Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1231

After the video phone call, Bai Cha sat down at the tea table and began to do her homework.

With the memory of recovery and the education of the occasion, white tea can also do some problems now, but when it comes to the big problems, she stops cooking.

In the dead of night, the white tea card was a little uncomfortable. I couldn't help looking at the depressed little robot, "mieba, if I give you a ball and then give you a corner, can you calculate the shadow area?"

"Can you calculate the shadow area of my heart at the moment?"

Asked the little robot, with a large white paper on his forehead, like being sealed.


Bai Chamo decided to leave the question blank and listen to the little robot humanity, "I'm an EQ robot, and the question belongs to my brother IQ robot. If you show me the world, I can ask for you."

"Who is your brother?"

"Death servant."


Well done!

White tea turned her eyes and reached out to take off the white paper. The little robot immediately sighed, "ah, the world is so beautiful."


White tea is speechless.

S city is bustling at night, but the mountain is very quiet. There is only a little wind. The cliff is steep, and the villas built on the edge of the cliff are dark.

Suddenly, a light came on in a room.

He sat up from the bed when he was dressed in grey household clothes. His slender five fingers pressed his head. Listening to the childish voice from outside, he felt tired and couldn't sleep.

He picked up his cell phone and sent a message to his cousin Mu Jingluo——

If you don't take your two stupid robots away, I'll smash them

After sending, he threw the mobile phone aside, lifted the quilt and got up to go out. As soon as I turn on the light, I see the little robot sliding all over the floor. While sliding, it is like a senior tutor teaching the problem-solving steps. After teaching mathematics, chemistry and physics, the little robot that has not been able to use function for a hundred years at home is very excited at the moment


When the scene, leaning against the door, arms in both hands, coldly looking at it, "death attendant, what are you doing?"

“Oh! Little star, did I wake you up? "

Seeing him, the little robot twists and turns on the floor.

"First, don't call me little star. Second, if you don't shut up, I'll throw you off the cliff."

When he was in the scene, he was very annoyed. He finally went to bed so early. Half of his sleep, he was awakened.

"Little star, I'm so excited. Do you know, there's a learning dregs in mieba. I can't do anything about mathematics, chemistry and animal husbandry. I finally have a place to use them!" The little robot twists and turns, "or, I'll teach her in the next room?"

The scum of mieba?

White tea.

Upup is a store he opened in his first year of high school. It's also the first time that he has run his own business on a formal scale. They don't even know Ling Yu.

This evening, when he stood at the window and looked down at the night scene, he saw that white tea came back with a bag on his back.

Next, he heard that she was looking for a part-time job and was anxious to find accommodation.

So he gave her his room and went back to his parents' wedding room in s city.

As soon as she lived, she used the robot as a training teacher.

"Tell Bai Cha that you can't grow by relying too much on others." He spoke with a faint voice.

UPUP The upstairs suite, white tea is doing the topic, do happy, listen to small out overbearing, "small tea, small star let us tell you, too dependent on others can't grow."


White tea a stay, this just hindsight ground reaction comes over, "dead attendants is in the boss there?"

It's embarrassing.

Boss, I think she's playing around with his robot, warning her

She said hastily, "help me say, I'm sorry I touched his things. By the way, how to turn it off? I haven't turned off the robot for a long time. "

"We're not that easy to shut down."

The little machine is humane, but still obedient to repeat the past.

If he knows where the off button of the two robots is, he doesn't have to wake up in the middle of the night.

It seems that we need to study these two little robots next time.

"Tell her that your problem-solving steps are too cumbersome and time-consuming. The bottom row of the living room bookshelves has a solution from the third book from the left, page 58."When he finished, he turned back to his room and lay back in bed, but he couldn't sleep.

He turned over on the bed, sat up abruptly, picked up his laptop, turned it on, clicked on the recorded video of the script, and began to look.

At the beginning of the wedding, the girl sat in her seat in gorgeous makeup, her fingers curled up a little bit, and her eyes on him were as sad and painful as those at school that night.

From the beginning of the game?

Then she's a born actress.

It's a long time to record the video. When it comes to the scene, you can see from the beginning to the end. The more frown you get, the deeper you get. Finally, you can't help but pick up your mobile phone to make a call.

"Mom, besides you, do you think there will be other reborn people in the world?"


UPUP My part-time job doesn't have much technical content, it's just a brick, which needs to be moved. In the morning, white tea is either called to entertain the guests, or to learn how to make milk tea in the milk tea bar, or to serve drinks and snacks to the conference room, board game room and VR room. It's so busy that it can't stop at a breath

Come down.

Suddenly it began to rain outside, and the workload was lightened.

"White tea, some raw materials are gone. You can go to this store and get the goods." A piece of paper with the address on it.


Bai Cha takes it over, puts on a raincoat, rides on a small electric donkey, and rushes out to the place two streets away. She takes the goods from the store, packs them in several layers of bags, puts them on the car, and drives away.

As she passed a towering building, she slammed on the brakes and stopped by the side of the road.

Through the rain and fog, she raised her eyes and saw that she was standing under the eaves watching the heavy rain and frowning. The young man in white shirt was handsome and slender, and even frowning was good-looking.

She remembered that Wan Cheng said that he would take part in a competition today, which should be here.

He picked up his mobile phone and took a look at it. He took a look at his wallet from his backpack and frowned deeper.

Nowadays, people are not used to carrying cash. If the mobile phone is dead without electricity, the door behind him has been closed. Obviously, there is no place to charge


Poor thing.

Bai Cha picked up her mobile phone and put it in her rain hat to dial Zhou Chunxi, "what are you doing?"

"I'm practicing dancing."

Zhou Chunxi was very happy when she called, "are you outside? Why is the rain so loud? "

"To tell you a good news, your student Ying is trapped in the competition building in Hetang street. He has no umbrella, no money, and his mobile phone has no electricity." White tea ceremony.

"Ah, how could that be?" Zhou Chunxi immediately became nervous, "are you nearby? Give him a hand now. "

"Can I help you? Miss, do you know what I mean? You should take a taxi to meet him and give him an umbrella. It's just time to make an appointment for lunch. " Bai Cha looked at the person under the building and saw that he was going to look this way. She backed back with her electric donkey.