Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 856

"It's true that a man like Ying Hannian would marry such a man. If the decision-maker of the herdsman didn't come, the herdsman would give up the first place."

"Tut, what kind of man is Ying Hannian? To put it bluntly, he just has a face that can confuse people. What else

"Yes, Ying Hannian is a young master who has come half way. He has no upbringing. He may have inferiority complex in his heart, so he will marry Lin Yi, who is not big or small."

"So, Ying Hannian is afraid that Lin Yi won't be able to handle it, so she won't be allowed to attend the dinner party? I still remember last year when they were very close, and the headlines were all about them. "

"Cut, isn't it hype? The Mu family is decided by Ying Hannian. He not only gives up the first place, but sooner or later he has to get out of the four families. "

"Also, if it's true, why didn't Lin Yi appear in the circle after they got married?"

"Well, is that Mrs. Ying really fat?"

"Is it as good to be fat as a ball, my God? Even if you are pregnant, you should pay attention to your figure. Isn't it as good as her? It's not going to be on the table. "

"I think Ying Hannian must have regretted his death now. When he married such a fat woman, he had no high background and was ashamed to meet people."

"Ha ha..."

This ward is probably a group of friends from the upper class. They are chatting with each other at the moment.

Lin Yi realized that during the time when she was quietly raising her baby, the outside world was so critical of her and Ying Hannian. She hid under Ying Hannian's wings and knew nothing. What about Ying Hannian?

After the reshuffle of the four families, Ying Hannian was under too much pressure, but he never said it.

Lin Yi listened for a while, raised his foot and left.

The elders looked anxiously at Lin Yi, and Lin Guanting's brows were locked. "What kind of celebrities do a group of people call themselves? What's the difference between them and those shrews in the countryside?"

"Xiaoyi, I'll help you out."

Mu Lan and Ying Qing speak in unison, one is direct and the other is quiet.

Smell speech, Lin Yi can't help laughing, "need not, a little gossip just."

"Xiaoyi, you were not so tolerant before."

He frowned.

Lin Yi turned her eyes to Mu Lan, stretched out her hand to pull down her scarf, and with a smile, her eyes were clean and clear, "who said I'm going to endure?"


"Not yet, not in a hurry."

Lin Yi light tunnel, and then raised his feet to go forward, eyes swept a cold light.

When Mu Lan saw her like this, she couldn't help laughing when she thought of fighting with her stepmother in s city. She almost forgot that Xiao Yi was not a bully.

"Don't tell Ying Hannian what you just heard, so that he won't worry."

Lin Yi said.

Women's business, women solve it by themselves.

"If you don't mind." Said Grandma.

"I don't care. Qi disease is not worth it."

Lin Yi Road, she is now living well, for a word or two gossips on angry, more bad.

She walked out of the hospital gate, a breeze blowing, warm sunshine down, she looked up to cover her forehead, can be regarded as discharged.



Lin Yi had a good time in her confinement. The whole family revolved around her and the little star and spoiled her mother and son into the center of the world.

She gets up every morning to measure her weight. It turns out that weight loss after pregnancy is so intuitive. The swelling of her legs and feet quickly subsides. The most powerful time is that she loses two kilograms a day. It slowly slows down, and the number doesn't move in a few days.

As soon as she was born, Lin Yi began her weight-loss program, practicing yoga and jogging every day.

Postpartum exercise weight loss effect is very significant, not many days, Lin Yi has been from the prenatal weight difference of only eight Jin, but to the later is the more difficult to lose.

Early in the morning, Lin Yi came back from jogging in the garden outside, took a shower in her room, put on her comfortable home clothes and went downstairs.

The hall downstairs was full of laughter.

"Oh, you see, how powerful the little pedals are."

"Little fist, little fist."

"The longer it is, the better it looks."Lin Yi ran down. The elders were all there. She went to the baby's cradle. The baby was lying in it. Her small mouth was biting a pacifier, and she was sucking happily. Her big eyes looked here and there. It was never too new.

"Good little star."

Lin Yi touched his little hand.

"You go running again. What are you so thin that you can't feed Grandma sat on one side and said angrily that she thought Lin Yi was fat and pretty. There was no need to lose weight.

"It's not like you can't feed if you lose weight."

Lin Yi has no choice.

Sitting down among the elders and sitting on the single sofa beside him, Wai Gong said, "Xiaoyi, you're right here. I'll tell you something. Your grandmother and I will go back when we are ready."


Lin Yi was stunned. For such a long time, she was used to a happy family. She didn't think that they would go back“ We've been here for a long time, and now you and the baby are fine. It's not a big deal for us to stay all the time. " The grandmother said, "and there are enough people here to take care of the baby, and there are also a lot of baby care teachers. Listen to the meaning of Hannian, when you are in confinement,

He's going to take your mother and son to the company during the day. He wants to see you and your baby when he's free. "

At that time, there will be only a few of them left at home. It will be boring to stay.

"Ying Hannian said that he would take care of the children himself."

Although Ying Hannian had been thinking about his daughter, now he was a son, and he didn't swallow his words back“ Xiaoyi, we're not robbing children with Hannian. It's best for children to grow up around their parents. " My grandfather said solemnly, "we are retired after success. Now you have yinghannian to take care of you. We are very relieved that we will often fly by

Come and see the baby

"Yes, I also want to go back. This herdsman is too big. He doesn't have to take a car to walk on his own. When he gets to the road, his legs are useless."

Grandma said with a smile.

Lin Yi realized that the three old people did not adapt to such a rich life.


Lin Yi didn't know what else to say.

"After a while, when my wedding with Tuan Tuan is held, you can go back and forth instead of running back and forth." A magnetic voice came.

Lin Yi turns her eyes and sees Ying Hannian come down from the upstairs, tie his tie while walking, stride out with long legs, and go all the way to Lin Yi's side and sit down with her in his arms.

"Ready for the wedding?"

Grandma and Ying Qing are all happy with one voice“ Before Tuan Tuan was pregnant, I didn't want to make her too tired. Now the wedding can be put on the agenda. " Should be cold, dark eyes deep.