Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 853

As far as she is concerned, she really wants aunt Ann and her father to come together.

"Dad, you and auntie Ann give the same things. Why don't you combine them and make a big one?" Lin Yi said.

"What two, why one, the gift also asked, let the baby take two."

Mu Lan didn't know what Lin Yi was up to. He poked her on the head and looked at her angrily.


Lin Yi took it as soon as he saw the good, and he didn't talk about it any more. As soon as Mulan and Lin Guanting finished giving them, their grandparents and grandmothers took out gold ornaments one by one. Their grandmothers beat a heavy little golden pig, and their grandmothers beat a golden boat. Lin Yi was envious of her son and was very rich at birth

expensive. Ying Qing smiles, gets up and leaves. After a while, she takes out a delicate old box and comes back. She opens it in front of Lin Yi and says, "I grew up abroad. I don't know much about the domestic rules. I don't prepare anything for children,

But this time I came to China, I have prepared something for Xiaoyi. "


Lin Yi was stunned, and the Lin family all leaned over.

Yingqing opened the box in her hand. Inside was a neat box of diamonds, big and small. They were all natural diamonds that had not been polished. They were blue and red in color.

Each diamond is packed in a small box, and the number of grams is not small, so it is stored in the box.

Even Mu Lan, the four girls of the family, couldn't help looking at him more. "You're too big, old lady."

This small box is more than priceless.

She knew the wealth of yingmen, but she didn't expect such a large sum of money“ Yes, xiaoyigang is a bride. She is a child and is not worth such a valuable gift. " Lin Guanting stood aside and said, he can't let his daughter ask for this gift. No matter how expensive the gold is, these diamonds seem to be priceless


"In laws." Ying Qing smiles faintly, and her voice is different from that of normal people. "Xiaoyi is my granddaughter-in-law, and she is also my life-saving benefactor. She has saved me, so I want to give her some good things. Diamonds are dead things. I'm old, so I wear them

It's not going to shine on me. "

"But, grandma..."

Lin Yigang wanted to say that Yingqing held her hand and looked at her seriously with her eyes. "Xiaoyi, you should understand that my debt to you can't be made up by a few diamonds."

Lin Yi knows what she means. Ying Qing has tried to die for her debt. For her, she can only feel better if she accepts her compensation.

"Well, grandma, I'll take it. Thank you."

Lin Yi said with a smile.


Lin Guanting some dissatisfaction, Ying Qing busy way, "in laws, small appropriate is a considerate, she is filial to accept."

When Ying Qing said that, Lin Guanting couldn't say anything. He could only thank Lin Yi. The baby lay there, with his eyes open, looking here and there, but he couldn't understand anything. He held Lin Yi's hand for a while, closed his eyes and went to sleep. After chatting for a while, everyone decided to leave. He couldn't disturb the child's rest, Lin said

Should insist on the baby to stay, we advised fruitless, they all left.

So the baby lay beside Lin Yi and fell asleep. Lin Yi looked at him with a soft heart.

I didn't feel it before I was born. After I was born, I found that it was the feeling of being a mother, and the smile on my face couldn't fade.


After two days, Lin Yi can move. She can't help but take out all the gold and diamonds and put them on the bed.

Ying Hannian came in from the outside and saw such a picture. Lin Yi was sitting on the bed in her hospital uniform, with transfusion hanging from her hand, but it didn't prevent her from picking up the diamonds and looking at them.

"Look at you moneybags."

Ying Hannian hooked her lips and sat down beside her bed with a cup of hot milk.

"Yellow diamond." Lin Yi is holding a diamond in his hand, which is an eye opener. "You can see it's of high purity with naked eyes. I've never seen such a beautiful diamond before."

"Like diamonds? Then I'll be watched. I'll buy all the good ones for you. "

Ying Hannian put the milk cup to her lips and served her to drink milk. Lin Yi took a sip and said, "what do I want so much to do? I just sigh. I didn't expect to receive so many gifts when I have a son. My relatives over there have come here several times these two days and received a lot of gold ornaments and gifts, as well as Shuya and XiaxiAlso smell the wind to make a golden pig, see, so big, hold all too heavy

Lin Yi said, patting the delicate box beside him, and said with emotion, "our son was born a rich man."

"These rich people don't depend on our face. They have nothing to do with their son. He can make money in the future."

Ying Hannian said casually, and then fed Lin Yi a mouthful of milk. Seeing Lin Yi's horizontal eyes, he coughed, "well, although it's to see our face, it's really our son's. keep it for him."


Lin Yi had no choice but to smile.

"Here, drink the milk." In response to the cold year, she was asked to drink milk.

When the milk is finished, Ying Hannian puts away the gold diamonds on the bed one by one. Lin Yi sits on the bed, leans on the head of the bed and starts to read the greeting cards again.

When she gave birth this time, many people in Mu's group also sent gifts. Grandma said that there was no room to pile up outside. Ying Hannian had someone check it. It was too expensive. If you were suspicious of flattery, you could return it directly.

She didn't see any gifts. All the cards were sent to her.

Lin Yi looked at them one by one, and found that even the other four families had sent congratulatory gifts. Gu Ming also gave them, in his own name.

"It seems that they are all staring at you, general manager."

Lin Yi smiles. Although they didn't hide the news of their birth, they didn't make it public. Only by paying attention to the inner part of the Mu clan can these families know such a big event.

"No wonder."

Yinghannian doesn't think so.


Since the reshuffle of the four families last year, the competition has become more fierce than before. Ye's family is newly promoted, and Mu's family is replaced. Wang's family wants to learn from Lian's family, and even the family's style is fiery. They respect themselves everywhere. It's very lively.

Lin Yi presses the cards of the four families, takes a look at Gu Ming's card, and picks up another one. I don't know if it's God's will. The next one is Ying Xuefei's.

Ying Xuefei, an old friend I haven't seen for a long time.

When she opened it, she saw that Ying Xuefei's handwriting on it had a rare female domineering——

[Lin Yi: congratulations. I wish you and your baby good health and happy every day. I'm going to stay with you

It's a very short blessing, but it makes people feel very down-to-earth. I don't know where this should be now?