Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 655

At that time, the elder brother and the second brother will be trapped in love, lose their fighting spirit, lose their father's trust, and everything will be natural. No one will doubt him.

When Mu Lan heard this, he was very happy and left happily.

Mu Huahong leered at Lin Gang, "when you went to find Ying Yongxi, you didn't mention that I wanted her to do something, did you?"

"Of course not." Lin Gang immediately said, "I just told her that what she did was to use her own conditions to seduce two men. After success, she could get 60 million yuan. She refused."

He would not be so stupid to sell his master without inviting anyone.

Mu Huahong picked up the gun on the table and quickly assembled it into a gun. His eyes were full of dark color. "Send someone to ask Ying Yongxi to be a tutor in the name of Mulan. If she agrees, you are not suitable to appear in the herdsman's house again and work outside."


Lin Gang bowed his head and listened to the arrangement.


For three days in a row, Mu Huahong sent people to invite him, and the answer was No.

When the salary is set at a sky high price, the authority of the herdsman is even more important. Ying Yongxi has never wavered.

In the spacious and comfortable car, Mu Huahong was sitting in the back seat to deal with the documents. Thinking that he had just heard the report that Ying Yongxi refused again, his eyebrows began to frown and his eyes were unhappy.

He began to work for his father when he was a teenager. He has seen all kinds of faces in the business world. I didn't expect that he would meet such a hard bone.

In the face of those who go, you should say: I don't accept your sky high salary; If you force me with power, I'll be forced to death at most. Anyway, I'm alone, and I won't make others sad.

These days, there are women who are not attracted by money and who are not afraid of death.

But the harder it was, the more he wanted to recruit this woman.

He put aside a pile of documents and turned out a report about Ying Yongxi at the bottom, which clearly recorded her affairs.

There is a picture in the report.

Mu Huahong picks up the photo. The girl in the photo is young and beautiful. She wears a white dress and has clean and pure eyes. Ying Yongxi says that the shocking thing is not her beauty, but that when she dances, she can capture thousands of souls.

He has a deep memory of the fan dance under the peach blossom tree.

What is the weakness of such a woman?


The car braked suddenly.

Mu Huahong leaned forward, and the photo in his hand fell down. He raised his eyes and looked gloomy.

When the driver saw him like this in the rearview mirror, he immediately apologized, "sorry, Third Master, the car in front suddenly stopped."


Mu Huahong raised his eyes and saw that the car in front of him had already lined up.

"Third Master, I'll go down and have a look at the situation." The driver got out of the car to inquire about the news, and then came back, "there was a car accident in front, rear end collision, just happened."

"How long will it take?"

Mu Hua Hong asked coldly. He looked down at the time on the watch. When he looked up again, he saw a thin white figure in front of him.

Recently, Mu Huahong recognized the name at a glance.

We should chant hope.

She was wearing a white dress similar to the one in the photo, holding a child about four or five years old in her arms. She kept taking pictures of other people's windows, anxiously saying something, and then went to take pictures of a car in disappointment.

Soon, she was outside his window.

She stood outside, struggling with the child and knocking on his window.


Mu Huahong stares at her with deep eyes. Today, she is still clean and beautiful without makeup. Her subordinates say that she doesn't touch fireworks in the world. She doesn't care about anything except dancing, but now her anxious look is quite like a person.

"Bang bang."

The window has been knocked all the time.

Ying Yongxi stands outside with her child in her arms. She looks at the dark glass of the car and doesn't mean to lower it. Her eyes suddenly darken. Several cars in front of her are willing to open a window to listen to her. This car doesn't even want to lower its window.

Looking at the trembling child in his arms, Ying Yongxi continues to walk to the next car. Just as he is leaving, the window slowly falls.

She looked over and saw a very handsome face. Her dark eyes were staring at her, and she could not see the joy and anger.

The four eyes are opposite.The world is quiet.


Ying Yongxi saw such an extraordinary young man for the first time. He was just sitting, but he gave people the illusion of supremacy. She suddenly felt oppressed.

She was only shocked for a second, and then quickly said, "Sir, the child suddenly has convulsions. Can you help him to the hospital?"

"Is this child yours?"

Mu Huahong asked why she didn't hear from her subordinates that she still had illegitimate children. Ying Yongxi couldn't wait for a strange man to ask such a strange question. He just rushed to send his child to the hospital, so he quickly replied, "no, this is the child of a staff member of our dance troupe. There was an accident in front of our car, so we can't drive. Please

Thank you for your help, sir

Mu Huahong took a look at her, then looked forward, and saw a couple like people standing in the middle of the road to clear the traffic, begging for cars to move to the side, even kneeling down to kowtow in the street.

It seems that she was working with her. She came to ask for help to send the child to the hospital, and the other two dredged the traffic flow to make sure the car could drive through.

Mu Huahong looked at the child in her arms. It was a little boy. His eyes were closed tightly at the moment. His face was stiff and purple. He was in agony. He was shaking and twitching all over.

No wonder the cars in front of her are not willing to let her get on the bus for fear that the child will die in the car.

"Please help me, sir. Thank you."

Ying Yongxi stands outside the car and constantly asks for help. He hugs the child in his arms and his eyes are red with heartache.

"Why should I help you?"

Mu Huahong spoke again.

His cold-blooded and indifferent tone obviously surprised Ying Yongxi. She was stunned there, and then said, "I'll thank you."

With that, she struggled to hold the child in one hand and touch her wallet in the other.

"I have plenty of money, not bad for you." Mu Huahong looked at her and asked in a low voice, "my sister needs a dance teacher. You teach her and I'll help you save people."

There's no reason why he doesn't seize the opportunity he's given.

Ying Yongxi listened to his words and stayed there completely, "do you know me?"

"Mu Huahong."

He gave his name directly.


Ying Yongxi's eyes were shocked. Of course, she knew him. Before, she was asked to perform a solo dance in a theater. It is said that that day was a special entertainment for mu Huahong, the Third Master of the pastoral family.

"The child's life can't wait for you to think too long. You'd better give me the answer immediately." Mu Hua Hongdao's voice is very cold, which means threatening. Ying Yongxi frowned and looked at the child in his arms. He didn't dare to hesitate for a second. He opened the door and got on.