Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 855

Lin Yi closed his eyes and catered to his heavy kiss. The happiness of this moment has been immersed in it without careful experience.

Years of quiet good, she has nothing not satisfied.

She was quiet here, and the door of the ward was knocked.

Lin Yi came down from Ying Hannian's arms, moved his body on the ground, and then went to see the baby in the crib. Little star was sleeping soundly.

"Come in."

Make a sound in the cold year.

Jiang Qixing came in from the door, holding a big box in his hand. His body was thin, his back was straight, and the scar on his face gradually faded, "brother Han, Miss Lin."

The tone of voice rarely rises.

He is a man who has never been happy or angry.


Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

Jiang Qixing came to him, "brother Han, I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't expect to give my baby any gifts. Later, I heard that when a child was born, I planted a tree for him to grow up with him."

With that, Jiang Qixing opened the box in his hand. Inside was a small cut branch and asked, "brother Han, do you think peach trees are OK?"

Smell speech, Lin Yi and Ying Hannian look at each other.

What is this? Is it true that the heart has a soul?

Dad and aunt ANN as like as two peas, the ginger and the summer Xia all want to grow a tree to grow up with their children. These two pairs of Ming have the unbroken mind, but they can't walk together.

"Good peach tree. You remember to plant it on the right side in front of the door."

Lin Yi said, because Mu Xiaxi's peach tree has been planted on the left. She took the box and looked at the small branches inside and said, "I thank you for the little star."

"Little star?"

Jiang Qixing was stunned.

Lin Yi suddenly fell into a trance and put his hand over his lips. He looked at Ying Hannian awkwardly. "I forgot his name is Jiang Qixing. It seems that his nickname has to be changed."

When Jiang Qixing and Yingjing were different generations, they actually used the name of Jiang Qixing.

She swears, she didn't think so much about it when she named it.


Jiang Qixing is at a loss.

"It's not easy to get it, but change it." Ying Hannian doesn't think so. He looks at Jiang Qixing with slanting eyes.


Jiang Qixing shivered.

"Why don't you change your name, Jiang Qiyang? Jiang Qiyue


Jiang Qixing was even more at a loss.

Lin Yi went to pull Ying Hannian's hand and said, "don't disturb him. Can you give your son another nickname?"

"Brother? How about a girl

Should be cold years pick eyebrows.


Are you poisonous?

Lin Yi black line, really want to kick him, then Jiang Qixing back to God, tone no ups and downs, tunnel, "is the baby called little star?"“ Yes, I'm sorry. I didn't expect to make your name when I took it. " Lin Yi is a little sorry. When she thinks about it, she only thinks about the stars all over the sky and the picture of Ying Hannian's white face embracing her crazy running. She can't take Xiaobai as her name


"That's good." Jiang Qixing said solemnly, "my name is to pray for the star, but I haven't asked for it. In the future, brother Han's son is the star I asked for. I will fight my life to protect him!"

He made a promise.

Ying Hannian's face sank, and Lin Yi was not happy, especially listening to his interpretation of his name.

I pray for the stars, but I haven't.

His heart is not without the starlight, but he did not dare to touch.

The couple looked at him in silence.

"Brother Han, Miss Lin, I'll go down first."

Jiang Qixing bowed his head to them and left the ward.

Lin Yi stood there and couldn't help asking, "Ying Hannian, do you think he and Xia Xi are still possible?"

"What do you say?"

Ying Hannian glares at her.


Lin Yi was silent again. How could it be? It's not easy to be free from resentment and hatred. How could we get together again.

"Well, you don't want to think about it. Take a good rest in your confinement. Anyway, there's not a couple around you." In response to the cold year."How come there's no such thing as mu Xianguang and Bai Shuya? Isn't there still us? "

Are they not good?

Didn't they make it?

"It was." Ying Hannian coaxed her, scraped her thumb on her face, bowed his head and kissed her, "we can be a lifetime."


Lin Yi stares at him, then laughs and nestles in his arms.


On the day of leaving hospital, Lin Yi was wrapped up by her grandmother and grandmother, with a hat and scarf, and a white coat. Lin Yi stood in front of the mirror and felt like a big snowman.

Ying Hannian looked and stood aside with a smile.

Lin Yi can't bear to brush the elder's funny, can only under dark hand ruthlessly pinch should cold year's waist, "you hold son!"


In response to the cold year, he reached out and lifted the cradle from the bed and went out first. In the black cradle, Xiao Xingxing was sleeping sweetly and didn't find anything outside.

Lin Yi was surrounded by the elders and went out. She could not help loosening her scarf. "Grandma, it's very hot now. Do you have to wear a scarf? Is there something wrong with it? "

"It's windy outside. You can untie it when you get in the car."

Grandma and grandma a good advice, let Lin Yi give up.

Ying Qing is Ying Hannian's grandmother, which is not easy to help her granddaughter-in-law in front of her in laws. She just laughs and accompanies her. Lin Yi turns her neck helplessly and follows them step by step.

I don't want her to go too fast.

Just walked to a ward, inside came a burst of light laughter——

"Is it true that Ying Hannian's wife also gave birth here?" A woman's voice came.

"Yes, but it's very mysterious. I didn't come out. I had a sneak look at it that day. Tut, what's the fat like? It's twice as big as when I was on TV."

Smell speech, the footstep of a group of people slows down, each look to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stood there and looked down at his figure. He had just given birth to a baby, but his figure didn't recover so quickly.

Ying Qing's face cools down and raises her feet to go in. Lin Yi stops her. This private hospital receives people who are rich or expensive. Listen to these people's voices, and you will know what the upper class thinks about her and Ying Hannian.

Since she was pregnant, Ying Hannian has protected her so well, just like staying in an ivory tower, not knowing what the outside world is talking about.

They were silent, listening to the voice of sarcasm continue to spread out - "this Lin Yi, in the food competition, a big show, the audience edge is particularly good, the result is very proud, my mother held a banquet several times, she was refused." Another female voice came. Lin Yi frowned. During her pregnancy, she should be cold

She was not allowed to go to any party at all“ What's self conceited? They come from a small town. It sounds like the richest man. Isn't that a chicken head? What is she when she comes to the imperial city? In my opinion, she probably won't attend any party because she's afraid of losing face. "