Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1250

In the past, when it was time to finish school, the people waiting in front of the milk tea bar all lined up in the square, but now, they didn't even queue up.

Too light business led to a few employees in the toilet to run in the name of three urgent.

White tea alone in front of the milk tea bar, serving the rare guests.

Feeling someone leaning over, she immediately raised her head with a smile on her face and said, "welcome. What would you like to drink?"

Standing outside the milk tea bar, wearing a simple white shirt, he was looking down at the mobile phone. When he heard the words, he looked up at her, which was a bit unexpected.

"What happened to you at the weekend?"

White tea looked at him strangely.

"I'm... Experimenting in the conference room." When the scene happened, his eyes moved and he said, "aren't you working on it?"

She works so hard that she always wants to find time to come back to work for a while. So he has asked the HR manager to arrange for her to work in the script. Recently, she is very idle.

"There are no guests up there, so I'll come down and help."

Bai Cha didn't think much about it. He thought he heard it from Zhou Chunxi. Since he knew that she was working here, Zhou Chunxi worried that she was too tired and asked in detail.


When the scene, jaw head, holding a mobile phone, said, "then I went first."

Bai Cha looks at him askew and sees that his brow is slightly locked, much like when she forces him to eat dishes he doesn't like.


I'm not in a good mood.

"You wait."

Bai Cha stopped him.

When looking back at her, white tea opens the glass cabinet next to it, takes out fresh strawberries and starts to clean them. With wet fingers, she skillfully picks up the cup and turns a circle in her hand.

Strawberries are squeezed into a delicious red juice.

When the scene, standing there, watching her hand movements, a drop of strawberry juice fell on her white fingertips.

With the milk, she picked up the lid and put it on. She skillfully shook it up and down, playing with a set of tricks. Finally, she poured it into a glass with ice cubes, and a strawberry milkshake was ready.

White tea picked up a straw and put it in. Then cut some strawberries and spread them on it. Lay a thick layer. Put a small spoon beside the cup.

"Strawberry milkshake, please."

White tea pushes strawberry milkshake out.

Looking at the thick layer of strawberries on the top, the Adam's Apple could not help but move. The eyebrows were slightly loose. He reached for the milkshake, lowered his head and took a sip. He turned around and said, "thank you."

"20 yuan, thank you. Cash or mobile payment?"

White tea looks at him with a smile.


Yingjing jet lag point was choked, lift eyes not happy to stare at her, "not please me?"

"I've thickened your strawberries. That's interesting enough." White tea to his hand, "the recent economic tension in the shop, please contribute more."

"Then you can brush your cell phone."

That's what we call inviting him.

"No, I'm the one who has to pay the debt. How do you mean to pit me for 20 yuan?" White tea is full of resistance.

He was trapped for 1.5 million yuan without being called. What can she call him.

When responding to the scene, he glanced at her sullenly and looked at the milkshake cup that he had drunk. He had to take out his mobile phone and transfer the payment QR code to swipe the bill.

"Thank you for your patronage."

Bai Cha smiles and bows her head to him.


When the scene, calm face turned to leave, and hard to drink a milkshake, cold sweet greasy let him a little more comfortable.

White tea raised her face, looking at the background when she went in, smiling at the corner of her mouth.

It's not about 20 yuan.

Subconsciously, it's a habit to make strawberry drinks for him. It's her discretion not to ask why he worries and asks for money.

This life, he is not her who can step 800 meters distance, she will not shorten a centimeter.

White tea put away the mind, clean the cup.

Being doing something, the fat supervisor angrily came in from the outside and patted the table, "white tea! Give me a glass of ice water! "

White tea quickly took a glass of water, added ice and handed it to him, "what's the matter, so angry?"

"The dead eight women in the opposite family, I wish their husband and wife a long life, and no one will die!"The fat supervisor gnashed his teeth in anger. Bai Cha knows who he's talking about. The opposite company, which is run by Ling Yu's father and stepmother, is making progress every day. Even she has been interviewed by the opposite HR manager. She can get some information from these people and then run the business

Mode fully replicates upup,

"No agreement?"

White tea asked with a frown.

UPUP Part of the problem is the rumors. After they poach people every day, they are told that the boss and the supervisor are all obscene men and the female employees below. They can't bear to change their jobs.

What's more, bosses and supervisors like pranks. When they see a bad looking guest in the monitor, they use toilet water to entertain them.

One sentence at a time seems to be similar to the other. Exaggerated bad things always spread more and more widely. Naturally, few people will patronize them again.

After a long time of investigation, the supervisors found the girl who started to make rumors. The girl jumped from upup.

Today, the fat supervisor went to find the girl, just to let her conscience find out that the boss behind the scenes is the boss who is making progress every day, so as to take the case to court and solve upup's current dilemma from the root.

It looks like it collapsed.

"No talk!" The fat supervisor wanted to break the cup. "The woman opposite must have given the girl money, but the girl insisted that no one told her to sue her."


Bai Cha has met Ling Yu's stepmother. It's really not a good thing“ The opposite is absolutely tasted the sweetness of our business model, we want to collapse, a dominant! Damn it The fat executive patted the table and said, "competition is normal. With these dirty tricks, we say we are obscene. White tea, you say, we are

Ever molested you? Did the boss molest you? "

"Of course not."

At first, she really thought the store was strange, but after staying for a long time, she found that the three directors were really lovely, and the boss she had never met was really kind-hearted.

"That's it! Our boss's reputation will be ruined by the dead woman on the other side! " The fat supervisor was so angry that he said, "no, I'll go to a meeting and discuss with the boss how to solve it."

"Has the boss come yet?"

White tea surprised.

Milk tea bar is the first way for customers to enter upup. Why didn't she see the boss.

"Yes, it's bad luck for the boss, too. It happened when he was young." The fat supervisor pushed the empty cup and waved away.


White tea blinks. Does the boss come in through other doors?


Does that sound like it's going towards forty?

Maybe it's still young for business people.

Part time job for so long, I haven't met the boss, how can I say that I have borrowed a million from others? Should I thank them face to face