Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 857

Lin Yi looked at him suspiciously, then approached him, and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "didn't he say that he would hold the wedding when his son was one year old?"

This is her proposal.

Anyway, the wedding has been delayed. It's better to wait for little star to be one year old, so that he can have a sense of participation.

"It's OK to cheat them. Don't you want them to go?" Ying Hannian glared at her, "this can drag on for another year, don't you want to?"


The president of Yingda came in an instant.

"When is the wedding? I won't go back soon. I'll stay and help. "

Ying Qing asked with great interest, but didn't find that he was also involved in the routine.

Lin Yi reluctantly looked at Ying Hannian and said, "we want to get better as soon as possible, but the wedding is not easy. There must be some preparatory work."“ OK, we won't go back for the time being. We'll stay and see if there's anything we can help. If you're tired, we can also help you with the little star. " Grandma immediately said that although she was not used to living in a big house, she could communicate with Lin Yi and Xiao Bao

Treasure together, is better than anything.

Seeing that the elders immediately gave up the idea of leaving, Lin Yi had to cooperate with Ying Hannian's skill of fighting snakes and seven inches.

She looks at Ying Hannian, and the man puts his lips on her face with complacency. The words "come and worship your husband" are almost written on her face.

The whole family was talking and laughing when the housekeeper came in from the outside with an exquisite and high-end invitation card in her hand

"What's the matter?"

Lin Yi raised her eyes.

"Miss Lian invites you to her fashion charity dinner." The housekeeper respectfully presents the invitation. Before the invitation, Ying Hannian didn't let him get in front of Lin Yi. Because Lin Yihuai is pregnant, he can't be bothered. But now that Lin Yi is out of confinement, it should be OK. The housekeeper delivers it directly

To Lin Yi's hand.

"Miss Lian?"

Lin Yi reached out and took it. It was the first invitation she received after her birth. Lianyin, a 30-year-old girl from Lianda, is an accomplished and powerful husband. She is a good hand in Lianjia. With Lianjia becoming the top of the four families, Lianyin is a top-notch figure in the elite circle

You have to look up.

"Yes, Miss Lian holds a charity dinner every year. It's also called a celebrity dinner. Only women participate in it. This is the first time since Lian's family has become the head of the four families. Many people should go to it."

The housekeeper said that as the housekeeper of yinghannian, he needs to know all about it.

Smell speech, should cold years disdain ground cold hiss, "I should cold years wife still need to hold her surname even smelly feet?"? It's ridiculous. Take the invitation and feed it to the dog. "

Then, Ying Hannian will take the invitation from Lin Yi.

Lin Yishou turns back and looks at Ying Hannian's dark eyes. He can't help but think of the gossip he heard when she was discharged from hospital. He doesn't want her to get moldy as soon as she goes out.

"Why don't you give it to me?"

Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

"It should be a cold year." Lin Yi took the invitation and asked, "do you think when we hold the wedding, most of the guests who come to watch the ceremony are sincere blessings or watching the crowd?"

"What do you want to say?"

Ying Hannian stares at her in his spare time and sees that her eyes are different from before.

"I want to say, I have to go out and have a good look. Some unnecessary ones will not be invited at that time." Lin Yiyang raised his invitation.

On hearing this, Ying Hannian knew what she was up to. Junpang approached her and squinted, "your wildness has come out again."

"Not good?"

"Recently, I just smell the milk smell on you, and forget that you still have the goblin smell on you." Ying Hannian's thin lips almost stick to her face, and her voice is sexy.

"Nonsense." Lin Yi glared at him.

Who is the goblin?

"Nothing. It's really decided?" Ying Hannian reached out and pinched her earlobe, which fell into other people's eyes and became two people's sideburns. "I can't accompany this dinner party."

It's all women.

Of course, he is not unable to break in, as long as she wants to.

"I'm not a child. I need parents to accompany me to a dinner party."

Lin Yi smile, side face, soft red lips stick to his ear, whispered, "my wife... It's time to shine."Her breath touched his ear.

Ying Hannian's lips arc deeper and deeper. Her voice is magnetic and ambiguous. Every word seems to stick to her blood deliberately. "OK, Mrs. Ying."


Why does Lin Yi feel that he has been taken advantage of a hundred times?

It's terrible for this man to play with language skills.

Fortunately, he was not the enemy she had to face.

Lin Yi looked down at the delicate invitation card in his hand. His eyes showed brilliance, and he felt an indescribable desire to try.

I haven't had the excitement of going to war for a long time.


Deep in the night, the stars are shining.

In front of the resplendent Hotel, the lights are gorgeous. All the cars in the parking lot are luxury cars. There are many bodyguards around, and even a fly can't fly in.

One by one, all of the women on the bus were well-dressed and shining with diamonds. The skirt was carried by the assistant and she walked into the front door of the hotel.

The banquet was held on a duplex floor of the hotel. The reception desk was designed to be resplendent. People walked on the red carpet one by one, left their names on the signature board, and then entered the banquet hall. It's a charity dinner, but it's also a vanity fair. Ladies and daughters are actively building their own connections through this noble circle. Unmarried people are like exhibits, waiting for which big family or group to like, while married people are looking for money

Resources worthy of further study. The banquet is full of Miss Lian's noble spirit. The charity bracelet given to each female guest is inlaid with a valuable diamond. Some of the jade lovers can't help admiring the diamond. They go to miss Lian and flatter her

. Lianyin, as the organizer, wore a red evening dress with split ends, slender legs looming, a bright brooch on her chest, Tassel Earrings, fiery red lips, and her chin was slightly raised when talking with others. She was concise, capable and angry

The field is strong.

"Miss Lian, the jewels on your brooch are so beautiful."

There are thousands of young ladies around.

Lianyin holds the wine cup with one hand, smiles and lets them watch.

Someone was boasting, "I know this gem is a treasure of the desert. Before it was sold for 70 million dollars, no collectors took it out for sale. It turned out that even the eldest lady had it. No wonder no one could buy it."

Miss Lian doesn't need the money.

"It's hard to find a second one for this rare gem, so I'm reluctant to sell it." Lianyin calmly smile, standing there looking at the red carpet, turning to the assistant asked, "people are almost here?"