Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 852

At this moment, Lin Yi was asleep.

The doctor's words were light, like a gust of wind, floating far away.

There was only a hazy light in her dream. It was warm and comfortable.

... when Lin Yi wakes up again, she is already in the ward with drops hanging from her hands. She is not sleeping on the pillow, but on one arm. She turns her face and sees Ying Hannian's deep and beautiful outline. He closes his eyes, his eyebrows are sharp, and his eyelashes are sharp

Long, the bridge of the nose is also quite, thin lips light pursed.

It's a big bed. It's nothing for two people.

Lin Yi looked at him with a faint smile. Ying Hannian suddenly opened his eyes and fixed his eyes on her. His dark eyes were deep, and there were some blood threads in them. His voice was dumb. "Wake up, do you still feel pain?"

Smell speech, Lin Yi moved a little body, body pain let her uncomfortable, but compared with the pain of production, this pain she can bear.

"Not bad." Lin Yi smiles, "where's the baby?"

"In the next room, grandparents are with them." He said.

"Scared a few old people?"

Lin Yi asked.

Hearing this, Ying Hannian said, "I'm crazy about playing mahjong. When they react, you and your baby will be out of the operating room, and their hearts will be put down before they mention it."

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing. "It's OK. They're old. They're waiting outside the operating room for a few hours. Maybe something will happen."

"You will be considerate."

Ying Hannian gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Baby, I want to see baby." Lin Yi wants to sit up and be pressed back by Ying Hannian.

"There are so many people looking at him, you don't have to worry, you lose this bag and I'll hold it." Ying Hannian said.

Everyone is watching the baby, only he is by her side.

Lin Yi looked at him and asked softly, "are you very disappointed to have a son?"

Her voice was still a little weak.

"No, I'm not disappointed with the baby you gave birth to." Ying Hannian refused to recognize it.

"Is it?" Lin Yi lay there, eyes turned, said, "all say son like mother, I think our baby is more like me."


When we celebrate the cold new year, our eyes shine.

Seeing this, Lin Yi didn't know whether to be happy or to cry. "Didn't you see your son well?"

You know it's a son who doesn't even look?

Is there a dad who does this?

When Ying Hannian was stiff, he found that he was annoyed by her routine and pulled out his hand from under her head, "do you want to drink water? I'll get you some water


Lin Yi was helpless.

This man who is obsessed with women.


After Lin Yi woke up, her ward suddenly became extremely busy, and everyone crowded into the ward.

"Look, these eyes look like you. They're beautiful." Mu Lan carefully put the baby beside Lin Yi. He also sat by the bed and said with a smile, his eyes full of love.

Yingqing also sat on one side, smelling the words with a smile, "like Xiaoyi good, Xiaoyi's eyes look at good, cold year's eyes are too sharp."

The baby was lying there with two small hands raised high, his face as tender as tofu, and his eyes as if he could see something.

Lin Yi is still lying, side over the body, reaching out to touch the baby's face, feeling wonderful.

Such a little guy is her and Ying Hannian's child.

Last life, when she died in yinghannian's bed, how could she think that there would be today between them.

It's amazing.

A child belongs to her and Ying Hannian. His eyebrows look like Ying Hannian, but his eyes look like her. It turns out that their eyebrows and eyes are good-looking when combined.

She poked her baby's white little finger with her fingertip, and he held it tightly. "He's very powerful."

"The child is very active at first sight. I'm afraid he will have a headache in the future."

Lin Guanting stood on the edge of the bed and looked at it. His grandfather couldn't see his grandson enough.

"Boys just need to be lively. They are too quiet, but they are afraid that they will be too dull."

Grandma said, sitting on one side, chipping the apple.Grandfather is sitting on one side, wearing presbyopia to see a thick book, is thinking of giving the baby a name.

"Yes." Grandma also echoed the way, "Xiaoyi, in the future to cultivate children may not be active talent, he likes to move let him move."

It's just a little bit. I want to cultivate it.

"I see, grandma."

Lin Yi replied with a smile.

"What about the cold year?" Asked Ying Qing.

"He went out and called back to the group." Lin Yidao, business is too busy, but Ying Hannian insists on accompanying her. Many things can only be contacted by phone.

Lin Guanting listened and stood beside Mulan with a smile. "I miss my daughter every day in winter. I must be angry."

This schadenfreude

Mu Lan couldn't help looking at Lin Guanting and almost rolled his eyes. "He was angry. What's so happy about your father-in-law? A man of decades is like a three-year-old. "


Lin Guanting was silent. Mu Lan said, and took out a box of pure gold jewelry from his bag, which contained a long-life lock, an evergreen bracelet, a golden bowl and chopsticks. "Xiaoyi, this is for my baby. The workmanship is very meticulous. It won't scratch the baby's skin. No

I've asked. When children start to bite, they can't take the gold ornaments with them. "

"It's too expensive, Auntie Ann."

Lin Yi was dazzled by the box of gold.

"It's custom. You have to keep it." Mulan is serious.

This is the custom of s city. When the younger generation is born, the elder will send gold ornaments, which represents the blessing to the newborn, and can make the newborn healthy and smooth.

Mulan has been in s city for a long time, and naturally he knows this.

However, most people give away one or two items. There is no such thing as a large set

As like as two peas, the time-honored Lin Tun naturally took out one of his own pieces. It was exactly the same as the animal husbandry. It was also a complete set of styles.

"Dad, you and aunt ANN are really connected." Lin Yi smiles.

"If you had said you would send this, I would have changed it."

Lin Guanting touched his nose and said to Mu Lan.

Mu Lan was embarrassed by Lin Yi's "heart to heart" and said to Lin Guanting, "what do I want to send? Why should I inform you? It's you. Are you following me to see what I've bought? "

"I'm not."

Lin Guanting looked wronged.

Lin Yi looks at them and wants to laugh. Aunt an's estrangement with her father is getting less and less. During her pregnancy, the two adults are worried about her. Although they are still tit for tat, their relationship is getting closer and closer. Apart from the previous relationship between master and servant, the gap between them is getting thinner and thinner.