Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1251

Meeting room, when the scene sitting at a table, watching the three directors there wantonly scold the opposite day up, pursed lips silent.

He picked up the milkshake cup in front of him and ate a spoon full of strawberries.

"Xiao Ying, can you still eat? You've been demonized by them. " The fat supervisor was even more depressed when he looked at the scene.

"I'm going to have a meeting for you to think of a way, not for you to swear here."

When the scene, cold tunnel“ According to me, Xiao Ying, please don't hide behind the scenes, just come out and make it public that you are the real boss of upup. This method is the simplest and most effective. You can be ashamed of the girl who says you are obscene, and you don't want to see what she looks like, Xiao Ying

Should always be able to look up to her? " The personnel manager said excitedly, "moreover, as soon as your identity is made public, all the female customers from several schools nearby are ours!"

The other two nodded desperately.

When the scene, three words are famous in this area. If you know that he is the boss of upup, those girls will not rush up like crazy.

It's nothing to be afraid of.

"You want me to sell color?"

Take a cold look at them when it comes to the occasion“ That's not to say. Mr. Xiaoying, upup has made a lot of money for two years, but you have a big heart and always want to expand. At present, two projects are expanding and two branches are in the process of preparation. Upup's working capital is not much and can't play

After a long price war, at this juncture, you lend out another million... "A supervisor frowned and said, "If upup doesn't make any more money, how long can we keep the store with the rest of it?"

Turn your eyebrows when you need to.

"Don't talk about that million dollars, white tea is difficult to borrow." The personnel manager helped to speak.

"I know it's Xiao Yingzong's girlfriend, but upup looks ok now. In fact, it can't. any sum of money should be used on the blade, shouldn't it? If that million is still there, we can at least do a positive marketing. "

With that, the three directors argued.

"All right."

When the scene will be the hands of the milkshake cup heavily on the table, black eyes coldly looking at them, "this matter I solve alone, in order to avoid excessive loss, upup first closed for a week."

"I see."

The three bowed their heads.


The door was suddenly knocked.

"Who is it?"

The fat director was annoyed, and his tone was poor.

"I'm white tea. I think we've been in the meeting room for so long. We'll send some water and snacks in."

The sound of white tea sounded outside.


When the scene of the Mou Guang a tight, turn the MOU to see to the fat director, shook the head.

Fat director knew that he never liked to show his identity, so he said, "no, we have water here."

"... oh."

White tea was stunned outside and had to quit.

The meeting was held for a long time. When the three directors came out, white tea heard that they had announced the closure of business for a week. During the closure period, the salary was calculated at half price.

All the employees look at each other and convey a meaning that upup is really going to be finished.

White tea stood there, looking at the heavy faces of the executives, can't help but some sigh.

When she first came to upup, the popularity here was terrible, but now

When the employees left one after another, Bai Cha was held by the HR manager, "Bai Cha, you can continue to live here. This is upup's access card."

"Thank you, manager."

It's impossible not to be moved by the white tea.

"It's OK. Give me your room card. The boss said he would go back to his room to get something." The manager said.

"Ah, am I the only one with the room card?"

Bai Cha was surprised. She thought her room card was spare.

"Of course, let you a girl live, the boss a man still holding a room card at any time in and out of it The manager said with a smile.


Bai Cha gives the room card.

She has lived here for such a long time. The boss has never come back to use the room. He only gave her a room card. Moreover, upup must need money when it is in trouble, but he has never urged her to pay back the 1 million yuan.It's very unpleasant that such a decent man is so vilified.


When the scene, a person with room card brush into the door, press the switch on the wall.

The bright light lit up the whole living room, clean and spotless. Except for a folded quilt on the sofa and a small suitcase standing by the wall, the rest were the same as when he left.

She sleeps in the living room?

In response to the scene, he twisted his eyebrows, raised his feet and went to the room. As soon as he opened the door, he saw that there was no sign of moving inside.

White tea didn't occupy his room.

He went to the wall, pushed open the picture on the wall, exposed the safe inside, and reached for the code.

Inside are some important materials of upup.

He took out one by one, and finally took out a card from inside. This is the red envelope he received from his elders when he was growing up. He didn't see the specific amount, but it was absolutely enough to tide over the current difficulties. His elders never count the money zero.

When you stand in front of the safe, your slender fingers suddenly hold the card, so that your fingers are white and full of reluctance.

He inherited his father's conceit. He never thought that one day he would depend on the money from his family to support his business.

The doorbell suddenly rang outside.

When the scene, close the safe, take the card out, just about to make a sound, white tea voice suddenly came from the outside, "boss, are you there? I'm white tea. "


When the scene to the mouth, immediately swallow back, swallow cough up, he was embarrassed to cover his mouth, do not let the outside people hear his voice.


White tea with tea stood outside, called a few times, did not get any response.

Didn't you say you came in to get something?

Why is nobody here?

Why is it so hard for her to apologize face to face.

She was a little strange, but she didn't bother much. She was about to go out with her tea when her mobile phone suddenly shook.

Bai Cha sat down on the stairs, put the tray on her lap, took out her mobile phone and had a look. It was the message from the boss.

I'm in a bad mood. If you want to be quiet for a while, you can go down first

It's inside.

White tea stood up and put the tray on the floor at the door. "Boss, I made you a cup of tea and put it at the door. If you want to drink, come out and take it."

Her response was silence.

It seems that the mood is really bad.

White tea want to go, think and can't help but return to the way, "boss, there's nothing can't pass the ridge, everything will be better, our collective staff believe you! come on. I'll try to pay back the money, too! "

She encouraged the people in it with the chicken soup.

With that, afraid of the boss's annoyance, white tea is about to leave, and the mobile phone shakes up again. She takes it up, and it's the boss's message again.

If you like to say so much, please say more

Is the boss mocking her for talking too much?

Bai Cha smiles bitterly, closes her mouth and leaves. The message comes back.

I'm upset

"..." white tea has a black thread. It's not mocking her. The boss wants to drink chicken soup.