Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1408

"Is there any mistake? How could she be a rescuer?"

Lin Mu slapped the table and got angry. "If she hadn't called, master, you wouldn't have gone to upup! It's too black and white! "

Sitting there for a long time, he calmly picked up the remote control on the desktop and turned off the TV.

As soon as the TV is turned off, everything is quiet. Only the meat on the oven is making a sound.

"White tea, what's the matter?"

Ling Yu turns to look at Bai cha.

White tea looked at them one by one or worried or aggrieved eyes, trying to make themselves appear calm, "I don't know, director Wang promised not to broadcast this paragraph, I call to ask what is the situation."

She picked up her cell phone.

When the scene came, a cold voice said, "if you don't want to listen to the official words of prevarication, don't make this call."

Bai Cha was stunned and raised her eyes. She stood up and looked back at her. There was no expression on her pretty face.

He reached out to her. White tea immediately went to him, while Lin Mu on one side was still indignant. The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. "No, the bias of those videos is too heavy. They are talking to Zhou Chunxi. It must be the white lotus that is playing tricks. Her heart is really black

Is that true? At that time, he closed the door for self-protection, but now he drags his master into the water in order to hype himself! "

She was so angry.

I really want to hit people!

Smell speech, white tea a surprised, meet before the scene face slowly changed, a little bit gloomy down, stretch out the hand also hang down, slowly turn around, look at Lin Mu, "what for self-protection close?"


Lin Mu stayed for a while, only to find out that he had let slip and was about to make up for it. His dark eyes were so deep that they seemed to hold a piece of night sky. After watching for a long time, he felt shivering. Lin Mu felt numb when he saw it. He could not tell a lie, so he had to say weakly, "it was the master who told me that he thought I could not know you, so he told me a story. In that story, Zhou Chunxi closed the door for self-protection and let him go

I'm beaten outside. I don't want you to arrive in time, Shifu. In fact, it's hopeless. "


Bai Cha stood there and didn't stop Lin Mu.

When Lin Mu looked at Yingjing, he also looked at Baicha, "I, I don't want to say it. It's Shifu's privacy. Since Shifu wants to keep it from me, I shouldn't speak. As a result, I let slip my tongue."

Mulin wants to cry a little.

The wind was rustling in the courtyard. Ling Yu sat listening and looked pale at Bai Cha, "Bai Cha, is this true?"

White tea nodded.


Lingyu's face was a little white again. No wonder the two people who were so good at that time suddenly became strange.

"Is such a thing private?"

When the scene, standing there, looking at the two girls in front of a cold hiss, line of sight from Lin Mu's body swept to white tea face, "she does not say, you do not say, I am in your eyes what?"

When Bai Cha saw the scene, she got angry. She was so flustered that she didn't care about the harm of the program. She explained, "I thought it was over."

She never thought that she would see Zhou Chunxi again, and that these things would be revealed.

When the scene, coldly looking at the two of them, "come in with me."

Standing there, Lin Mu's legs softened. He weakly grasped Bai Cha's sleeve and walked in with the scene.

This period of time, white tea saw the scene when all kinds of gentle, suddenly see his cold back, the bottom of my heart has a kind of unspeakable taste.

When the scene will take her upstairs, push the white tea living bedroom door, the voice is not a little cold temperature, "in, I don't want to see you now."

"Are you going to shut us down?"

Lin Mu looked down at him.

When the scene, black eyes cold to her, "white tea tell you this story should be very early?"


Lin Mu is a fool.

She understood what he meant. White tea told her this story very early indeed. He still mistakenly thought that white tea liked women... But she never said it.

"Now you know how tolerant I am to confine you?"

When it comes to scenery, it's cold.

"Oh." Lin Mu was wrong and went in with his head down.When the scene, the hand across to her, "cell phone."


Lin Mu turns in his cell phone.

After Lin Mu went in, he turned his eyes to look at the white tea. The white tea blinked in his black eyes, and he said, "I want to close it, too?"

She didn't think that what she was hiding was about him. She couldn't say that she was very sorry for him, did she?

"Cell phones."

There is not a word of nonsense when it comes to the occasion.

"Master, hand it in. It's like this. It's good if you don't go to the family law." Lin Mu doesn't want to be alone, so he simply encourages Bai Cha to come in together.


You are familiar with it.

Bai Cha looks at Lin Mu helplessly, then hands his mobile phone to Yingjing.

When the scene will reach her into the room, close the door, dry crisp lock.

Bai Cha and Lin Mu stand in the room, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Lin Mu happily went to bed and said, "fortunately, the bedroom is closed. He can take a bath and sleep. He doesn't have to think about life against the wall."


Bai Cha sits down beside the bed with her eyebrows locked. She is more worried about the influence of this variety show than being locked in the room. She doesn't know what it will ferment into.

Jiangxi also said that she would watch the show tonight. I hope she fell asleep before she did.


Sitting alone in the living room, looking at the direction of the white tea room door, thin lips pursed, black eyes pressing the storm, a slender hand regularly turning the mobile phone.

It's the white tea one.

He waited for something quietly.

A moment later, the mobile phone vibrated. When the scene came, he lowered his eyes and saw the words "mother, adult" printed on it. When the scene of the eyes deep color, silence a few seconds later picked up the phone, there Jiangxi anxious voice came, "tea tea, how can you agree with the program team to turn your old story out? Although at that time you have not been how, but can not stand others to say

Gossiping... We came here once at that time. We couldn't hear that easily. Why... "

As she spoke, her voice choked.

When I was in the scene, I cleared my throat and said, "Hello, auntie. When I was in the scene, do you remember me?"

The voice was cool and gentle.

"Ah?" The river Qian there chokes half to get stuck, for a long time just dull tunnel, "isn't this white tea's number?"


"I'm sorry to introduce myself to you under such circumstances. I'm a classmate from Baicha high school, and now I'm her boyfriend," she said


Cried Janice sharply. The harshness of the sound made the ear painful.