Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1232


Zhou Chunxi was stunned, as if to understand her meaning, some heart, and hesitated, "but I'm in the training class, my mother is staring at me, I can't get out."

"It's a great opportunity to improve your relationship. Are you really not coming?"

Bai Cha asked in her raincoat.

"..." Zhou Chunxi hesitated for a long time over there, and finally said, "no, I can't come out, white tea. When you help him, he will have a game next week. Don't get sick in the rain, it will affect his performance."

"Little sister, you really don't defend me. You're a lonely man and a lonely girl. You're not afraid to think about me when you meet the situation?"

White tea teased.

Chou chuckled, "no way."

"Miss, you seem to insult me by answering so firmly." White tea black line.

She doesn't deserve to be moved, does she?

"No, I didn't mean that." Zhou Chunxi quickly explained, "I mean, you won't... Eh... Won't..."

She is out of words.

"Not what?" White tea has some helplessness.

"In Wancheng's words, you won't pry my corner." Zhou Chunxi seems to be covering his hands in a low voice, but also seems to feel wrong, quickly said, "no, that is not my corner."


He has always been.

White tea wry smile, there Zhou Chunxi how to say can't pull away from the training class, can only ask her to help when the scene.

The little lover asked her to help her husband in her last life

She really owes them.

I don't know when I will be able to achieve the right result.

White tea riding a little donkey forward, looking at the people under the eaves, turn around to see, also don't know where to sell umbrella, or on the Internet to make a list of errands?

Just thinking about it, I saw that the elder brother had taken off the bag on his shoulder and put it on his head. He was ready to rush into the rain.

damn you.

Is it that urgent?

Do you have the consciousness that you are the light of the motherland?

Bai Cha frowned. Without thinking much, she took off her raincoat and stopped a couple passing by. "Excuse me, could you please give this raincoat to the fool who wants to rush into the rain?"


Little lovers see her all wet blink eyes, in the end fool is talking about who ah.

"Thank you."

Bai Cha nodded to them, then held the handle of the donkey, turned around and rushed into the rain without looking back. Her wet work clothes were close to her body, and her eyes were so fascinated that she could hardly see the road.

When he stood under the building, the rain didn't stop outside. He held up his bag and was about to rush out, so he heard "wait a minute!"


He raised his eyes and saw a couple with an umbrella coming towards him.

The girl's eyes brightened when she saw the scene, and the boy immediately covered her eyes in a fierce way, "you can't hold it when you see a handsome man, you can't find a fight."

"Hello, a girl asked me to give you this raincoat," she said with a smile


Frown at the occasion.

"Just there, and now it's gone." The girl pointed to the roadside, pulled down the boy's hand and said with a smile, "the girl must like you, regardless of the heavy rain, told us to give you the raincoat."


When the scene, subconsciously looking to the side of the road, in the heavy rain, a row of pine stand upright, no half figure.

He shakes away his raincoat. It's just a common black raincoat. There are signs everywhere, all of which are wet with rain.

Suddenly, he didn't know what to think of. He opened the collar of his raincoat and saw the words "upup" printed on it. Everything belonging to the store was printed with the logo.

Back at upup, the three main managers have been waiting for him in the conference room.

When the scene came, he went in and reached for the wet hair in front of his forehead. The HR Manager at the conference table looked at him and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao Ying, are you in the rain?"

In this shop, only three managers knew that they were behind the scenes when the situation was right. The people at the bottom thought that they were the partners.

It's just a shop, which can't reach the level of calling Yingzong. It's the three of them who make fun of it. When it comes to scenery, this person doesn't care what they say as long as the shop is profitable."I didn't get wet."

Go to the conference table and sit down.

"It's true that our Xiaoying always fascinates thousands of women. Even if the weather is going to rain on you, the little girls are rushing out to block the rain." The personnel manager laughs.

Smell speech, when the scene hook lip smile, some lazy evil spirit, raise black eyes to see in the past, "I hope you will report part-time employees can not stay so smooth."


The remaining two couldn't help laughing.

Have nothing to provoke small should always, don't know small should always or don't make a sound, a sound can choke?


The personnel manager put the papers in his face.

When he opened the document in front of him, a drop of rain fell on the paper. He pursed his lips and suddenly raised his head and asked, "is there a raincoat missing in the shop today?"

"Mr. Xiao Ying, do you want to take care of this small matter?" One manager was stunned. "I didn't care."

There is the amount of material scrap in the store, as long as it does not exceed, who cares about the specific.

The personnel manager sat there, turned his eyes, a look I all know, "Mr. Xiao Ying, do you want to ask white tea? I know that it's not easy for you to keep her for a part-time job. "

"White tea?"

The eye color becomes deep when the scene comes.

"Yes, she came back in the rain today. She said that the raincoat in the shop was broken. She bought a new raincoat for compensation." The HR manager said, "I just told her that there is a damage limit in the store and there is no need to pay for it."

It's really her.

His intuition

When the scene, pursed his lips, the other two managers smell a face gossip, "how, we should always have a little girl friend? Which one? "

"Isn't it beautiful? It must be beautiful. Xiaoying always looks absolutely beautiful? "

The HR manager was excited to discuss with them. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the smile on his lips.

He's smiling. He's smiling amiably. He's smiling.

"Chat, I have a holiday today. I'm very free. You chat. I'll just check your quarterly bonus."


Three people silently open the folder, "meeting, meeting."


In the afternoon, Bai Cha felt that the atmosphere in the shop was inexplicable.

She is learning to make milk tea, suddenly feel sharp in the back, she looked back, saw a chubby man lying on the bar, smiling at her.

She shakes her hand and drizzles it with milk tea.

"Ouch, be careful. Don't burn such a delicate hand." The man said hastily, "use cold water to excite quickly, quickly."


Later, I heard that this man was one of the directors of the store. He had great power in managing upup from top to bottom. Bai Cha suspected that he might be a pervert, so he hid everywhere.