Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1249

Wan Cheng's face is full of deep meaning.

The heat wave rolled in the middle of the table, and white tea sat diagonally opposite him,

"It's nothing."

White tea denied.

In response to the scene, he lowered his eyes and listened. He picked up the scallop meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

"I don't believe it." Wan Cheng looks like a famous detective who can see through the truth.

"Believe it or not."

Bai Cha is too lazy to pay attention to him. Seeing that Zhou Chunxi likes scallops, she pushes her share in front of her.

Zhou Chunxi took it with a smile and said to Wan Cheng, "you like to make a fuss every day for fear that the world will not be in chaos, right? No more white tea. "

"I'm not making a fuss. I'm justified, OK?"

Wan Cheng bit a piece of barbecue and said, "Bai Cha has taken on more than one million foreign debts for Ling Yu. Xiao Chunxi, I ask you, do you dare to do this?"


Zhou Chunxi wanted to speak for white tea, but he was dumb as soon as he opened his mouth.

Without saying a word, she can't be so decisive when she carries more than one million foreign debts for her friend.

Seeing this, the eye light changed when the scene happened, and looked at the white tea.

She really didn't hesitate.

He suddenly thought of her and Zhou Chunxi's book. She nodded at the question of whether she liked Ling Yu.

He's eating scallop meat. It's not good“ See, you don't dare, so I don't believe you, sister Cha, if you say you don't have any idea about Ling Yu. " Wan Cheng said with emotion, "Oh, there are only five people in total. You four are self-produced and self sold internally. What can I do


With this thought, Wan Cheng painfully stuffed another piece of beef into his mouth.

Well, it's tender.

When the scene is about to speak, white tea has been unable to listen, speechless way, "if you need urgent money today, I can borrow it, then I like you too?"


Hearing this, Wan Cheng choked and looked at Bai Cha, "are you willing to pay for me?"

"Is there a problem?"


Wan Cheng looked at her in shock, and then shook his head foolishly. His eyes were moved, as if Bai Cha had been in debt for him. "Elder tea sister, I really didn't cross you as a friend. Come here, I'll give you a piece of beef, I'll give you all."

The voice choked.



White tea helplessly smile, picked up the plate to pick up the beef, head down to eat. I thought this topic would be skipped, and WAN Cheng asked, "sister Cha, do you really dislike Ling Yu? Not a bit of a mind? In fact, Ling Yu is very good. He's very handsome without the aura threat of Shige. He's also very righteous. He used to be

A little bit of a flower maniac. "

White tea head is painful, "Wan Cheng, what's the matter with you? One moment, you think you're self-produced and self sold, one moment, you want to be a matchmaker?"

"Don't I think it's a good match for you two to hold together?"

Wancheng is sincere.

"For you!" White tea turns my eyes.

"Then you don't like Ling Yu. What kind of people do you like?" Wan Cheng does not give up and wants to lead a red line.

After that, Zhou Chunxi looked at her with great interest and stopped eating scallops.

"... what am I doing?"

Bai Cha feels that her head is going to explode. Is she here to eat or to be punished?

Zhou Chunxi chuckled, "I also want to know what kind of people you like."

White tea's long eyelashes moved, subconsciously a lift, a glance swept that person, a quick eye, fast no one noticed.

I saw when the scene with a glass in front of me, I turned my head and looked at the night outside the window. I wasn't interested in such a topic and didn't listen at all.

White tea sat there, tugging at the corners of her mouth and smiling. A touch of bitterness passed quickly through her eyes. "I like people I can't get in my life."

Smell speech, when the scene turned around, eyes fell on her face, thin lips pursed.


Zhou Chunxi was stunned there.

Wan Cheng looked at her inexplicably, "what does it mean to like people who are impossible to get?"

"Self understanding."Baicha doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

A meal was finished in Wancheng's fierce pursuit, and the white tea was really hard to eat. When it was time to check out, she took out her mobile phone, one of which had been put on the table, and the payment QR code was on the screen.

The waiter swiped away the money.


Bai Cha looked up in amazement and said to his dark eyes, "Ling Yu asked me to pay for it. He wants to thank you for your help. Let him pay for a meal so that he can feel more comfortable."

"I didn't say no to him." When the scene stood up, light tunnel, "I still mean that, without a few accounts, let him directly return me on the line."

"... oh."

White tea think that there is some truth, then nodded, put his cell phone back.

She has a good relationship with Ling Yu when she comes to the occasion. In this way, she doesn't have to worry about 500000 yuan. She only cares about the one million yuan she owes her boss.


Back in the dormitory, Zhou Chunxi insisted on practicing dance.

Compared with her, white tea is a dreg. After taking a bath, she lies in bed, regardless of the world.

Play for a while mobile phone, white tea out of the boss's contact information, send information in the past——

Hello, boss, I'm Bai cha. My classmate's mother has had a liver replacement operation, and the operation is very smooth. Thank you for your help

A moment later, the message came back.

It's OK

Two simple words.

White tea sent a message again.

Boss, I'm conservative this year that I can only pay back three or four thousand yuan a month. But you can rest assured that I will definitely pay back the money with interest, not more than eight years at most

She worked hard to write, and with the money Ling Yu earned in the future, she should be able to return it in eight years.

The boss is kind-hearted and doesn't say anything about the way of repayment. She's the only one to mention it.

This time, it took a long time for the opposite party to send a message back. There should be something else busy.

Just give me your classmate's contact information and count it as the one he borrowed directly from me, so you don't have to pay for him in the middle


What kind of immortal boss? He thinks so much about his employees.

UPUP It's just natural not to make a lot of money.

White tea takes a deep breath and sends text——

Thank you, boss. I'll send you my classmate's contact information, but this is to make you feel at ease. I'll still return the money with him as soon as possible


White tea sat up from the bed and looked at the six dots for a long time, but still didn't understand what it meant.

Is this happy or unhappy?

Early return or no early return?

After thinking about it for a long time, Bai Cha decided not to disturb the boss, but didn't reply. She lay back, put up her mobile phone, said good night to Zhou Chunxi and went to sleep.


Ling Yu's mother's affair came to an end, white tea embarked on the road of no return for the classmate debt.

She makes use of all her rest time to work harder in upup. But upup's business is obviously getting weaker and weaker.