Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1409

After suffering for a while, Jiang Xi thought of the second question, "what about white tea?"

"She's asleep."

When thinking about the situation, he added, "I slept with Lin Mu."


Jessie was silent at that end.

Standing at the scene for a long time, I couldn't get Jiang Xi's response, so my heart sank. As expected, this way couldn't arouse a little favor.

What he didn't know was that Jiangxi was sitting on the sofa at home, with question marks and a dull face.

She doesn't know whether she should shock the variety show first, or become Bai Cha's boyfriend when she meets the scene, or have a boyfriend with Bai Cha and make a friendly inquiry with Lin mushou

Jiang Xi was so sad that she poked a hole in the sofa with her finger.

While waiting for the scene, Jiang Xi coughed and asked him, "are you really the one who came to my house for dinner?"

When the scene did not expect her to remember this, she should say, "yes, aunt."

"I don't believe it."

Jiang Qian said without hesitation.


When it comes to the occasion, he is dumb for a moment.

"I want the video."

Then the video came.

When he saw the scene, he ran to his bedroom. Although he had recovered for some time, when he ran, his foot was still like stepping on a knife.

Despite the pain, he almost rushed into the room in a panic. As soon as he got home, he untied his tie. Now he quickly opened the drawer and picked out a steady tie to tie his neck.

Standing in front of the floor mirror, he quickly straightened out his instrument, pulled a short hair to make himself look more neat. Then he connected the video and looked straight at the camera.


Jiang Xi, sitting on the sofa, breathed back. She kept leaning back. She felt like she was going to breathe.

"Auntie, are you ok?"

When the scene frowned, do not understand her reaction is happy or unhappy.

"It's OK, it's OK." Jiang Xi tried her best to ease her breath, staring at him directly, "it's really you, but it's impossible. Am I dreaming... Wait a minute, it's not the white tea girl who fooled me with high technology. I used it in high school

Fake video cheated me at school. No, you follow me. "

With that, Jiang Xi compared her scissors hands to the camera.


When the scene, standing there, looking at a serious and lovely Jiang Xi, the whole person petrified for two seconds, or obediently raised his hand than a lovely scissors.

"Blink." "Just blink," she ordered


When the scene, holding scissors hands silently blink.

I can follow you! It's not fake!


Jiangxi is a burst of crazy breathing, almost fell on the sofa.

Mom, it's so cute.

How can this child be so lovely? It's better to have a son.

"Auntie?" He looked at her in amazement and put down his hand.

"Don't put your hands down, keep your scissors hands and blink your eyes." Janice orders him again.


When the scene to resist the bottom of my heart, once again obediently raised the scissors hand.

Jiang Xi shakes her hands and takes a screen shot.

Cut it! Cut it!

"Well, auntie, I want to talk to you about the variety show tonight." Speak up when you need to.

"Well, you say, you say."

"Don't worry about it. I'll solve it. In addition, I want to tell you..."

When the scene, Jiang Qian has lowered her head to cut out the video and turned out the scissors hand and blinking screen.

Oh, the more you look, the more lovely you are.

Handsome and lovely, actually really white tea that girl's way.

It's a pity that parents should be so sad.

Set up a screen saver.


Jiang Xi decisively changes her baby daughter on her mobile phone desktop into a suitable one.After the video communication with Jiang Xi, when the scene was coming, she received several calls from Bai Cha's mobile phone, including her father, FA Xiaotao, the worries of her elders, and the calls from Wan Cheng and Jiang Tang.

It's all about asking for concerns.

It took three hours to handle these calls.

I'm afraid it would take more than three hours for her to answer it all by herself. She doesn't need to explain these unnecessary things now.

Sit down by the bed, stretch out your hand to untie your tie, and see a new message pop up on Baicha's mobile phone——

Ye Hua: don't worry. I'll deal with it

Without asking, without a lot of worry, he will deal with it.

When the scene, low eyes looking at this message, eyes cold, and then send text in the past.

Bai Cha: I'm her boyfriend. Thank you for your concern. I'll take care of her business

This message sent to the past, Ye Hua never reply, disappeared silent.

It's been a while, and there's no new call.

In response to the scene, he put down his mobile phone, walked out of the room, walked through the living room and pushed open the door of white tea.

As soon as I pushed it away, the light inside was very dark, leaving only a small wall lamp.

He stood at the door and looked in. On the big bed, they both fell asleep. Lin Mu followed the octopus and wanted to be entangled with Bai cha.

The quilt was kicked to her feet, white tea was lying there, one hand unconsciously explored to the side, trying to touch the quilt.

Seeing this, he went over to Lin Mu and grabbed her by the hand. Then he unfolded the quilt and covered them.

With the warmth of the quilt, the frown of white tea soon stretched out, happily and freely turned over, facing the outside.

When the scene in her bed squat down, low eyes staring at her eyebrows, hand hook her cheek hair to the ear, showing a white and soft face.

He lowered his head, thin lips gently imprinted on the corners of her lips.

White tea lay on her side, unconsciously opening her lips and licking.


My throat was tense when I was in the scene. I thought I would not sleep well tonight.


The next morning, white tea woke up a little confused.

After such a big event, Bai Cha found that she could sleep all night. She was heartless.

How did you fall asleep yesterday?

Oh, yes, she and Lin Mu are locked up in the room and can't go anywhere. Lin Mu uses the TV to surf the Internet and check the news on the Internet. As expected, she finds that this period of campus bullying has become a hot search, and the comments below are going up crazily. Comments are basically divided into several groups, the most of which are crazy boasting that Zhou Chunxi is a kind fairy, and all kinds of praise words emerge one after another; One is discussing the possibility of campus bullying; The rest of the people are acting as insiders

There were all kinds of so-called inside information in those years, so the public had another crazy discussion about these inside information. Bai Cha is just fine. The program has made her a victim, so there are very few people who have buried her. Her micro blog is full of support, encouragement and a lot of fans.