Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 851

By the time they realized that there were two pillows lying on the bed, it was two hours later. At this time, Lin Yi is lying on the operating table. The entrance of the palace is more and more open. Her long hair is wet. Under the strong operating light, Ying Hannian stands on her with a white face

While holding her hand, he took a paper to wipe the sweat on her face.

"Er --"

Lin Yi cried out in pain, his lips were so white that he had no blood color at all.

"Is there any way to relieve the pain? Any more? "

Ying Hannian can't stand her like this. He turns his head and stares at the doctor. So all the ways to relieve pain have been tried, but Lin Yi's uterine contraction process is particularly fast, and the finger opening is also fast. The pain is accumulated in a short time. How can natural childbirth be completely painless? It should not be cold years

I don't know, but at this moment, he also panicked.

It turns out that studying medicine can't completely protect her.

Seeing this, the attending doctor did not dare to go back. He only comforted Lin Yi and said, "Mrs. Ying, the baby is coming out soon. The fetal position is right. I have seen the baby's small head. Let's come on!"


Lin Yi nodded, took a deep breath and tried again.

It hurts.

It's really painful. For the first time, she knows that people will be numb when the pain reaches the extreme. She can't tell whether it's painful or not.

She clutched Ying Hannian's hand to death. The tearing pain almost made her faint. She heard the doctor's surprise voice, "head out, Mrs. Ying, come on!"

"After this pass, I'll take you to eat delicious food. I'll give you whatever you want, OK?"

Ying Hannian holds her hand.

He's standing here, but he can't help.


Good. Lin Yi wanted to respond to him, but she was too painful to speak. She clenched her teeth and tried to end it as soon as possible. I don't know how long later, she only knew that the light in the operating room was very bright, and Ying Hannian's face was very white, which made her feel sad

My mind is a little confused and misty

"Tuan Tuan, you can't sleep! Look at me, I'm here! "

Her face was suddenly patted. Ying Hannian bent down in front of her. Her pale face was covered with cold sweat. Her eyes were scared.

It's rare to have a cold year of fear.


Did she sleep?

She can't sleep, she has family, she has baby, she has cold year.

Lin Yi tries to open her eyes soaked in sweat and fight against the pain again. She can, she can

Suddenly, the body relaxed for a second.

It still hurts.

But it's different from the pain just now.

The baby's cry came suddenly.

Lin Yi was at a loss when he heard the doctor's joyful voice ringing, "great. I have a baby. Mrs. Ying, you are an excellent mother."

Lin Yi was lying there, panting heavily, but somehow felt that she had the strength to return to her body. She looked at Ying Hannian, who was holding her hand and yelling at the doctor, "see you first! Is the amount of bleeding abnormal? Stop bleeding

"Normal, everything is normal."

Ying Hannian's face is slightly better looking. He looks down at Lin Yi, who is almost soaked in sweat. He puts his hand on her face and gives her a kiss. He stares at her and says in a dumb voice, "my wife in Ying Hannian is powerful."

Lin Yi reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth and laughed, weakly saying, "I want to see the baby."

A nurse immediately held the naked baby and said, "congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ying. He is a beautiful and lovely son."

"What did you say?"

Ying Hannian's face stagnated, and his eyes fell on the pink ball. His whole soul was hollowed out and stood there stupidly.

How can


Suddenly, he lowered his eyes to Lin Yi. Her eyes were red tonight. Now she was looking at him silently. Ying Hannian coughed and said stiffly, "son... Very good, eh, very good."


Lin Yi doesn't want to talk.

"Mr. Ying, come and cut the umbilical cord for your baby. It's very meaningful." Said the nurse.

“……”Ying Hannian released Lin Yi's hand and went to cut the umbilical cord. When he cut it, he couldn't help looking at the baby's abdomen and then, um, it was very good.

Are men and women equal.

Lin Yi was born with painstaking efforts. After cutting the umbilical cord over there, the nurse wrapped the baby and gave it to Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian held a small powder ball in his hands. He walked to Lin Yi with some rigidity and hooked his lips. "It's very healthy. His eyes, nose, mouth, hands and feet are all in the same shape

There's no shortage. "


That's right. Lin Yi had no choice but to lie there. She looked at her baby, a very small ball, hairy wet hair. Her eyes were wide open, and she didn't cry any more. At the moment, the grape like black pupil was looking at her, and her little tongue was in her mouth

Stir a stir, Meng Lin Yi immediately heart all melt.

She didn't know who the child looked like, but fortunately, the child looked not only healthy, but also really beautiful.

"How lovely."

Lin Yi has no sense of the pain of his body. Looking at the child, he only feels that the flowers of the whole world are blooming.

Ying Hannian was standing there with a wooden face, smelling Yan's jaw, "well, lovely."


It's very perfunctory.

Lin Yi looked at him depressed.

Afraid of how much she thought, Ying Hannian cleared his throat and said solemnly, "really, I was afraid that you thought I valued boys over girls before, so I always said that I like my daughter. I really like my son."


Yes, a princess nursery is set up at home and in the office to deceive him of his son preference.

It's a good trick. It's a success.

Lin Yi looks at him helplessly. Ying Hannian gives the child to the nurse and leans down beside Lin Yi. "In a word, my son is very healthy. Don't worry. Now you can have a good rest and sleep."

"... well."

Lin Yi was really tired. His head was gradually blank, his consciousness pulled away, and his eyes closed slowly.

Seeing that she closed her eyes to rest, Ying Hannian immediately went to the doctor in charge, "how is it? Has the blood stopped? Is the tear sewn? "

A nurse was wiping blood for Lin Yi. Ying Hannian immediately put on his gloves and said in a deep voice, "I'll come."

The nurse stepped aside.

The light in the operating room is still on. Ying Hannian cooperates with the doctor to do the final work. The little baby lies on the scale beside him, blinking a pair of big black eyes and stirring his little tongue.

The nurse looked at the number above and said with a smile, "eight Jin and six Liang, not fat. My mother has long legs in her stomach."

Everyone in the operating room laughed.

Hearing this, Ying Hannian's action of wiping blood stopped, eight Jin and six Liang, the same weight as Lin Yi's when he was born.

He couldn't help but hook his lips. Little thing, I know how to please him when I was born.