Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1407


White tea couldn't help laughing, and the tears hanging in her eyes fell down.

When it comes to the occasion, she lowers her head and gently kisses away the tears on her face.

White tea closed her eyes, long eyelashes trembled and let him kiss.

"What to do?"

He suddenly asked, dry lips have a little wet, it is her tears.

White tea opened her eyes and looked at her suspiciously. When she met the scene, she looked at her straightly. "My girlfriend was provoked to cry. I want to revenge a little."

Smell speech, white tea Zheng Zheng Zheng, see between his eyebrows and eyes serious, not in joke, she opened lips, "not as."

She didn't know that he was so vindictive.

"I can ask Zhou Chunxi to leave the show early." He said.

There are some means he doesn't have, just disdains to use.

Bai Cha shook her head. "In fact, it's better for me to quarrel with Zhou Chunxi, so as not to have face to face. As long as we don't draw lots in the future, I don't believe she will come to talk about old friends with me."


When the scene looked at her, noncommittal.

White tea pulled his sleeve and said again, "really don't use it."

Seeing her insistence, it's not easy to say anything when it comes to the occasion, but she only makes a light jaw.

Seeing this, Bai Cha was relieved, and then said, "you're very cruel. Anyway, she used to be your friend."

"From the moment she calculated me, she was not my friend."

When the scene, the expression of the tunnel.


White tea nodded, yes, no longer a friend.


Bai Cha thinks that she and Zhou Chunxi will end up in this quarrel, and the fact seems to be like that. The recording of the second phase was very successful, and the program team did not hype that she and Zhou Chunxi were old school friends. Zhou Chunxi only nodded faintly when meeting her face to face. After the recording, the young screenwriter of the same age was eliminated


When the first issue of "actors and scripts" was broadcast, the third issue had just been recorded, and Bai Cha took the bottom position. In fact, one of the old playwrights wrote a very fake book, which is full of gorgeous words, no emotion, and no logic, but it is praised as a high-profile work that ordinary people can't understand


Her works are not excellent enough to stand out completely, and the bottom can only be the bottom.

However, when she was taken back to the villa, the frustration disappeared.

Aunt Xu and Lin Mu prepared a barbecue in the courtyard, hung a lot of balloons, and pulled a very vulgar banner on the door, but the calligraphy on it was not vulgar——

Congratulations on master and father's first step in conquering the sea of stars

It was written by Lin Mu.

White tea stands in the courtyard, looking at the word, laughing to headache.

"Come on, brother Ling Yu, help move the TV set. It's going to start soon!"

Lin Mu pulls Ling Yu to move a large TV to the door, facing the door.

When the feet are still in the recovery period, they should not be subject to gravity, so they take the white tea and sit down at the long table in the courtyard.

Aunt Xu put the baked food in front of them one by one.

Several people just sat in the courtyard eating and drinking to watch the premiere of this variety show. As soon as the time came, the program began, Lin Mu waved his chicken wings, "master first! Master is the best


White tea looked at her innocent face and couldn't help laughing.

OK The next time I will prepare water, I will be promoted, and I won't let this good apprentice lose face.

"Come on, white tea, I'll give you a toast!"

Ling Yu opened a bottle of wine and made white tea.

Seeing this, white tea naturally picked up a bottle of wine. As soon as it was opened, the wine was snatched by Yingjing. When Yingjing held the bottle, he touched Ling Yu and drank it.


Sitting there, Bai Cha suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by these two men when they were drunk in S City, so she quietly put away the rest of the wine on the table and concentrated on watching the premiere.

Looking at it, Lin Mu was so depressed that he could not even eat the chicken wings. "What, give master a 2-second shot of text introduction in 40 minutes?"

"I'm not an actor. Why do I need so many shots?" White tea does not care to smile, "besides, may be I have been eating peanuts, the camera is not elegant.""It's not that there are sponsors of snack brands. They should be eager for what you eat. If they don't give the camera, they won't give it. There are so many reasons."

Lin Mu said angrily.

"Come on, I'm not running out." Bai Cha handed her a bunch of mushrooms.

Lin Mu took a big bite.

After making a lot of noise, Ling Yu suddenly said, "here we are!"

White tea turned her eyes and saw Ling Yu sit up straight and watch TV.

She turned her eyes again and saw that she had put down her food when she met the scene. She was sitting in front of her face and was watching TV with her black eyes.

Even aunt Xu came and looked forward to it.

Bai Cha had known the whole process for a long time, so she didn't feel much about it. She stood up silently to cook for them.

"I can't see that Zhou Chunxi's performance is very good."

Lin Mu had some accidents.

"A script that is tailor-made naturally needs extra points."

He spoke in a cool voice.

Lin Mu vomited and continued to look.

The white tea barbecue was very enjoyable, and cumin powder was sprinkled on the meat slices. Only the judgment of the Qin emperor came from the TV, and every word was directed to her.

Qin Huang was really good to her and encouraged her all the time. Someone told her in the program that her book was rotten. He told her in a low voice not to try to refute these big men in the performing arts circle, and then came forward to refute others for her.

Bai Cha was thinking about whether the emperor of Qin was so kind to her and wanted to give her some gifts. She heard the host's voice coming from the TV——

"What we don't know is that they suffered from campus bullying in high school."

If it is hit by lightning.

The condiment bottle in Bai Cha's hand fell to the ground. She opened her eyes and looked at the TV in disbelief.

Sitting at the table, Ling Yu and Lin Mu look back at her in amazement. The TV has begun to broadcast interview videos. At this time, the program team finally gave her a shot, but not her immediate reaction. Instead, she cut the picture of her tears spinning in her eyes when she watched the performance after the film, as if she mentioned

It's very sad

What's more, there are some additional records, On the stage, the host praised them for their courage to fight against Campus bullying. No, he praised them, mainly Zhou Chunxi.

Zhou Chunxi was desperate to save his friend, who almost suffered from depression.

If you don't know the truth, white tea will feel Zhou Chunxi is a chivalrous woman.

At that moment, she finally understood what is shameless. Director Wang Cheng clearly promised that she would not broadcast this segment, but now, it clearly appears in the program, with sensational music.