yin clinks a glass with her, "the audition seat is simple and crude, and please don't mind if Mrs. Ying."

"You're welcome, Miss Lian."

Lin Yi smiles.

"Come on, sit here. Even the banquet will be held for a while. It's rare for us to meet and have a chat." Lianyin sips the champagne and points to a sitting area nearby.

And they followed.

Lin Yi looks sideways and sees Wang Tiantian, who is following Lianyin closely. Her eyes are suddenly cold.

"Why is she here?"

Bai Shuya also saw it and asked in dismay.

Isn't wang Tiantian driven abroad“ It was the decision-maker of the Wang family who just came back yesterday. Recently, he specially sold a favor to yinghannian. He said that he was distressed by Wang Tiantian's hardships outside. He picked her up and hoped that yinghannian would let go without mentioning muxianquan. " Lin Yi says in a low voice, this matter

She knew a little earlier.

"What? Wang Tiantian is not favored at all in the Wang family. For the Wang family, she is the same as she is not. How can she be taken back suddenly? " Bai Shuya feels strange.