Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 653

Lin Yi sat at the dining table, subconsciously holding Ying Hannian's hand.

Gu Ruo Ben was still scolding. When she saw Mu Huahong in the glass room, she was quiet and looked at him quietly.

Everyone sat around the round table, forming a semicircle, waiting for the situation in the glass room.


The glass room is set on the platform on the second floor, just like a stage that can't be entered. People below can only enjoy it.

Mu Huahong's headache was incomparable. He was inexplicably weak and couldn't lift a little strength.

There were so many pictures in front of him that he couldn't catch them or see them. It was like old film dancing wildly in front of him.

He saw people dancing.

He saw people scolding him.

It hurts.

It really hurts.

He was lying in a wrapped massage chair, sweating from his head“ Third master mu? Mr. mu A calmer voice sounded in his ear, "it's a very hurtful mental operation, whether it's to wash away the memory or to recall the memory. It may take a long time to recover after that. Are you ready

Is that right? "

Recall memory?

Whose memory? Did he? Should we chant? The woman who doesn't even feel like looking at a picture? How can he fight for her?


He doesn't have an operation!

In his life, Mu Huahong had only rights and no feelings.

Mu Huahong was lying on it, unable to get up. He struggled to open his eyes, but only opened some of them. In front of him, it was vague. A man in a white coat was standing in front of him“ Mu Huahong, let's start now. " Men cling to the extremely feminine small fan in their hands. As soon as it opens and closes, the fan gently fans Mu Huahong's face. "See this fan? It's the key to unlock your memory

It's time to open your memory of dust sealing... Look at it, we'll go back slowly, Slowly... Walk back... "

There is a kind of bewitchment in the man's voice.

Mu Huahong resists to sweep him away, but his eyes are completely absorbed by the peach blossom pendant under the small fan. The light color is like a woman's beautiful hand, dancing flowers with her fingers, and then seductively grabs him

He couldn't escape. Subconsciously, he didn't want to escape at all.


What else, he remembers, is important

He seems to have told people what to do for the cold year, which is very important.

I can't remember.

I really can't remember.

His consciousness followed the swaying peach blossom pendant, his eyes closed slowly, and his nose smelled the smell of agarwood. The smell was quiet, and his heart could not help calming down. On the high-rise building far away from Yiwei restaurant, a man wearing a mask, a cap and a black suit puts his guitar bag on the ground, takes out the most lethal sniper gun in the world, puts it in the right position, bends down and finds it

The most comfortable shooting position.

In the mirror, the gate of Yiwei restaurant is in his sight, clear and incomparable.

Just wait for the moment when Ying Hannian steps out of the door, shoot and kill, and finish the task.


Here's the memory——

The Mu family is the head of the four families, and its position is unshakable. It was the same in those years.

At that time, Mr. Liang Mu was in the age of knowing his life. He was powerful and solemn to the internal rules, but cruel to the external. No one dared to touch the wall of the family.

Mu Ziliang has three sons, and Mu Huarong, the eldest son, is moderate but has a great family style; The second son Mu Huakang was ambitious and optimistic; Finally, Mu Huahong was outstanding and domineering.

As soon as Sanzi went out, it was the highlight.

The power of the herdsmen will not decrease, but the continuation of power and position has begun to appear, and the prosperity of the herdsmen will continue.

There are only a small half of the seats in the theater, but there are countless bodyguards, because the audience here is either rich or powerful.

Mu Huahong was surrounded by people in the middle of the suit, flattering voice constantly. He has the most outstanding appearance among the three sons of the herdsmen. He has a deep outline and sharp edges. His facial features are carved without any defects. He perfectly inherits the advantages of the previous generation. Even if he is not the Third Master of the herdsmen, he still has many advantages when he goes out

Look at me.

But his handsome extremely fierce publicity, deep in the eyes of the city, people dare not easily close.He sat there, with his slender fingers tapping silently and earphones plugged in his ears. He was listening to his subordinates' reports with a calm face“ The old man handed over the market in the south to the old man. He just gave the meaning. Third master, don't blame me for being so talkative. You put forward the reform of the southern market, and you worked out the plan by staying up late. The old man praised you for your ability. How did it come to an end

But I gave it to you? "

This subordinate is mu Huahong's confidant, but also dare not say too clear.

But it means that mu Ziliang is too eccentric.

Muziliang is naturally biased. He values the identity of his eldest son only because he was born earlier than his younger brothers.

Is mu Huahong in balance?

Nature is unbalanced.

Muzi Liang clearly let the three brothers compete peacefully, but he always helped the eldest son intentionally or unintentionally. No matter how much he did, he couldn't surpass the two brothers.

Such things have happened to him from small to large.

He is the third son, doomed to be only an assistant minister.

What happened in the southern market infuriated him completely. His long fingers clenched tightly. The blue pulse on the back of his hand was very clear, and he was not willing to jump.

Mu Huahong's eyes are more and more indifferent. Since fair competition can't get what he wants, don't blame him for using other means. When the light on the stage turned dark, a slim figure appeared in the middle of the stage. After a few simple dances, the dancer in gorgeous clothes suddenly leaned back, with a soft waist, standing on one foot and one foot in the air. The whole person seemed to be lying on the beauty couch, comfortable and lazy, with beautiful shape, But she didn't have any objects under her body. She was supported by her dancing skills. Her long black hair fell down, and the light looked like a light

Starlight spread.

I saw the wood slice fan spinning in the air. When it fell, the handle of the fan was standing on her toes, still spinning slowly.

She just maintained this difficult posture, and turned her face to the audience with a smile. There was no difficulty in it. She even felt sleepy and tired. Her red lips were breathtaking.

Dressed in peach blossom, she dances among the peach blossom trees on the stage, just like the soul transformed from petals in the sky

Mu Huahong couldn't hear the background music, but he heard the applause from the whole theater. When the wooden fan was about to stop and rotate, the young dancers kicked lightly with their toes, grasped the small fan in one hand, put away the lazy and crisp movements, and changed them into faster and more difficult dance movements, which caused constant applause.