Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 654


Mu Huahong looks at the peach blossom color on the stage, and his eyes gradually deepen. He slowly took off the earphone, and a boss next to him leaned over and said, "Third Master, how's it going, isn't it good? The youngest winner of the Black Diamond Award, just won the award, no one can imitate her self-made fan dance, but it took me a lot of effort

I know you can't stand folk dance. "

"What's her name?"

Asked Mu Huahong.

Seeing that Mu Huahong was interested, the boss next to him immediately said, "Ying Yongxi, in her early twenties, has no boyfriend. Little girls like them most admire the great man like you."

"Which chant? Which one Mu Huahong asked again.

"The chant of singing, the hope of hope."

Singing hope.

Mu Hua Hong jaw head, "is a good name."

"Yes, yes." The general manager sat aside and saw that his face was cold, but he didn't have any passion or desire to be fascinated. He couldn't understand the third master Mu's pulse. He didn't dare to talk to himself for a moment, but said, "she just won the prize, she looks beautiful, and now she is in the limelight,

Many of my friends want to keep her at home, but they are all rejected. This girl is very noble. "

He was trying to see if Mu Huahong meant that.

However, Mu Huahong did not speak any more. He only looked at the dancers on the stage, with a touch of calculation in his eyes.


Three days later.

Mu Huahong was standing on the range of his family, holding a training gun in his hand, and shooting at the rake heart. The target rake changed frequently, but he could still make the gun hit the heart.

My confidant Lin Gang stood aside and reported to him, "I contacted Ying Yongxi and raised the price from 30 million to 60 million. She still didn't want to. She said she just wanted to concentrate on dancing and didn't want to do anything else, let alone serve others."

A woman who can't fight with money

Mu Huahong's eyes became gloomy. He raised his hand and shot straight into the heart. He asked coldly, "what's the background?"

If money doesn't work, it's just threats.

"I can't find Ying Yongxi's background, his parents are ominous, and I've sent someone to fill in his ancestral home. There's no family surnamed Ying at all." Lin Gang replied, "she just came out of the blue. She won the black diamond prize suddenly, and her reputation was very loud."

There is no family background, that is, no threat.

Mu Hua Hong slowly changed the bullet, "a woman like her is famous in the upper class, but she has not become a social flower. There must be a reason."

Living in the center of the storm, without a wall to protect her from the wind, she did not fall“ Third master Hui, it's not that no one has been too strong to Ying Yongxi, but she is so strong that she almost died together. " Lin Gang confessed, "when it spread in the circle, people were quiet, but after a long time, she still escaped

However, if you commit suicide or become a canary, you will never escape these two outcomes. "

People without background should not be too dazzling, especially a woman.

Mu Huahong fired several shots and asked him, "Lin Gang, what do you think of this woman?"

"The rare one is beautiful, and her eyes are clean enough. It's the kind that men will dream about. The third master wants to use her to do things right, but she's not influenced by money and threats. It's hard to persuade her." Lin Gang Road.

"Do you have anyone else?"

Mu Huahong asked.

At the first sight of Ying Yongxi, he knew that this woman could confuse thousands of men in the world, and his two brothers could not escape.

Lin Gang compares the beauty he has met with Ying Yongxi in his mind, and soon shakes his head. After meeting Ying Yongxi, he really doesn't know what kind of person can be called a beauty.

"Look, you know that if you bait my two brothers, you'll get the best bait."

Mu Huahong sneered and shot with a gun.

"Can we say that we are soft or hard..."

When Lin Gang wanted to say anything else, he heard a cheerful voice.

"Third brother!"

Mu Huahong turned around and saw his only sister Mu Lan running towards him. He opened his arms and let Mu Lan rush into his arms like a bird. He held up his master to prevent his gun from touching her.

Mu Lan raised his head in his arms and showed a bright smile.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. Where have you been?"

Mu Huahong looked at her with low eyes. She was spoiled in her eyes.The competition between him and his two brothers was so fierce that it was hard for him to keep some family affection in his heart. On the contrary, facing his younger sister, he felt very relaxed. Because of this, he loved her very much.

"I'm not wild. I've been studying and working hard. Even my father said that as long as I work hard, I will take care of the Mu family in the future." Mu Lan's beautiful face was full of publicity.


Mu Hua Hong chuckles and puts the pistol on one side of the table. However, she thinks, how can it be her turn?

With elder brother and second brother, he and she will always be the icing on the cake.

Mu Lan looked at the gun on the table, put his hands behind his back, walked two steps in the same place, restrained his smile, pursed his mouth, stretched his small face, and sighed with melancholy, "Alas --"

That's what she looked like before she asked for help.

Mu Hua Hong laughs, "come on, what can I do for you?"

Mu Lan shook his head. "Well, I don't want to help, or I have to ask for help recently. It's just bitter in my heart."

Mulan is the only daughter of the family. She is always loved. From small to large, she wants nothing but to get it.

Smell speech, Mu Hua Hong did not have the idea of shooting, suspiciously staring at her, "Mu Xiao Lan, do you see which man? I tell you, you're still young. It's not urgent. "

With that, Mu Huahong's eyes were cold.

He dares to seduce his sister and seek death.

"Oh, No." Mu Lan shook his head again. "I just watched a dance recently. I was deeply attracted by the dancer. I wanted to ask her to be my dance teacher. I didn't know how to ask her to come here."

Another dancer.

Mu Huahong's eyes deepened, "which dancer?"

"Ying Yongxi, she's hot recently. Don't you know, third brother?" Mu Lan opened his eyes wide.

We should chant hope.

He's heard the name a little more recently.

"Why do you suddenly want to learn to dance?" Mu Huahong lowered his head to wipe the gun body and said quietly, "the four girls of Mu family want to learn to dance. Are you afraid that there is no famous family to teach you?"

"I want Ying Yongxi to teach me how to dance. I want to learn her fan dance. I don't want anything else!"

Mu Lan said immediately, with a firm attitude.

"So you have to do with her?" Mu Huahong pick eyebrows, Mu Lan this is very persistent, that people and things how can not pull back.

"Of course, it's a pity that she didn't agree... Alas..." thinking of this, Mu Lan sighed again, with a languid look.

"Well, maybe what you said is not sincere enough. I'll send someone to invite you again."

Said Mu Huahong. In the name of Mulan, you can get Ying Yongxi into the herdsman's house, so that she can seduce the elder brother and the second brother. There is no better chance than this.